Blog: Leadership
by munificent

President Hilary?

This is Jim's blog, he got posted on the California Chronicle an elite (?) posting of blog writers -I am sure that many on curezone could and would get posted if you enter some of your favorite blogs!

Date:   10/24/2005 9:32:39 PM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 1672 times

All Hail Ms. President
Jim Kouri, CPP

Jim Kouri, CPP is fifth vice-president of the National Association of Chiefs of Police and served in law enforcement for over 25 years. He writes for many police magazines such as Police Times. He's appeared as on-air commentator for over 100 TV and radio news and talk shows including Oprah, McLaughlin Report, CNN Headline News, MTV, Fox News, etc. His book Assume The Position is available at Amazon.Com. His website is located at

By Jim Kouri, CPP
October 23, 2005
For many Americans it may be hard to stomach, but it's almost a certainty that the next President of these United States will be Hillary Rodham Clinton. We've had two Bush family presidencies, now it's time for the second of two presidencies for the Clinton family.

If things develop for Senator Clinton as predicted by yours truly, the Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton dynasty will have led and will lead the United States for a possible total of 28 consecutive years.

Madam Clinton is unstoppable for a number of reasons. Here are a few:

1. The GOP has no one on the bench with the ability or credentials to beat Clinton in the 2008 election. If Senator John McCain is actually nominated -- which I doubt -- many, many conservatives, this writer included, will stay home on the first Tuesday of November 2008. Conservatives do not trust the man. He possesses a reputation for being the liberals' favorite Republican and someone who can always be counted on to betray conservative values and fellow Republicans. The left calls him a "maverick;" I call him a backstabber. Again, if John McCain gets the GOP nomination by some fluke, he will drive conservatives -- the very lifeblood of the GOP -- away from voting machines. As for me, if McCain is the GOP candidate, I'll rent a movie, pop some popcorn, put up my feet and relax on Election Day.

Rudy Guiliani may be able to beat back a Clinton juggernaut, but there's only the slimmest of chances for him to get the GOP nomination. A war hawk against terrorism and strong law and order advocate, he's a liberal when it comes to domestic or cultural issues. He believes that government can solve societal problems. He believes in abortion, gun control, affirmative action and is soft on illegal immigration. Rudy is a classic liberal as opposed to Madam Clinton whose history bespeaks volumes of her far-left tendencies.

Secretary of State Condi Rice's name has been bandied about as a possible anti-Hillary candidate. In fact, Dick Morris' new book has her running against Clinton in 2008. However, I believe Rice when she says she has no intention of running for President. Besides, she doesn't have the visceral edge necessary to go up against a cunning, ruthless bunch, who with the help of a compliant media lie, smear and cheat. These Democrat bomb-throwers can echo a talking point until it penetrates the American psyche. A good example is when they allege a "culture of corruption" exists in the Bush Administration without one indictment yet, while their own superstar, Bill Clinton, had an administration that boasted numerous indictments and even convictions. I'm sorry, Condi. Even if you wanted to run against Hillary, you are too nice to enter the depths to which she and her cronies will go to win.

Other possible GOP candidates include Senator Bill Frist, Senator George Allen and Senator Chuck Hagel. Frist and Allen are lightweights and practically unknown outside of the Beltway. Hagel recently became a highly visible RINO (Republican In Name Only) and is "McCain light." If you'll recall, he compared Iraq to Vietnam on national television. The man treats conservatives the way Democrats treat African-Americans.

Of course, there may be someone hiding in the wings waiting to burst onto the political stage, but I'm not sure how well that person will fair against the Clinton Machine, a machine that includes the overwhelming majority of the big -- and still powerful -- media organizations. Her media supporters even debuted a drama series on national television in order to prep Americans for a feminist president.

