Blog: Finding Myself, my Journey Within...
by Finding_Myself

Getting Prepared & Pre MC Weights/Measurements...

Can't wait to see what happens!

Date:   7/8/2006 3:56:18 AM   ( 18 y ) ... viewed 2215 times

Ok, so I have done well all week, eating fruits & veggies, and grilling some fish. I have still sipped on the wine though (not for long!) I went after work & went to the health food store, they were closed, DRAT! I was walking back to my car when the kind shopkeeper opened up for me. Well, whatya know??

I told him I went there to get some tea..that's the main reason I was there. Then I proceeded to tell him about me starting the Master Cleanse in the morning. Well it turns out, he has done it many times himself as well as other wonderful fasts etc. He got me all set up with my tea & syrup & they had the book for the MC there too so I picked that up as well. So, then I went & got fresh lemons, I picked out 5 per day, and only 3 days worth (then I get paid again & get pick up more if needed, lets get through 3 days first!!)

so, I am all set, I have been a tad nervous all night though, seems scary to think that ugg in a few hours its all going to start happening. I am planning on doing a SWF first thing for when I first wake up though. I need to time it & only have the weekend to adjust to it time wise since I work.

Anyways, I decided to measure myself & weigh myself since I am starting this journey. (again what was I thinking?? - I was smaller when I was prego with BOTH my kids!)

(please be kind)

I am 5'4", 184lbs

My ankles are 8.5 inches
My calves are 15 inches
My mid thighs are 18 inches
My upper thighs are 23 inches
My butt/hips is 41 inches
My belly is 44 inches
My waist is 38 inches
My chest is 45 inches
My armpits (upper chest) is 38 inches
My neck is 16.5 inches
My upper arms are both 13 inches
My wrists are both 6.5 inches

I know there will be a difference of some sort, I can't wait to see it!

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