Blog: Son of Truth of Self
by Chef JeM

5G - the "Stupidest Idea in the History of the World"!

"This is like a biological EMP. It's a electrical resonance frequency that interferes with the electrical signal that prompts your heart to beat and your nerve synapses to function. So, boom, your heart stops functioning and you drop down dead. Like all those flocks of birds falling out of the sky for no reason."

Date:   2/22/2019 2:22:37 AM   ( 5 y ) ... viewed 2971 times

July 16, 2024 -

"On July 1, 2024, Californians won their fight to keep their landline telephones."[41]*

June 26, 2024 - Please Get Rid Of Your Cell Phones Now -

"The most important, and most ignored, medical study in the world was published in 2004 by Olle Johansson, a scientist at the Karolinska Institute, the institution that awards the Nobel Prize in Medicine. Its other author was Örjan Hallberg and its title was '1997 – A curious year in Sweden.' In the autumn of 1997, in every one of the 21 counties in that country, the number of sick people stopped declining and abruptly began increasing.


"What changed in Sweden in the fall of 1997? Digital cell phones (GSM 900 and 1800) were introduced to the whole population. Hallberg and Johansson wrote:

'In 1997 many large companies introduced wireless office phone systems. One such is called GSM-in-Office and operates at 900 MHz… The employees had to use the mobile phone for all calls, in many cases for long calls. So, from 1997 many employees became exposed to microwave radiation during all work hours from small base stations, in addition to stronger radiation from their handsets during all their calls.'

"THE AUTHORS CONCLUDED THAT ACCORDING TO THEIR DATA, IT WAS THE MOBILE PHONES, AND NOT THE MOBILE PHONE TOWERS, that were responsible for the drastic decline in the health of the Swedish population. ..."[40]

May 31 - Cellphone-FREE Community -

"After a year and a half of planning, the twenty-first century’s first cellphone-free community is forming in Central America."[39]


"On December 29, 2022, the International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) sued the U.S. Federal Communications Commission over its decision to approve SpaceX’s application for up to 30,000 more low-orbit satellites, in addition to the 12,000 already approved and in process of filling our skies. This is Case No. 22-1337 before the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, and has not yet been decided by the court."[38]

April 18, 2024 - Continued Effects Reported -

"Many different kinds of fish, both common and rare, began spinning round and round, or swimming frantically in circles, until they beached themselves and died."[37]

February 6, 2024 - "...I believe that technology needs to turn the volume right down but people are almost attached to mobile devices intravenously and wonder why they get sick.”[36]

January 18, 2024 - Ski Jumping World Cup Event - Jumping Off a Cell Tower -

"On February 9-11, 2024, world-class skiers from around the globe will gather at Lake Placid, New York for the purpose of jumping off a cell tower. ..."[35]

January 12, 2024 - Maya writes from San Francisco:

", there is a 5G tower more than 500 feet away, at eye level with the porch and my desk window. I spent a small fortune on EMF shielding screens for the desk area windows that look out on the porch. But they only shield 80% of the radiation. Lately I’ve noticed that when I must be at the computer for several hours, the left side of my face by the window, is red.”[34]

December 27, 2023 - Our Changing Earth -[33]

November 6, 2023 - One Million Satellites Planned[32]

October 17, 2023 - Global Extent Of Bird Armageddon -

From Arthur Firstenberg -

Anders Brunstad alerted me to the installation of one of the most powerful radar stations in the world on the Varanger Peninsula in Finnmark, Norway just before tens of thousands of birds fell dead all over the peninsula. ...

At Ekkerøy Nature Reserve, on the southern coast of the peninsula, at least 15,000 endangered kittiwakes died at the end of July and beginning of August 2023. They nest there in the summer on high cliffs where they are directly in the line of fire of the radar, which is 50 kilometers away. The restaurant at Ekkerøy was forced to close for the summer because it was “raining down” dead birds. The total population of these seabirds in Norway was only about 50,000. Dead terns and other kinds of gulls have also been collected. Half of the cranes at Ekkerøy have died.

The radar, called Globus III, was built by the United States on the island of Vardøya in Vardø, the easternmost city in Norway, which is across a bay from northern Russia. It appears to be part of a civil defense network called the Space Fence. Details about this site have been kept secret, but I found a Request for Information published on February 22, 2022 on the U.S. government’s website, It states:

“This system is a one-of-a kind design which will be fielded in 2023. The program is a bi-national, collaborative specialized collection system. The GLOBUS program is a dual band ground-based radar system consisting of an S-band solid state phased array, an X-band dish antenna, an Integrated System Controller (ISC), and a Mission Communications Suite (MCS) hosted at an Outside Continental United States (OCONUS) location.”

Other Space Fence radars are located on Kwajalein Island in the Marshall Islands, and in Western Australia. These S-band (2 GHz to 4GHz) phased array radars each have 36,000 transmitting antennas, a peak power of 2.7 MW and, when focused into a narrow beam that scans the sky in all directions, a peak effective radiated power of several billion watts.