2. The GOP will have a difficult time finding a strong nominee because, for some reason, Republicans read -- and believe -- former New Jersey Governor Christine Todd Whitman's book advocating the GOP's move to "the center." In English, that means moving to the left of the political spectrum. Whitman is a bigger Lib than many Democrats: she supports partial-birth abortion; she betrayed police officers who were accused -- and acquitted -- of excessive force charges; she supported a so-called assault rifle ban in New Jersey; and she believes that government interference in the capitalist system is a good thing especially industry regulations.

Of course, Whitman is a Blue State Republican who, out of necessity, had to move to the left if she wanted to live in New Jersey's State House But after leaving office she's been pounding the drum for the GOP to turn its back on its conservative base. Unfortunately, too many Republicans believe her rhetoric, especially in the US Senate, the apparent farm team for another GOP presidential candidate. An example of "Whitmanism" is when the President and other top GOPers supported Arlen Specter, a liberal's liberal, over a conservative in the Pennsylvania senate primaries.

3. I wrote earlier about Hillary's allies, the mainstream news and entertainment media. The obviously liberal news organizations will produce more puff pieces about Clinton than you can shake a stick at. The stars of network news such as Katie Couric, Diane Sawyer, Matt Lauer, etc, will interview her, tossing softball questions at her without the slightest attempt to rebut any of her deceptive answers. When it comes to the Clintons, even the most hardened man working in the news business becomes a giggling schoolgirl. They do it now three years away from the next election cycle. They practically lap-dance for Bill and Hillary. Imagine how they'll behave when the actual campaign begins. The Fourth Estate will make certain Hillary doesn't have a "Howard Dean moment" that would derail her nomination.

On the other hand, whomever runs against Clinton will be the subject of hundreds of investigative reports. Every word uttered by the GOP candidate will be printed or broadcast -- even created -- while Hillary's words will be filtered or worse, completely ignored. The media have already done that. When Clinton gave a speech denigrating President Bush's immigration policy or lack of immigration policy, she told a cheering crowd she supported tighter border security and opposed illegal immigration. Her message permeated the liberal media. They enjoyed seeing their heroine move to the right of a President they hate more than they hate Saddam and Osama put together. They knew she was shoveling a pile of....

A few weeks later, Senator Clinton joined the most liberal Democrat senators when she opposed and voted against adding more agents to the Border Patrol and building more detention facilities for captured illegal aliens. Perform an internet search and count how many times the elite media told Americans about that part of the story. Not only are the members of the elite media liberals, they're liars as well. They will look people straight in the eyes and deny their bias or worse; they'll claim -- as Fox News Channel media critic Neal Gabler routinely does -- that the media establishment is right-wing.

4. It's time for some honesty: Democrats know how to sway voters better than the Republicans. George W. Bush should have wiped the floor with John Kerry during the 2004 election cycle. Spin it as much as you want, but it was a close race. Bush ran against a candidate who had more baggage than the cargo hold of a 747 jumbo-jet. The GOP did not win that election -- the blogosphere, the Swiftboat Vets and Osama Bin Ladin won it for them.

Also, Hillary will be better at curbing the enthusiasm of the wacko-wing of the Democrat Party. She will wink in their direction and make some backroom promises in exchange for their silence. The news media will help in that regard, as well. Suddenly loudmouth Babs Streisand will indeed just shut up and sing. Her and her ilk will not get in the way of Clinton portraying herself as a moderate, because they know as many of us already know that Hillary is not moderate person. If she was such a moderate Democrat, why the hell would they support her?

I'm not optimistic about the 2008 election and beyond. A Clinton presidency will return us to the pre-9-11 days when the President will call an airstrike on an empty building and the New York Times will run an editorial praising the restraint of President Clinton. Heck, they already have just such an editorial in their files from the last time a Clinton sat in the Oval Office. They can dust off the old Clinton editorials and rerun them. Everything old will be new again as the USA continues on the path to the eventual Three S's -- Stalinist tactics, Socialism and Secularism.

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Glad to see you ba… vibr8 18 y
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