In order to evaluate every change in your life it could be wise to keep one main law that needs not any professional advisory – I am calling it ‘The progressing law of changes’:
Every change that you plan to take should notice immediately an improvement. For example changing a workplace. The planed new workplace should better both your salary and your position, any future promises that leaving you in a same position and salary may not lead you to better position – Your grass will be green only if it is green from the very start of the change – signing a contract.
Every change may cause feeling of unsecured in some manners but when the change is up to you the immediate benefits should be part of the change or not at all. There are many pre-born patterns that may cause an inner need for a change. Such change can appear in every section in your life. Do evaluate the changes before it is too late. When a person begin process of changes that do not progress him/her it may go on this way. It is better to stop the process and evaluate your future changes
Love and light