Blog: My Quest for the Truth of Life, by Kerminator!
by kerminator

What is the real why of life???

This is the key question we all must ask ourselves.... If you have not done so, sit down and survey your life... Then look at a plan to develop what you have been given....

Date:   3/9/2006 6:19:04 AM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 2235 times

This is really a discussion about you!!  Yes you!!  So first sit down, if you have not done so and plan to ask yourself why are you here??

Remember any plan is better than no plan...    You will only get what you put into action...    What we need to do is to learn to only answer the questions that really matter...   If you are stuck; we need to talk, folks....

Much of the why is answered by the what we do here, and how we are doing it.... (Life that is)...  If you were to just start with a piece of paper, write and /or draw the history of your life, you would see a pattern of events...   Now most of these events you had for one reason or another; were beyond your control...  This is to say you are here because of certain events that transpired, beyond your input...   Like who your parents are, family members, your sex, your race,  and the region of the world you reside in, the time period, etc ...  

We will now look at the things that you can or will change or effect your life...  First is your choice of friends, and your attitude as to how you carry out your life...  Many people are sad or mad about their station in life...  This is understandable, but of no real value...  Ex. While we can empathize with someone who lost a job, or their dwelling, or some other personal property...  It is up to the person involved to make some decisions and then take action...  This will move them {you} in a direction of choice...  You can not redo the past, so move on.... 

So much of the why in life is based on how we respond to our circomstances...  Like them or not!!  So why something happens is based on the how we respond to it...  Our main theme in life is to try to live a balanced life, using the important things we have learned, and then applying it to everyday occurances...  So much goes back to what are your core values??  Your choice of songs will effect your core values... So choose up lifting and meaningful songs...  Happy, and songs with moral meanings...

If you do not have any core values, (which I doubt) you are truly lose...  Most people have a basic sense of right and wrong....  We come preprogrammed with the basic conscience...  So with that we should learn how to interact with others, and while caking care of ourself, and be a benefit to others...  So it comes down to the real why in life is based on what we do in response to the opportunities presented to us... Then how we react; with the attitude we use to not only meet our needs, but also those of others placed on our pathway... This is one of the main reasons for WHY we are here...  

Life is not about you, it is about us..... or Service to others, dear friend....  HUH!!

We have attempted to touch on this most important question which everyone should answer in their life...   Back soon... see ya...K

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