Dear Raynbo,
I hope Healer George won't mind if I comment
on your situation, and add some suggestions
to the good ones he has already given you.
You mentioned that your long-lost love has
ended your relationship; the second time
that he broke your heart. You also mention
that he has been on anti-depressants all his
life; as many as 5 at a time.
It seems to me that God has saved you from
a life-long relationship that would have been
VERY, VERY stressful. Try to imagine what your life would
have been like, day to day, if you had married this man, 20 or 30 years ago, and had
to live, day to day, with his chronic depression -- not to mention the SEVERE side-
effects of anti-depressants. Many wives in that situation, end up being beaten and battered,
and even killed. Don't let you ego tell you
that you would have made a difference in his
life; that he wouldn't have been chronically
depressed had he married you way-back-when.
No, chances are good that you would have been
miserable, and rued the day you ever married
God saved you from that horrific scenario;
not once but twice. Instead of crying, get
down on your knees and thank God, the Universal Soul, for having the wisdom to know
what is best for you.
I urge you to return to your spiritual practices. You say that you have meditated
with enlightened beings. Do you know how
rare that is? Trust your intuition about
what form your meditation should take, and
where you should be, when you're doing it.
Begin reading good books about the spiritual
quest by writers like Eckhart Tolle, Swami
Rama, Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson,
Carolyn Myss, Anthony De Mello, and others.
Begin saying affirmations every day, preferably before you go to work in the morning. Go to the affirmations forum, and
read my post of about 10 days ago -- "Why
saying affirmations is important to you" --
and read some of the groups of affirmations
I've posted, and which I say regularly.
Create some affirmations of your own. especially one that addresses the situation
with your long-lost love. I've come to believe
that saying affimations regularly is a POWERFUL way to change your life for the better; to heal yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It certainly
works for me.
Perhaps you can find some people in your
community who need your love: old people
who are alone in nursing homes or hospices;
children who desperately need some gentle
TLC from a wise and gentle woman. Think
seriously about finding a way to Give Back.
Trust your intuition about how to do that.
You mentioned bladder pain. Chances are good
that those years of antibiotics killed off
all the good bacterial in your digestive
tract. In your place, Raynbo, I would be
taking digestive enzymes and probiotics with
every meal (which I do). I would eat watermelon every day, if possible. Watermelon
is wonderful at cleansing and healing the
urinary tract. I also recommend a supplement
which I've been using for years to protect
my urinary tract. It's called Uri Care, and
is made By Himalaya Herbs. The six ingredients in Uri Care are herbs from India,
with proven reputations. Himalaya's website is:
A bottle of 90 tablets costs less than $20.00
You also should be drinking LOTS of pure water. That alone will flush out all kinds off
toxins. Take a big thermos-full of water to
work with you; preferably home-distilled water.
Enough for now! I hope you listen to your Inner Guide, your deep intuition, and
follow the suggestions it gives you. You
won't be misled. I will keep your in my
prayers, Raynbo.