We, the founders of the first Atlantis were exceptional in our parents’ civilizations. It is not that all of us did not have any education. Many of us came from wealthy families and we had private teachers but none of us manage with formal education schools.
When we got to our new land and built it, it was as if we got a game that we could play and enjoy every second of it.
We did not think about future born children and what will they be like not did we give any intention to future need of education to the young ones, we lived in heaven and thought that everything will manage by itself – but it did not work this way.
We, ourselves, had no positive example from home how parents should treat their children because we were neglected by parents, at least many of us.
When finally we could concentrate on our unique talents, also we had our gathering and talk. At time, when there was no need to study new languages and each of us had a private home; we did not give any time to others, which could be preventing us to fulfill ourselves. The couples gave space and respect each other’s space to fulfill their talents and so we had no basic knowledge how to treat children.
The parents did not spend a lot of time with the children nor have they had any idea what to do with the children.
They brought them to me to teach them whatever The Oracle thought that it was right. But being an oracle did not give me the ability to be an educator or to design proper methodical teaching foundation. I left home rather young and was not ever part of formal education formation. So, I taught ‘history’, languages and tried to find the specialty of each child. When there were children without special talents I had no clue what to do with them and gave most of my intention to those with unique talents – whom flourished under my directions.
At home, those children felt neglected and forgotten too and felt unworthy due to parent’s search to find something special within them instead of accepting them the way they were.
It is true that finally we tried to teach them all talents and each parent tried to teach their specialty to the children but it just made them feel unworthy too.
This is the reason that the ‘ordinary’ children, once most of the founders die, they began to look for glory based on wealth and power instead of wisdom and humble attitude that we had.
If you’ll look into the history of humanity you’ll find that it is not just the fault of Atlantis’ educational system that caused the falls transformation to take place. It is now, in every education system that can be seen unsuccessful in providing supportive and proper step-by-step education system but create an elite urge of ‘being successful’.
Where are we going?