Blog: Miss Master Cleanse Blog
by #56608

I love blogs

anyone else ever have fasting fear? Like you think you might die? just wondering.

Date:   11/13/2006 7:07:10 PM   ( 18 y ) ... viewed 3402 times

I'm happy this BLOG section was pointed out to me. I love it.
Regardless if anyone reads it or not, it helps me to write what's going on and then what's written is easily referenced. I can read back and reflect on how it's been going.
And I'm happy some people are reading it. I think it'll be an honest account of my fast, although personal, my experience. Other people have different fasting stories. I'm often perplexed when people say they aren't hungry or they never thought about food. I do feel hungry and I do crave the hell out of food. and in previous fasts..that didn't go away. Of course I did have moments of that. Early mornings for me are fine, afternoon is ok, late afternoon until I go to bed are a bit hellish. I've even woken with serious hunger pain.
I'm drooling right now! oh man.
I started getting a headache later in the day, it started about late afternoon and is still here. it's somewhat subsided though. I was starving earlier but then drank lots of water, maybe 32 oz and felt full for about 30 minutes.
my stomach isn't all bloaty like it usually is.
My grumpiness subsided. I just want to stuff the cheesiest meal into my body though. but when I just thought that and wrote that, I kind of felt a wave of disgust. good.
I'm going to go wash my face, brush my teeth and make my evening poop tea.
hope all of the other fasters out there are hanging in there.
does anyone else ever have fasting fear? Like you think you might die? just wondering.
good night!

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Comments (7 of 7):
Re: day 6 warriorgirl1 15 y
Re: alterations #56608 18 y
a suggestion Zoebess 18 y
alterations ren 18 y
another thing #56608 18 y
Re: hang in there!… #5660… 18 y
hang in there!!! pisces 18 y
All Comments (7)

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