Blog: Juicing for 30 - take 2!!!
by raddish

Raw Again

how I'm doing off the fast

Date:   5/18/2006 8:10:30 PM   ( 18 y ) ... viewed 3002 times

I'm enjoying eating raw, but the food does feel odd in my stomach. I'm not having problems or anything, just a sort of heaviness I didn't have with the juice. I miss juicing. I am going back to a juice fast by mid june. I think I'll incorporate more juicing into my raw routine. I may do one day one/one day with solid foods. I'll see how I feel.
As far as what I am eating, lots of good stuff. Still my grapefruit/orange juice in the mornings. I've had canteloupe, strawberries, watermelon. and a banana. I have had an avacado daily, with lime juice and tomato. I've also had some raw pecans and some raw almonds. I made raw date and nut balls tonight that were delish. I'm experimenting with some food I can take on the car trip with me.
I leave Saturday morning. I will be BEYOND busy tomorrow. I'll try to update my blog while I'm on the road. Love to all of my darling juicers!

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Comments (10 of 38):
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