It’s three month already that I’m using regularly an elastic silicon made keyboard. It is very sensitive to my fingers’ smallest pressure and at the end of my day with computer I roll it to small roll and keep it in a small shelf. Also I don’t tend to eat or drink by a computer, this type of keyboard can be washed under running water.
Whatever been made wit electronic component and is activated either by electricity or battery influence us with radiation of low wavelength that slower the activity of our cells and weaken the cells’ wall. It is a situation that allow a free radicals (sick cells) to enter in to an healthy cell and begin with a quick production of new cells (cancer).
Today we almost cannot manage without computer so at best we may use products that can elevate our safeness. The silicon made keyboard is such a mean.
Silicon Plastic products, are not something that we, whom care for the good of planet earth will recommend but this one piece plastic keyboard protect our hands from the low wavelength’s radiation that our hands get from ‘normal keyboards’. Mine is a China made product, I choose to have a Spring-Green color – to help me forget that I spend most of my day in door, but there was many colors to choose from instead of the Grey Black ordinary colors of computer’s manufacturer.
Tomorrow we’ll take a look at the tables we use in regards to computers.
Love and Light