The conflagration is not confined to Finnmark, or to Norway. Last summer I reported on mass deaths of nesting seabirds in locations near new antennas in the Netherlands and France (Birds on Texel Island; Sea Birds’ Last Refuges). This summer the situation is immensely worse. The continued proliferation around the world of 4G and 5G cell towers and antennas, as well as offshore wind farms, has killed millions of wild birds on five continents, together with foxes, skunks, raccoons, fishers, badgers, martens, black bears, grizzly bears, bobcats, lynx, mountain lions, wild boar, otters, Virginia opossums, seals, penguins, and other animals. ...[31]

September 20, 2023 - "Babies are being killed by hospitals"[30]

July 26, 2023 - Electrosmog -

Guidance to governments, legislators, environmental organizations, schools, and religious, political and community leaders. If your organization wishes to join in supporting this brief, please email us.[28]

Key Points

The study of electricity should be restored to biology and medicine.
Personal wireless communication must be phased out because the radiation that carries all the messages is destroying life on earth.
Mobile phones must be replaced with landline phones, WiFi with ethernet cables, and other wireless consumer devices with devices connected by wires and cables.
Mobile phone antennas and masts must be phased out and removed.
Wireless technology must be removed from vehicles.
Smart meters must be replaced with analog meters.
Smart highways, smart cities, and the Internet of Things must cease being developed and deployed.
Radar stations must be limited in number, location and power.
Radar (microwave) ovens should not be used for heating food.
An international treaty on electrosmog, addressing radiation on land, in the oceans, and in space, must be drafted.


Electrosmog is the totality of the electric fields, magnetic fields, and electromagnetic radiation that bathes us 24/7 from all electrical and electronic devices, electric wires, power lines, and wireless devices and antennas. With wired communication, information is transmitted via the wires, and the electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and radiation are unintentional. Proper engineering can reduce these unwanted fields and radiation to a minimum.

By contrast, with wireless communication, the radiation is the product. Radiation substitutes for wires in transmitting information. Wireless means radiation. The ability to use a mobile device everywhere on earth means that every square meter of the earth must be irradiated at all times. Mobile devices operate in the microwave spectrum, with the result that the entire planet is now swimming in a sea of microwave radiation that is millions to billions of times stronger than the radiation from the sun and stars with which life evolved (Footnote: [29]*

December 23, 2022 - "US Life Expectancy Reaches 25-Year Low: CDC" -

"...Deaths attributed to COVID-19—deaths where COVID-19 was listed as the underlying cause—increased about 19 percent to 416,893 in 2021, despite the introduction of COVID-19 vaccines."[27]

Comment: This blog-writer wishes he had no other concerns but to write a full and complete commentary on this one item. Why? - Because everything about this quoted statement deserves to be questioned!

December 14, 2022 - Update From Arthur Firstenberg, President of the "Cellular Phone Task Force",
Author, "he Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life", Administrator, "International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space", Caretaker, (End Cellphones Here on Earth)

"On the evening of Thursday, December 8, 2022, OneWeb launched 40 satellites from Cape Canaveral, Florida, bringing the total number of active satellites in orbit around the Earth to more than 7,000. These cell towers in space are altering the electromagnetic environment of the entire planet and are debilitating and exterminating all life on it.

Even the first fleet of 28 military satellites launched by the United States caused a worldwide pandemic of influenza when they became operational on June 13, 1968. The Hong Kong flu began in June 1968, lasted through April 1970, and killed up to four million people worldwide. To understand why requires a proper understanding of our connection to the universe and what it is that really gives us life and health, and makes our bodies move. In a sense, we are all puppets on invisible strings that connect us to heaven and earth, strings that resonate at the age-old frequencies of the biosphere in which we live, the space between Earth and Sky, whose dimensions never change. And when we modulate and pulsate those strings at random from thousands of locations in space, we change the beautiful music of the earthly orchestra into a discordant chaos that scatters bodies all over the world, helpless before it. ..."[26]

November 17, 2022 - Wireless Technology And Climate Change -
Report from the COP (Conference of the Parties) 27 -

"In order to navigate the Conference, reports Cellular Phone Task Force assistant Kathleen Burke from Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, one must have a cell phone out and on nearly at all times. For the United Nations’ 27th Conference of the Parties on Climate Change, held this year at this resort city on the Red Sea, four fake palm trees have been erected on the grounds of the COP in order for the 40,000 conference attendees to all be on their cell phones at the same time, all day long, every day for two weeks. ..."[25]

August 27, 2022 - RADIO WAVE PACKET - Newly Revised and Expanded -
What You Need to Know about Wireless Technology[24]

July 28, 2022 - "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!" cried Chicken Little.
And the sky fell, and no one listened, and all was still. - Arthur Firstenberg

A scholarly literature search for "electromagnetic" + "biological effects" produces the astonishing number of 76,400 studies, more studies than for most other environmental threats, yet the world continues on, looking yet blind, listening yet deaf, mistaking silence for comfort, the advancing flames for a bright future.

On the Dutch island of Texel, being the south end of a line of islands separating the Wadden Sea from the North Sea, a large breeding colony of seabirds called Sandwich terns ("great terns" in Dutch) made headline news last month by dying. Of the 7,000 birds nesting in the De Petten nature reserve until the end of May, none were left by the middle of June. 3,000 avian corpses were collected, and the rest either died or abandoned their nests.

The correspondent who sent me this news, Antonia in the Netherlands, also sent me to a Dutch website that monitors all cell towers and antennas throughout the country. The tern catastrophe was being blamed on "bird flu" and she suspected something else might be going on. When I looked at the website I was floored. The first 35 dead terns at De Petten were found on May 29, 2022. There are three cell towers on the edge of the reserve, and actually in the territory which the terns inhabit. According to the website, 18 new 4G antennas had just been added to those towers -- 6 by Vodafone to its 83-foot tower on May 25, 2022, and 12 by KPN to its 108-foot tower on May 29, 2022. The number of frequencies emitted by those two towers had increased overnight from 5 to 11.

