Blog: Anomaly's Cystic Acne Cure Blog
by Anomaly

Oxypowder Post-Cleanse

The day after ending the oxypowder cleanse

Date:   3/2/2005 7:58:42 AM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 4095 times

So, I ended the oxypowder cleanse cold-turkey. I did not go onto the maintenance dose, to see how my bowels would react. The day immediately following, I did not have a bowel movement, although I felt the need to. I tried several times throughout the day with no success. Finally, in the late afternoon (4:30pm) I had a very small elimination. I also had a very small one around 8pm. Today has been better. I had a large bowel movement this morning. It was very substantial and very easy. The color was a clean brown and it remained solid. It seems that the oxypowder has a very immediate and short-term effect on the body. The day following the dose, your bowels react, and the day after you stop taking the dose, it goes back to normal. I find that very interesting and I like the control that it provides.

The constipation I had yesterday could have been my body adjusting to the lack of oxypowder, or it could have been a lack of dietary fiber in my diet. That's something I've been trying to fix for months. Yesterday, I finished the day with a large green salad and some fresh honeydew melon. Today, I started the day with two fresh oranges. I'm going to continue to make an effort to increase my dietary fiber to keep my eliminations regular.

The next step is my fourth liver cleanse on Saturday/Sunday.

The idea

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acupuncture? sariewarie 18 y
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