Blog: Working the Water Cure
by mycatRa

Day 2

Today it has been much much easier to get all the water down. It's just 3:15 and I have already dranken 115oz. I feel good.

Date:   11/29/2006 3:25:37 PM   ( 18 y ) ... viewed 2123 times

I still slept to late today but I'm working on that as well. It's seems I may have flushed some extra weight away yesterday as I'm down 1.4lbs this morning. (Thanks weight tracking scale) I'm not going to get to crazy about it though because I always drop weight at the end of my cycle.

Today it has been much much easier to get all the water down. It's just 3:15 and I have already dranken 115oz. I feel good. I've been to the bathroom a great many times but I know that will eventually pass. I've felt more hungry today than yesterday but am still not doing to bad with it. I've been drinking mostly cold water today. I did have a cup of Vegan Pad Thai Noodle soup which was really good!!

I also switched my oil this morning from Sesame to Sunflower. I'm not sure I like the taste to much but I sure appreciated the feeling of starting fresh. In recent weeks my oil had not been turning white, getting foamy, or thin. I'm not sure if I was using to much or if I just needed to switch. Both last night and this morning my sunflower oil changed within 10 minutes. I would have liked to continue but the schedule sometimes doesn't allow. This morning the pulling made me cough up a some stuff just like the sesame did in the begining. Maybe I need to switch back and forth more often.

After my trip to whole foods yesterday I really want to continue to try new oils. I hadn't been there in a long time and really enjoyed actually finding some of the products that were previously unknown to me (before curezone) I think I'll surely be spending more time there. I'm very interested to try the almond oil and coconut oil.

I also found ghee there! I've been reading about this in my Ayurveda book. Once I get comfortable with the changes I'm trying to make now I would like to try going on a Pitta pacifying diet. I'm trying to work out the challanges between the pitta diet and the kapha diet as I seem to have an imbalance of both.

On to tomorrow!!

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Comments (4 of 4):
Re: Green Tea mycatRa 18 y
Green Tea rudenski 18 y
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Good to see your e… kermi… 18 y
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