To protect your immune system and allow it space and vitality to heal you it is essential to support it in every way that will give vitality and will allow your Bio-Feedback and Aura energy fields become as wide as possible.
Suggested means to improve your immune system ability to concentrate upon finding solution to fit Aids:
1) Totally avoid the use or being close to Black, Grey, off-white and very dark hues of colors – those colors vibration absorbs your body’s vitality, energy and prevent the healing wavelength of the natural light from entering your body.
2) Don’t smoke, do your best to avoid burning candles and incense – the smoke burns the Bio-Feedback and the Aura energy fields and harms the immune system.
3) Use Crystals to support your immune system: do choose the smallest pieces you may find – create foot/hand chains of chips from every possible crystal’s color with the exception of Black and Grey colors. Do cleanse it with spring water on daily basis if you have Aids or every month and after disease, if you are an Aids-positive.
4) Find Green bushes and trees out-door and be beside them regularly (not on cold winter but from spring till autumn comes)
5) White Light visualization as many times as possible – it purify and vitalize your cells and organs and support your immune system.
6) Clear away the Electro-Magnet Holograms from your bio-feedback energy fields – it will allow your Aura and bio-feedback energy fields become wider far beyond any written theory (my bio-feedback space is as far as 3 meter from my physical formation or perhaps farther at present!)
- Aura Soma
Pomanders: White, Deep Magenta, Royal Blue, Emerald Green, Yellow, Coral or Orange, Pink, Red (if you don’t have bones’ problems – otherwise do not use any Aura Soma Red colors products).
Aura Soma Quintessences: Serapis Bay, Orion and Angelica, Hilarion (used the same way that pomanders been used as it no longer does the work on the astral plan only on the aura-bio-feedback energy fields). Kutumi, Sanat Kumara, Lady Nada, The Christ (if you don’t have bones’ problems – otherwise do not use any Aura Soma Red colors products).
People that are already have an active Aid disease should use the Aura Soma products every 2 hours (it was 2 ½ hours during Vicky’s time). Those that are Aids-Positive may use every day at least one pomander, according to your choice, make sure to use all of them and don’t forget to use any vibration in the long run, and use at least 3 quintessences each day.
If it is your first time to use Aura Soma Products during the first week use no more than 3 pomanders and 3 quintessences a day, let your body get use to the support you give it and “don't pull it by the hand".
Love and Light