In addition to having all those antennas right at the reserve, De Petten is located on the northern edge of a waterway that separates the North Sea from the Wadden Sea, and a large number of antennas on both sides of that waterway -- the antennas in Den Helden to the south and the antennas on Texel to the north -- are aimed at that busy waterway, which is intensely used by the ships that continually pass through it. Consequently, according to my research, there are a total of 105 4G antennas within 7 miles of De Petten that are aimed directly at it.

Were Texel's Sandwich terns already in bad shape from all the radiation they had been exposed to in the last few years? And did the sudden increase in both the number of antennas and the number of frequencies finally kill them?

I decided to investigate further. What I have discovered, both in the Netherlands and elsewhere, is consistent but not simple. Here are some rough rules:

(a) A sudden dramatic increase in the number of antennas and frequencies whose source is within a breeding colony or on its border is lethal. Nesting birds cannot avoid the radiation; they must either abandon their nests or die.

(b) The effect of antennas aimed at a breeding colony from a distance depends on the human population. In a sparsely populated region, the antennas emit little radiation and few frequencies because few people are using them. By contrast, cell towers located in major ports are heavily used, both by residents and ships, and emit maximal radiation. The same is true of antennas aimed at heavily used shipping lanes.

(c) Distance does not matter as much as terrain and tower height. The radiation from a taller tower travels further. And when there is nothing but water between the tower and the bird colony, the water reflects and amplifies the signal and distance matters very little.

(d) 4G towers are generally worse than 5G towers. This is because 4G towers broadcast their radiation in all directions while 5G towers emit most of their radiation in focused beams, aimed directly at people holding 5G phones in their hands.

With these rules in mind, let us look at a few other breeding colonies of Sandwich terns and see what has happened to them this year:

Another large breeding colony of Sandwich terns made headlines a bit later, and for the same reason: the one at Waterdunen, at the opposite end of the Netherlands, in Zeeland province. Like De Petten, the Waterdunen nature reserve is located on a busy shipping lane at the entrance to a busy port. The largest colony of these birds in the Netherlands, Waterdunen hosted 7,000 pairs of terns that flew up from Africa to breed there this spring. But on June 24, 2022, it was reported that 4,600 dead adult and young Sandwich terns had been collected there during the previous two weeks. By the end of June, this colony no longer existed either.

The nature reserve at Waterdunen has 318 heavily-used 4G antennas aimed in its direction from distances of from 0.5 to 8 miles. Most of these emit between 1,000 and 2,000 watts of radiation each. 46 of these antennas are new, having been added to existing towers in April, May and June 2022. One 55-foot tower less than 2 miles down the beach from Waterdunen was upgraded on May 18, 2022 from 6 antennas to 12 and from 2 frequencies to 4. Another, 40-foot tower in the same location was upgraded on June 22, 2022 from 6 antennas to 18 and from 2 frequencies to 6. As Sandwich terns live on fish, that tower is within the foraging area for that colony.

Did the same thing happen to all nesting Sandwich terns in the Netherlands? No. Just 20 miles from Waterdunen was a small, healthy colony of terns at a nature reserve called Yerseke Moer. And from April to July, i.e. throughout the 2022 nesting season, this colony thrived and no dead birds were found there. Unlike De Petten and Waterdunen, this reserve is located in a relatively isolated place, is not near a major port and is not on a shipping lane. A total of 35 4G antennas are aimed at this reserve from distances of up to 8 miles. Only two of those antennas have been added since April.

Likewise in France, two very large colonies of terns had two completely different experiences. At the Platier d'Oye nature reserve near the port of Calais, a colony of 3,000 Sandwich terns began nesting in April. The first 100 dead birds were discovered on May 20, and within a few weeks the colony was almost completely wiped out.

The situation at Platier d'Oye is similar to that further north in Texel: dozens of new 4G and 5G antennas were added near the reserve during the months of May and June. 3 new 4G antennas and 6 new 5G antennas were added to an existing 90-foot cell tower bordering the reserve. Another 6 new 4G antennas and 6 new 5G antennas were added to an existing 140-foot tower about two miles to the southeast. Another 6 new 4G antennas and 6 new 5G antennas were added to an existing 95-foot tower about two miles to the east. At this writing there are the astounding number of 355 antennas of all kinds on 26 towers at 13 locations ranging from 10 feet tall to 255 feet tall within ­­­about 4 miles of this nature reserve.

An even larger colony -- the largest breeding colony of Sandwich terns in France -- had no disease during the 2022 breeding season. It is called the Polder de Sébastopol and was host to several thousand pairs of nesting birds. But like Yerseke Moer, it is on an isolated island with few human residents. The island's land area is largely devoted to parks, nature reserves and visitor accommodations. None of the antennas on the two cell towers a half mile west of the Polder are aimed at it. And even though there are a large number of antennas between one and four miles away that are aimed directly at the Polder, no ships pass by offshore and those antennas are little used except by visitors to the reserve walking its trails.

Looking at the details and different experiences at particular breeding colonies of these birds, the official story breaks down. How can one make sense of the extermination of so many of these birds in a matter of a few weeks in such widely scattered places? According to the bird conservation organizations, bird flu is so contagious that it spreads among Sandwich terns all over Europe in a matter of days, yet it is so non-contagious that a small colony of terns 20 miles away escapes scot-free. Bird flu travels from one end of the Netherlands to the other in a few days, but not between two Dutch colonies 20 miles apart, and not between the two largest colonies in France?

