You however are not a loser. You are one of the many woman that get taken in by someone who finally shows their true colors. We've all been there, sometimes for many more years than you experienced.
Don't beat yourself up!! Don't answer this guys emails, or phone calls. Don't respond in any way. And when you do see him, thank your lucky stars you escaped that torture. You are a smart woman. Some get in so deep they simply are in denial.
Why do you attract these types? It's not you really. All my girlfriends have had their share, including myself. Each one is a learning experience. Too bad some are such a waste of your time, sometimes for years. But with each relationship you learn more. Next time you'll be much more alert to your red flags. And they might be freaky too, and the next time you'll be even more alert!!
Dating is a dicey affair. It just feels worse when you've invested so much time.
My best friend had these boyfriends:
The urinator (yep, his sexual proclivity)
The strangler...that guy was scary
The drug addict and cheater (He was GORGEOUS)
The proctologist named Richard (and of course we had to call him "the Dick Doc"), much older and really needy
Dave. Not attractive, sweet guy, and he died
John. Not attractive, sort of screwed up, and he died.
Then there was the first husband. Turned out to be gay. I wonder why she didn't get that when he designed, and sewed her ornate wedding dress. He was an ass.
Then there is the present husband of 16 years. He was 15 years younger and from Europe. It is a relationship made in heaven. Surprised the heck out of her, really!
Me? Oh I've had a lot. Mostly losers. And all of them very long term relationships. The last? 25 Years with a clinically depressed man who is the love of my life.
So, are you alone? I've got more girlfriends I can list, but I think my buddy up there is a good example. Honey, there are too many frogs out there. Is it you? No way. It's the line up.
Hang in there. Something profound could happen when you least expect it. And forever, you can label this guy:
"The Foot Freak"
Add him to the list and move on.
Love, Molly