I need to share this... For all the sick people out there hoping to get better through amalgam removal, and to do so for cheap in
Last year, I went to Tijuana and got some dental work done with Morales. Since then I have half of my mouth paralyzed , maybe as a consequence of him (I wasn't aware) working on a tooth that had an amalgam, without taking any precautions whatsoever
! Months later I started having MS symptoms. Do your math.
A few weeks ago, my husband had some new x rays done, and all of the fillings (about 20) that Morales did for him, showed up as having some sort of METAL CONTENT. I was shocked!
We would have been even more disappointed, if it wasn't for the fact that we were already aware of the poor quality of his work, as most of it had to be redone a couple of weeks ago (by another competent dentist)...
It was a classic case of "you get what you pay for", and we still regret it... I know there's people pushing heavily for him on this forum, and I also wouldn't want to ruin some other person's only hope, but I felt compelled to share my testimonial. Were we extremely "unlucky"? Was the Dr. having a "bad day" on each of our appointments? I don't know. I give him the benefit of the doubt. I want to believe he is a good guy, probably overworked, or suffering the effects of mercury himself. I'm just painfully aware of the results of our Tijuana adventures.
I am glad that last time at his office they were about 4 hrs behind schedule, so we didn't have time to do my amalgams removal... I don't want to think what could have happened! That probably saved my life...
Beware, be well.
I got your email, thanks for your support and caring. Give me a call or I can call you. I'm sorry about what happened to you. I have not sent hardly anyone in a year and a half because of how I was treated. I have nearly 1500+ emails I did not answer and endless calls I did not return during that time.
I have no control over what other people choose to do in their life. If they cannot do the right thing, I do not support that.
Right people, right place, right plan : discerning the voice of God
The gift of discernment -- Your internal compass -- A feel for the real : discerning God's voice -- The nod of God : discerning God's will -- Right people, right place, right plan -- Right people -- Right place -- Right plan -- Uunlocking discernment -- Wait on the Lord -- Guarding the unguarded moments -- Unlocking discernment with prayer -- Discerning women always make a difference -- The discerning man is a real man -- Benefits of discernment -- Unmasking the marriage assassins -- Discerning sexual temptation -- Discernment to win your family -- A life worth remembering.
I agree http://www.amazon.com/Right-People-Place-Plan-Discerning/dp/0883682761 Right people, right place, right plan : discerning the voice of God The gift of discernment -- Your internal compass -- A feel for the real : discerning God's voice -- The nod of God : discerning God's will -- Right people, right place, right plan -- Right people -- Right place -- Right plan -- Uunlocking discernment -- Wait on the Lord -- Guarding the unguarded moments -- Unlocking discernment with prayer -- Discerning women always make a difference -- The discerning man is a real man -- Benefits of discernment -- Unmasking the marriage assassins -- Discerning sexual temptation -- Discernment to win your family -- A life worth remembering.
Wrong answer. I mean, That does nothing but gives him publicity. The last time I spoke with him a couple months ago when he called me to try and get me to send patients, he mentioned the survey and arrogantly told me, "It doesn't hurt my business at all; We still have patients." The fact is, it is free advertising as far as I am concerned, advertising he doesn't deserve.
I had hundreds of posts from when I still worked with him. I tried to get some off, but have not gotten all the pictures from the old posts off yet. It is something I have been trying to work on, that I had actually forgotten about, but it takes a lot of time. It wil get done, though.
The reason I said something was because this person on here was going to go to Morales and I didn't think they should. In fact there were two of them and one already had an appt. they said. The following is why I said what I said about drugs:
After I quit, I asked Morales why his ex-girlfriend kept accusing him of doing cocaine (she also said he did it in the office). He said, "Oh she's talking about when I was with Hal Huggins." He told me he and the receptionist were staying up late partying and doing cocaine. That is pretty-much all he said about it. He had an office with Hal Huggins in the mid to late 90s.
A while back, I saw the ex-girlfriend's daughter online and since I didn't work for morales anymore she was willing to talk about him. She was also the receptionist for the last a couple of years during the time I was there. I asked her if it was true what her mom said. She said it was, that her mom told her. She said all morales cares about is drugs sex and money. I still have the chat log as proof of that conversation.
So, as I look back on things, and I don't know drug symptoms because I have never been around addicts, I remember Morales having a sinus problem. Patients would give him different things for it, but he never used them. He had this problem when he was making good money and didn't have any nose problems when he didn't have money (I am recalling this now, but I didn't know anything about the cocaine use in the 90s at the time, so I just thought it was a bad sinus problem.
So, I have no proof he did it in the office like the ex-girlfriend was claiming and no proof he was on it. All I do have proof of is his words to me that he did it when he and Hal Huggins had an office together. Therefore, I am choosing now to believe the ex-girlfriend and it is my opinion she was telling the truth. I base this on not only his admission to me that he did it before, but the way he has treated me since I have known him, that I have tried hard to suppress, because hey it's just me, right. I mean, the patients getting mercury out was the important thing, me being treated like a dog tied out back was not as important.