Apparently the conservation organizations also do not think it strange that suddenly and for the first time ever, in 2022, bird flu is (a) killing Sandwich terns and (b) is occurring during their breeding season. In decades of monitoring them, bird flu has never affected Sandwich terns before anywhere in the world. And it has always been a seasonal disease, occurring only in autumn and winter, and has never before affected any types of wild birds in spring and summer until 2022. It has also never affected so many different kinds of wild birds at once -- terns, seagulls, avocets, gannets, skuas, guillemots, puffins, oystercatchers, ducks, geese, godwits, pheasants, magpies, sanderlings, storks, cranes, pelicans, herons, swans, loons, sparrows, pigeons, red-winged blackbirds, owls, cormorants, grebes, dunlins, crows, ravens, bald eagles, hawks, falcons, vultures. Both the bird organizations and the authorities are reacting reflexively by wearing masks and hazmat suits when they visit these colonies and handle dead birds. But they should begin questioning the cause of such an unprecedented catastrophe.

There is no doubt that sick birds have tested positive for a virus called H5N1. But when every testing laboratory is constantly amplifying fragments of that virus in untold numbers of PCR tests, one has to suspect that the walls, floors, air, equipment, and personnel in the testing laboratories are contaminated with this virus. When one remembers that samples from a goat, a quail and a papaya, sent to the National Health Laboratory of Tanzania, all came back positive for COVID-19, the results of PCR tests, whether for people, birds, or fruit, should be regarded with caution. Yes, both birds and people are getting sick and dying, but there is another obvious factor that is being ignored. The tendency to blame all illness on microorganisms is destroying our world.

It is the uncontrolled irradiation of our world that is killing us and wiping out all the birds. Both 4G and 5G antennas are being erected more quickly and in greater numbers than ever before, not only on land but even on the surface of the sea. Wherever there are offshore wind farms, the cell phone companies are placing cell towers on those platforms. Seabirds will soon not only have no place to lay their eggs and raise their young, but they will not even be able to hunt for their food and feed their young without being irradiated. The largest company building cell towers on the surface of the sea is called Tampnet. Here is a map of all their towers and their coverage areas in the North Sea and the Gulf of Mexico:

In 1918, at the very height of the Spanish influenza, attempts by medical teams in Boston and San Francisco to demonstrate the contagious nature of the flu met with complete and resounding failure. They collected mucous secretions from the mouths, noses, throats, and bronchi of sick flu patients in various stages of the disease and transferred these secretions to the noses, throats, and eyes of hundreds of healthy volunteers. They injected blood from sick flu patients into healthy volunteers. The had healthy volunteers sit nose to nose with severely ill flu patients while they spoke to each other and then the patient coughed five times directly in the face of the volunteer. None of the volunteers got sick in any way. These experiments were published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, and Public Health Reports.

Horses also came down with influenza, and similar failure attended attempts to transfer influenza from one horse to another. As a result of these experiments, Lieutenant Colonel Herbert Watkins-Pitchford wrote that he could find no evidence that influenza was ever spread directly from one horse to another.

Many are the scientists, over the years, who have observed that influenza, whether in humans, horses, birds, or pigs, is an exceedingly strange disease. No one has ever explained why the flu is seasonal, for example. Or why flu epidemics end. Or why out-of-season epidemics do not spread. Or why flu epidemics explode over whole countries at once, and disappear just as miraculously, as if suddenly prohibited. Or how human influenza can spread around the world in days, and has always done so, even centuries ago when neither airplanes, automobiles, railroads, nor steamships existed. At least 23 scientists over the years, including Richard Shope, the scientist who first identified the flu virus in 1931, have published papers questioning the contagious nature of the flu and/or suggesting an electrical cause for it.

Chapters 7, 8 and 9 of my critically important book, The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life, are devoted to a complete, detailed examination of the history and science of influenza. Chapter 16, the longest chapter in the book, is devoted in part to the effects of electromagnetic radiation on birds. I suggest that all bird conservation organizations should acquire my book and read it carefully.

Arthur Firstenberg, President
Cellular Phone Task Force
P.O. Box 6216
Santa Fe, NM 87502
phone: +1 505-471-0129

July 24, 2022 -

"...On September 26, 2019, 5G wireless was turned on in Wuhan, China (and officially launched on November 1) with a grid of about ten thousand antennas—more antennas than exist in the United States, all concentrated in one city."[23]

June 3, 2022 - 3 COVID Stats — What They Tell Us and How They Divided Our World

"Initial case data were based on PCR tests that were classified as positive sometimes with well over 30 amplification cycles (cycle threshold, CT). Such tests with high CT values (>28) typically measure RNA fragments that are not from a 'live' virus that can replicate and cause C19 disease.
Eliminating the gathering of information that helps the clinician build a picture of an individual’s clinical history and replacing it with genetic sequencing techniques for diagnosis could one day be seen as one of the gravest errors in medicine.

It focuses people on a genetic pathogen or risk factor and ignores the importance of the environment, the terrain (“constitution”) and epigenetics, that ultimately controls our genetic expression and phenotypic vehicle we’re gifted with during our lifetimes."[22]

Comment Re: "the environment" - This is where the environmental impact of 5G was completely void of consideration.

