Blog: My Quest for the Truth of Life, by Kerminator!
by kerminator

Why am I doing the why blog....??

It is getting to be a bit much, so this will be the last of the why blog for a while, or whatever.... See you on

Date:   10/28/2005 8:16:19 PM   ( 20 y ) ... viewed 1972 times

The  Y's of life are many and varied...  I have tried to touch on some , but find that my time and talents are in greater demand else where...  I had intended to stop writing this blog, but I find myself back with some more news...  So this is it...

Now have my own web site...  "" where I will be writing and doing some personal blog stuff....   Come over and  join our Bulletin Board, and read our newsletters.....    It has been nice getting to know some of you, here on CZ..  Hope you visit  my new web site...   I am not leaving just posting some on another site....      

 So I may not be posting many new "why blog"  messages; for a while....  Maybe, next week or maybe never, who knows why....   But I will still have the other blogs here on CZ,  so see ya there.... 

Thanks for your support and help in this enterprise....   the Kerminator

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