Blog: Autoimmune Healing & DNA Activation
by triplehelix

The Truth About Autoimmunity

I had a growing sense of being "rewired," as if my body's inherent wisdom, after years of "fritzing," was gradually coming back online. I felt, and continue to feel, that had I not discovered Regenetics when I did, ten years from now I could have Chronic Fatigue or some other condition resulting from my body's inability to transmit proper signals due to genetic damage and accumulated cellular toxicity.

Date:   9/21/2005 6:33:10 PM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 4153 times

One of the basic, yet revolutionary, concepts behind the Regenetics Method ( is that “resetting” the body’s energy blueprint is capable of actually restoring physical integrity and wellbeing. In the weeks and months following my Potentiation Electromagnetic Repatterning, I had a growing sense of being “rewired,” as if my body’s inherent wisdom, after years of “fritzing,” was gradually coming back online. I felt, and continue to feel, that had I not discovered Regenetics when I did, ten years from now I could have chronic fatigue or some other condition resulting from my body’s inability to transmit proper signals due to genetic damage and accumulated cellular toxicity.

There are a number of popular misconceptions about autoimmunity--about what causes it and what it actually is. Many people believe that since they have an “autoimmune” disorder or disease, they are more toxic because of their sensitivities. Another way of saying this is that it is commonly believed that the body becomes more toxic in autoimmune states because it simply can’t or doesn’t know how to detoxify itself.

It is my belief, however, based on my research and personal experience of deep “ener-genetic” healing, that autoimmunity is created by foreign genetic invaders such as vaccines, chem trails, and genetically modified foods. These can reprogram the DNA code by altering the body’s RNA transcription process, telling the body to replicate these artificially introduced codes inside cells. In other words, once the DNA is reprogrammed, it literally begins to grow new mutant, pathogenic—or “pathogenetic”—cellular cultures.

In Book One on the Regenetics Method, Conscious Healing, Sol Luckman clearly defines autoimmunity: “The origin of many, if not all, autoimmune conditions is genetic damage through invasive factors such as vaccines and genetically modified foods compounded by cellular toxicity. I contend that cells collect and hold toxicity for the purpose of slowing down the many mutant pathogens, such as simian 40 retrovirus, released in the organism under the radar of the immune system by vaccines. Cells know that toxic substances--heavy metals and pesticides, for instance--are not only poisonous to the host, but also to pathogens. Such a Catch-22 can lead to environmental illness and immunological breakdown in which the body starts attacking its own toxic cells, but it may be the only choice a body operating with damaged DNA has.”

According to Dr. Leonard Horowitz and many other researchers, vaccine-induced pathogens, in addition to simian 40 retrovirus (“monkey AIDS”), can include mycoplasmas, prions, bovine lymphotropic virus, feline leukemia virus, monkey Epstein-Barr virus and Rous sarcoma virus--to name only a handful. When these are “uploaded” into the genetic code using the reverse transcriptase enzyme, any number of autoimmune conditions can result--from CIFDS to MCS to AIDS, depending on the individual’s constitution and lifestyle and the number and type of vaccines received.

The body, in its wisdom, knows that it has been profoundly altered, but like a computer it must carry out the codes inserted into the master “software,” the DNA. Ultimately, this leads to a defense mechanism where the body accumulates more toxicity in an attempt to “short-circuit” the foreign pathogens being grown in the cells. The body merely uses what is environmentally available in its biological war against itself.

Take candida, for example. There is nothing inherently bad about candida. In a normally functioning body, candida keeps many tissues healthy by eating potentially harmful bacteria and toxins. Candida only goes haywire when the body is trying to protect (or defend) itself from another invasion, usually of a genetic nature. This cycle is a difficult one to correct without working “ener-genetically” because the problem is in the DNA, which unless directed to resume normal biological function, continues a vicious cycle of replicating its mutated codes and then ineffectively trying to clean up this overgrowth with more overgrowth!

Extreme food and environmental allergies, often associated with autoimmunity, result when the body is so occupied in the war going on at the level of the cells and the immune system that it can’t handle or take on any additional foreign substances. In many cases, microorganism populations are so out of balance they actually eat your food and produce toxic waste (such as fungal mycotoxins) of their own in your system--further contributing to the problem.

I cleansed a considerable amount in the weeks and months following my Potentiation session. It typically wasn’t uncomfortable, but I knew what I saw coming out of me didn’t belong in a human body! None of the cleanses or colonics I’d tried had ever produced results anywhere near as dramatic. I also realized that some of what was being released from my inside my cells, such as candida, was in fact trying to protect me--even though it made things more difficult.

As I began releasing this muck, I felt an inner physical strength and mental clarity I’d never felt before in my adult life. Also, I began to feel a lot cleaner and, gradually, my body became comfortable ingesting wheat, coffee and sugar, while my sinuses were less irritated by pollutants and airborne allergens, including hydrocarbons, pollen and cat hair.

In my next blog I’ll share some specific experiences I had where it was quite obvious that profound healing had already occurred.

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Comments (4 of 4):
Yowza! Liora Leah 19 y
Re: Wow! Awesome! tripleh… 19 y
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