May 24, 2022 - Update On Satellites, Birds And Bones -

"The irradiation of Heaven and Earth continues to accelerate, as SpaceX marches ever more quickly toward a constellation of 42,000 satellites. It launched 53 satellites on May 13; 53 more on May 14; and 53 more on May 18. And it has reached agreement with UK-based OneWeb, which plans its own fleet of 7,088 satellites, on how to share the skies. OneWeb will sell its services to telecommunications providers, governments, airlines, and ships, while SpaceX will sell to individuals. OneWeb, which was launching its satellites from the Russian-operated Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, has been forced to temporarily halt its launches because of the war in Ukraine."[21]

May 4, 2022 - One Question -

Does "the entire Earth would be transformed in the twinkling of an eye" mean that all the 5G towers will be dismantled as well? .........[20]

January 25, 2022 - "Frequently Asked Questions" (regarding wireless technology) -

What is wireless technology? -

Wireless technology is any means of sending information or energy through space without wires. It includes:

satellites, radar, radio, television, cell towers, cell phones, cordless phones, microwave ovens
smart meters, WiFi, Bluetooth, fitness trackers, smart watches, baby monitors
wireless keyboards, mice, printers, headphones and speakers, wireless security systems, wireless car keys, wireless garage door openers, wireless battery chargers, remote controls, wireless microphones
RFID chips in credit cards and driver's licenses, radio collars and chips in wildlife, cattle and pets, chips in home appliances
wireless hearing aids, assistive listening devices, medical alert pendants, chips in medical implants, wireless pacemakers
autonomous vehicles, drones, and robots
numerous other radio-enabled devices that are proliferating in today's world.

​Every one of these devices, without exception, emits radiation.

What's wrong with wireless technology? -

By substituting radiation for wires, we are swimming in an ocean of artificial electromagnetic fields that are interfering with life itself. We are in effect electrocuting ourselves, our children, our pets, the insects, birds, animals, trees and plants around us and all of living creation. We are killing our planet.

This is about long-term exposure, right? Cancer that takes years to develop? -

No. The effects are rapid. Heart rate changes immediately. Blood sugar rises in minutes. Having wireless devices on in your house interferes with your sleep and your memory. Using a cell phone destroys brain cells in minutes to hours, and can cause a stroke or a heart attack. Studies show that even cancer can develop within months of first exposure. When a cell tower is turned on, birds leave the area immediately. Insects disappear. Even slugs and snails vanish. Most of this takes no time at all.

What types of radiation are used in wireless technology? -

All frequencies of radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, lasers, sound waves, even nuclear radiation. Most home devices use microwaves.

Isn't microwave radiation natural? Don't microwaves come from the sun and stars? -

Almost all the radiation we receive from the universe is the light and heat from the sun, not microwave radiation. The microwave radiation a person receives from an average cell tower is millions of times stronger than all the microwave radiation from the sun and stars. The microwave radiation a person's brain receives from their cell phone is billions of times stronger than the microwave radiation from the sun and stars. And at any particular frequency it is trillions of times stronger than the microwave radiation he or she receives from the sun and stars at that frequency. And the faint microwaves from the sun and stars are not pulsed and modulated. It is the pulsations and modulation that cause much of the harm.

Aren't light and microwaves both electromagnetic? Therefore isn't microwave radiation safe? -

No. That is like saying arsenic is safe because oxygen and arsenic are both elements, or that cyanide is safe because water and cyanide are both chemicals. But oxygen and water are necessary for life, while arsenic and cyanide are deadly poisons. It is the same with electromagnetic radiation. Visible light is necessary for life. Microwave radiation is a deadly poison.

Aren't toxic chemicals more harmful than electromagnetic radiation? -

Electromagnetism is more complex and more fundamental than chemistry. Electromagnetism shapes the sun and stars. Electromagnetism animates life. Electromagnetism is behind chemistry. There is no "chemical force" in the universe. Outside of atomic nuclei, there is only gravity and electromagnetism. Electromagnetism guides everything we see, including ourselves. Chemistry is an effect, not a cause.

Can't we find safe frequencies? Won't that solve the problem? -

That is looking at both wireless technology and life too simplistically.

Most wireless technology has only one goal: to transmit information to computers, information of great complexity and variety. It is not simple, constant radiation of one amplitude and one frequency: such radiation would carry no information. Instead, it is multiple large frequency bands, each divided into hundreds, thousands, and millions of individual frequencies of all different bandwidths, overlapping and interacting, pulsed at an enormous variety of intervals, in an enormous variety of shapes, patterns and durations, all over the world. Even a single signal from a single device has a variety of amplitudes, frequencies and pulsations, and is modulated in complex ways in order to carry all the information needed to be read by a cell phone or computer.

Life has to also carry an enormous, almost infinite complexity of information in its nervous systems and its meridians, and to store and process this information in its cells, organs and chakras, and in its DNA which is shared and circulated among trillions of individuals of 50 million different species, all connected to one another and to the earth, sky and universe in a grand circuit of energy and information.

The artificial cloud of energy and information is interfering with, overpowering and destroying the natural, living circuitry of energy and information. It cannot be otherwise.

What about LiFi? If light is safe, why not use light instead of microwaves? -

Light is a nutrient. We absorb it with our eyes, and into our blood. It is necessary for health. It regulates our biorhythms. Green plants need it for photosynthesis. We absorb more of the pulsations and modulation frequencies when they are carried into our bodies by light than when they are carried into our bodies by microwaves. LiFi is more harmful to life than WiFi.

Cell phones are much smaller than cell towers. Doesn't that mean they are safer? Doesn't it mean the radiation does not travel as far? -

Cell phones and cell towers emit the same radiation; size has nothing to do with it. The main difference is that a cell tower emits as many signals simultaneously as there are cell phones communicating with it at that time, whereas a cell phone only emits one voice channel and one data channel. A cell tower therefore emits stronger radiation than a cell phone, but by the time it reaches your body, its radiation is much weaker than the radiation from a cell phone that you hold in your hand, near your body. And a cell phone emits signals that a cell tower does not: Bluetooth, WiFi, GPS and other signals.

