Turquoise is created between the Blue wavelength and the Green wavelength. As a color for paints it has a lot of Blue pigment and a little bit of Yellow pigment. It is the wavelength that activates the Thymus gland; therefore, it is not a mystery to us the understanding why as we come near to the New Age transformation the thymus been activated to older people than it is used to be in the past.
The Turquoise color influences the area between the chest and the throat and it influence breathing. Turquoise represents honesty, open-hearts type of people, human caring attitude, care for nature and for Planet Earth, enlightened visionaries – see the vision with open eyes, healers through methods of colors and sound and with the help of animal’s singers and poet writers. It represents the unconditional love radiates from the Autism-people and very sensitive type of people.
Turquoise symbolizes the electronic means of communication and people whom is working in the field of electronics, TV computers and Internet communication. Turquoise represents the inner-child, the pure heart of a born child, their hopes and needs to communicate with the world around them with harmony and patience, free of pressures of timing and expectation over whelming them. Turquoise represents the eyes that do not judge what they see; the Turquoise eyes absorbed the beauty and perfection of the light radiation-wavelength within and radiate from every person and creature. Turquoise type person lives in harmony with nature and with the animal and mineral kingdoms.
Harmonious use of the Turquoise color and its hues may elevate the success of the previous mentioned faculties. Turquoise will support freeing oneself of breathing allergies and breathing difficulties. Turquoise color can be in use to reduce pressure of the eyes.
Extreme use of Turquoise creates unstable emotions, overly attention needed person, need to be accepted by every one and loved by every one, easily influenced by other people radiation of non-positive feelings and thoughts forms. Extreme use of Turquoise creates a very moved and easily changed by other people opinion and action type of person and easy to become emotionally and mentally unsuitability. Extreme use of Turquoise creates fears of authorities, educators and men. Fears to speak for one-self, fear of being neglected by other therefore a tendency to buy friendship. Extreme use of Turquoise creates tendency to gossip, secrets teller and non-trusted friend and employee. With extreme use of Turquoise one may easily get winter disease and depression.
Love and Light,