No Dear, I'm not thinking of any messy cream.A cream eliminates nothing but surface space, if even that.
It bothers me that you seem to be making an assumption about who the problem is, and I am tired of seeing so many women do this.
First off, I want to make clear that we are discussing an intensely personal subject here, and I want you to know that I intend no offense to you..
I am trying to assist the situation and am therefore offering suggestions and questions in that spirit *only*.
I am saying your hubby's 'fluid contribution' may have a component that is affecting you, whether it be pH-wise or some other way, and I am saying that IMO you two should eliminate that as a possibility, instead of *assuming* that *you* are the "problem". In light of the fact that sex with him preceeds the problem predictably, I think it would be dangerous to ignore this possibility.
If an infection happens predictably after you have had sex with hubby and you have identified this timing, then this is an infection you would not have had without hubby's interaction, no?
1.) So have you checked his pH?
2.) Have you checked your own? I didn't see it mentioned.
Doing this may provide much valuable information.
Additional questions:
3.) Is a personal lubricant or anything else in use?
4.) Have you done a 'fingernail check' ?(I mean of him..Getting really nitty gritty here..)
5.) Are tampons in use during your period? If so, how often are they changed?
IOW, have you a situation where 'dry friction' is an issue? *That* could produce trouble at both those times..
And lastly,
6.) Is hubby circumcised? Is he 'squeaky clean' as he gets out of the shower and into bed with you?
These questions are simply food for thought for yourself and hubby, you certainly *don't* have to answer them on this very public forum if you'd rather not..
But these were the questions I came up with while reading your first post, and is the reason for my reply.
The reason I am bringing this up is, if this infection occurs specifically after sex with your hubby, then there are *two* of you tangoing there, and *both* specifically need to be addressed, not just one.
Good Health,