The radiation from a cell phone travels just as far as the radiation from a cell tower. The radiation from a cell phone will reach all people, animals, birds, insects and plants in line of sight with it, no matter how far away. It will reach a cell tower 90 miles away. It will reach a satellite 22,300 miles away. It will reach Mars 200 million miles away. With 15 billion mobile devices on the Earth, we are polluting not just our homes, our neighborhoods and our planet, but the entire solar system.

My cell phone does not make me sick. Why should I stop using it? -

Your cell phone is damaging your health whether you are aware of it or not. It is damaging your blood-brain barrier -- the barrier that keeps bacteria, viruses and toxic chemicals out of your brain tissue; the barrier that maintains the inside of your head at a constant pressure, preventing you from having a stroke. Since brain tissue has no pain receptors, plenty of damage can occur without pain. Instead, it will cause memory loss, difficulty concentrating, anxiety, depression, sleep disorders and so forth. In rats, damage to the blood-brain barrier can be detected after just a two-minute exposure to a cell phone. After a two-hour exposure the damage is permanent. There is no reason for it to be different in humans.

The radiation from your cell phone is also slowing your metabolism -- your ability to digest sugars, fats and proteins. This causes either obesity or weight loss, depending on your genetic makeup. It also causes diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Wireless technology is the cause of more obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer than any other factor.

The people who are aware of the damage in real time are the people who can feel it in their nervous system or their heart. That is maybe one-third of the population. It feels to them like they are being electrocuted. And they are, but so is everyone else. The few who have heard of such a thing call themselves "electrosensitive." Those who have not heard of it think they are suffering from anxiety, or that they have a neurological or cardiac disorder.

Isn't a flip phone safer than a smartphone? -

Both are digital and both emit pulsed, modulated microwave radiation. And despite what many people think, flip phones can emit as much radiation, or more, than smartphones. But safety is not determined by power level. Damage to the blood-brain barrier is greatest at the lowest power level, at least in laboratory rats. The bandwidth is more important than power level. Smartphones use more bandwidth than flip phones.

The bottom line is that cell phones have been killing people since they were invented. In each city in the United States where 2G "flip phone" service was turned on for the first time in 1996 or 1997, mortality rose immediately, on the day it was turned on in each city. And the overall health of the population was damaged permanently. At least ten thousand Americans died from the radiation within three months after 2G "flip phone" service was turned on in various cities in 1996 and 1997. Whether more people died from their new phones or from the new cell towers is impossible to know: the radiation comes from both.

Isn't a cell phone safe to use as long as you hold it away from your head? -

About 20 years ago someone started promoting the idea of the "near field plume" which was supposed to extend out six inches from a cell phone, and that if you held your phone more than six inches from your head, you were safe. That is a complete fiction. There is no such thing as a near field "plume." It does not exist.

The region very near to a source of radiation, where the electric field and the magnetic field are separate and complex, is called the near field. The space very far from the source, where the electric and magnetic fields are tied together and diminish with distance, is called the far field. The near and far fields blend into one another. There is no dividing line where one stops and the other begins. And it is certainly not true that the radiation stops at six inches. If that were true, the radiation would never reach a cell tower and the phone would not work. And if it were true of a cell phone, it would also be true of a cell tower, which emits the same radiation. Then a cell tower would be safe if you stood more than six inches away from one. How absurd!

And your body is a conductor, so if you are holding the phone in your hand, no matter how far away from your head, the microwaves are conducted into your hand and throughout your body, and your arm is an extension of the phone and is part of the radiating antenna.

If you put the phone on a table in front of you and do not hold it, then the microwaves are just irradiating you and not being conducted into you. But since for some types of harm, for example damage to the blood-brain barrier, the damage increases with distance, that does not protect you either.[19]


One blue sky above us,
One ocean lapping all our shores,
One earth so green and round,
Who could ask for more?

- Pete Seeger

In 2018, on land and in space, preparations to deploy millions of antennas were very publicly being made and advertised, for "5G," "Smart Cities," and the "Internet of Things." At the same time, and without any publicity, governments, research laboratories, and commercial and military interests were collaborating on plans to create "Smart Oceans" and the "Internet of Underwater Things" (IoUT). They did not consult the fishes, whales, dolphins, octopuses, and other inhabitants of those depths.

In the United States, the National Science Foundation funded what it called the SEANet Project. The goal was to enable broadband wireless communication from any point on or in the oceans to anywhere else on the planet or in space. The Internet of Underwater Things is being designed to enable all the same communication capabilities that are being provided on land, including "real-time video streaming from underwater."

In the last three years, a flood of papers have been published by scientists and engineers in the U.S., China, Pakistan, Qatar, South Korea, Spain, Australia, Greece, Italy, France, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, and elsewhere. In 2020, the IEEE Internet of Things Journal published a Special Issue on Internet of Things for Smart Ocean. In 2019, the journal Sensors published a Special Issue on Smart Ocean: Emerging Research Advances, Prospects and Challenges, and the same journal is now publishing another Special Issue on Internet of Underwater Things.

Some of the activities that supposedly "need" this technology in the oceans are:

climate change monitoring
pollution control and tracking
disaster prevention including tsunami warning systems
ocean exploration
fishing and aquaculture
coral reef harvesting
tectonic plate monitoring
global oceanic trade
oil and gas exploration and production
military communication and surveillance

The infrastructure that is beginning to be deployed, throughout the oceans, includes:

sensors and antennas ("nodes") on the ocean floor
nodes at different depths
surface nodes
relay antennas at different depths to transmit data vertically from the ocean floor to the ocean surface, and horizontally between nodes
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs)
Autonomous Surface Vehicles (ASVs)
underwater robots
wireless surface buoys
smart boats and ships
smart submarines
smart shores

Communication being more difficult to accomplish underwater than through the air, and more subject to interference, several different types of communication media are being used in the oceans to send data at different speeds and over different distances. Acoustic waves, radio waves, lasers, LED light, and magnetic induction are all being used to flood the oceans with data. An underwater GPS system is being developed. Most of these media work only for short- to medium-range communication. Long-range communication relies on acoustic waves, and is similar to the technology used in ocean sonar.​

These technologies are already being marketed commercially and installed in the world's oceans today. At the 2022 Oceanology International conference, which will be held in London from March 15 to 17, dozens of these companies will be exhibiting their products.

WaterLinked sells underwater sensor technology through distributors around the world for use in aquaculture, and in underwater navigation. "Our Wireless Sense™ technology enables reliable wireless communication and innovative subsea sensor solutions," says their website.

EvoLogics sells underwater acoustic modems, both mid-range and long-range, that "provide full-duplex digital communication."

SonarDyne International sells underwater acoustic modems to the oil and gas industry and to governments and navies.

Voyis sells short- and long-range underwater laser scanners.

GeoSpectrum sells "integrated, end-to-end acoustic systems" for oil and gas exploration and for military purposes.

Dynautics sells autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs).

Seaber sells "off-the-shelf micro-AUVs."

Hydromea markets "the first ever tether-less underwater drone."

Mediterraneo Señales Maritimas sells "data buoys that integrate sensors through our datalogger so the data can be transmitted to a remote station and displayed on our software."

3D at Depth, Inc. "provides advanced subsea LIDAR laser systems."

Teledyne Marine sells Autonomous Underwater Gliders, Autonomous Underwater Vehicles ("unmanned robot submarines") and "laser systems for both shallow and deep-sea submerged diving."

"Underwater robots swarm the ocean," says a page on the website of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute. The Institute has developed an acoustic-based navigation system that is enabling large numbers of underwater robots to work together. "Instead of using just a single, larger and more expensive underwater robot to cover an area of the ocean, we want to have hundreds or even thousands of smaller, lower-cost robots that can all work in sync," says their webpage.

Ocean protection organizations have long been campaigning against noise pollution in the oceans, but they are only beginning to be aware of this new type of assault, which has the potential to dwarf all previous noise assaults in its scope and magnitude. For example, one of the campaigns of the environmental organization, Sea Shepherd, is "Silencing the Deafening Roar of Ocean Noise Pollution." They write:

"In 1953, Jacques Cousteau published a classic memoir on his early days of underwater exploration. He titled this book The Silent World. Today, human activities make a mockery of that title. Over the past several decades, marine noise pollution has grown at an exponential rate. Noise from vessel traffic is doubling every decade. Pile-driving, dredging, sonar, and seismic exploration for oil and gas add to the cacophony. For marine wildlife, and especially for acoustically-sensitive cetaceans, this anthropogenic racket poses a grave and growing threat. Ocean noise pollution causes severe stress, behavioral changes, masking (i.e., difficulty perceiving important natural sounds), strandings, and noise-induced loss of hearing sensitivity."

To this mix is now being added the Internet of Underwater Things, which is beginning to flood the oceans with sound in order to connect them to the Internet. And this sound will be pulse-modulated with the same harmful frequencies as radio waves in order to carry the same data. And to communicate over large distances, some of the underwater acoustic modems that are being marketed are capable of producing sound as loud as 202 decibels. That is equivalent to 139 decibels in air. It is as loud as a jet engine at a distance of 100 feet, and is above the threshold for pain in humans. These modems blast modulated sound at frequencies ranging from 7 kHz to 170 kHz, encompassing almost the entire hearing range of dolphins, which use sound for hunting and navigating.

The effects of sonar on whales and dolphins have been widely publicized. But the effects of noise pollution on fish and other denizens of the deep are just as devastating, as Lindy Weilgart details in her 36-page report for OceanCare. She reviews 115 research studies on the effects of noise on 66 species of fish and 36 species of invertebrates.

"Most fish and invertebrates use sound for vital life functions," she writes. "Noise impacts on development include body malformations, higher egg or immature mortality, developmental delays, delays in metamorphosing and settling, and slower growth rates... Anatomical impacts from noise involve massive internal injuries, cellular damage to statocysts and neurons, causing disorientation and even death, and hearing loss... Behaviorally, animals showed alarm responses, increased aggression, hiding, and flight reactions; and decreased anti-predator defense, nest digging, nest care, courtship calls, spawning, egg clutches, and feeding... Some commercial catches dropped by up to 80% due to noise, with larger fish leaving the area."

If the new assault continues, it will provide the last nails in the coffins of our oceans, and -- since the oceans are the source of all life -- of our planet. Already in 1970, just 17 years after he published The Silent World, Jacques Cousteau, returning from 3½ years of exploration in which he traveled 155,000 miles, told the world: "The oceans are dying. The pollution is general."

"People don't realize that all pollution goes to the seas," said Cousteau. "The earth is less polluted. It is washed by the rain which carries everything into the oceans where life has diminished by 40 per cent in 20 years. Fish disappear. Flora too." And what was not being poisoned was being mined for food as though ocean life was an inexhaustible resource. "The oceans are being scraped," he said. "Eggs and larvae are disappearing. In the past, the sea renewed itself. It was a complete cycle. But this balance was upset with the appearance of industrial civilization. Shrimps are being chased from their holes by electric shocks. Lobsters are being sought in impossible places. Coral itself is disappearing. Even in the Indian Ocean, which is little traveled."

Life in the oceans today is hanging by a thread. If the rate of population declines continues, there will be no almost fish left in the oceans by 2048.[i] The oceans are absorbing 24 million tons of carbon dioxide every day, are 26% more acidic than before we began burning fossil fuels,[ii] and have absorbed 93% of the heat generated by greenhouse gases since the 1970s.[iii] The damage already done to coral reefs by acidification, rising temperatures, and bottom trawling would take 100,000 years for nature to repair.[iv] Diatoms -- a type of algae at the base of the ocean's food chain that is also the source of a third of the world's oxygen production -- have been declining by more than 1% per year for two decades.[v] Populations of krill -- the small shrimplike crustaceans that make up a large portion of the diet of many species of whales, penguins and seals -- have declined by 80% since the 1970s.[vi] And the deepest layers of the oceans are severely depleted of oxygen -- so much so that deep-diving fish no longer dive deep but remain near the surface in order to breathe. And populations of fishes that live in the deep sea are drastically declining. Warming oceans can no longer hold as much oxygen, and it is the deepest waters that are depleted of oxygen first.[vii][viii][ix][x] Large numbers of bottom-dwelling crabs have suffocated off the coast of Oregon.[xi] More than a thousand manatees died of starvation in 2021 off the coast of Florida because the seagrass they eat has been killed by pollution.[xii] And there is so much plastic throughout the oceans[xiii] that sardines sold in an Australian fish market contain 3 milligrams of plastic in every gram of their tissue.[xiv]

Although many are the assaults on the oceans, and on the Earth, the single most urgent assault, which is destroying the planet the quickest, is wireless technology. It is the most destructive itself, and it speeds up and coordinates all the other assaults. And driving all of wireless technology, including wireless technology on land, in space, and in the oceans, is the cell phone. All of wireless technology, from 2G to 5G to the Internet of Things to the Internet of Underwater Things, requires everyone to be holding a cell phone in their hands. It is the director, it is the target, and without it, the present rate of destruction could not continue.

As Hillel said two thousand years ago, "If not now, when? If not me, who?"
[i] Boris Worm et al. Impacts of Biodiversity Loss on Ocean Ecosystem Services. Science 314: 787-790 (2006).
[ii] Oceaneos. Ocean Acidification.
[iii] D. Laffoley and J. M. Baxter. Explaining ocean warming: Causes, scale, effects and consequences. International Union for the Conservation of Nature. Sept. 2016.
[iv] Charles Clover. The End of the Line: How Overfishing is Changing the World and What We Eat. New Press, 2006, p. 67.
[v] Cecile S. Rousseaux and Watson W. Gregg. Recent decadal trends in global phytoplankton composition. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 29: 1674-1688 (2015).
[vi] Matthew Taylor. Decline in krill threatens Antarctic wildlife, from whales to penguins. The Guardian, Feb. 14, 2018.
[vii] Craig Welch. Oceans Are Losing Oxygen—and Becoming More Hostile to Life. National Geographic, March 12, 2015.
[viii] Laura Poppick. The Ocean Is Running out of Breath, Scientists Warn. Scientific American, Feb. 25, 2019.
[ix] Kirsten Isensee. The Ocean Is Losing Its Breath. Ocean and Climate Platform, 2018.
[x] International Union for the Conservation of Nature. Ocean Deoxygenation.
[xi] Bradley W. Parks. Low oxygen levels off Northwest coast raise fears of marine "dead zones." Oregon Public Broadcasting, July 22, 2021.
[xii] Corryn Wetzel. Florida Wildlife Officials Move to Feed Starving Manatees in Experimental Conservation Approach. Smithsonian, Dec. 8, 2021.
[xiii] Captain Charles Moore. Plastic Ocean. Avery, NY 2011.
[xiv] Francisca Ribeiro et al. Quantitative Analysis of Selected Plastics in High-Commercial-Value Australian Seafood by Pyrolysis Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry. Environmental Science and Technology 54: 9408-9417 (2020).

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Arthur Firstenberg
Author, The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life
Administrator, International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space
Caretaker, (End Cellphones Here On Earth)
P.O. Box 6216
Santa Fe, NM 87502
phone: +1 505-471-0129

The last 34 newsletters, including this one, are available for downloading and sharing on the Newsletters page of the Cellular Phone Task Force.
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February 20, 2021 - "FCC and Big Telecom Make Us ‘the Dummies’" -

"The FCC and Big Telecom use an outdated and faulty testing method as the basis for their claims that cell phones and wireless devices pose no health risks." -
By: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.[18]

February 3, 2021 -

Join us at our next Take Back Your Health™ virtual conference:

5G and Our Health
September 10-12, 2021[17]

December 29, 2020 - THE WRONG PANDEMIC -

You see them everywhere. Men and women walking down the street, all of them with masks on their faces and cell phones in their hands. People jogging, with masks covering their faces and cell phones in their hands. Mothers wheeling their babies with one hand, holding a cell phone in the other hand, with a mask covering their face.

The world has gone insane.

Back in May, the President of Tanzania announced that a goat, a quail, and a papaya had tested positive for COVID-19. People did not stop eating papayas. But when farmed minks began testing positive, the response has been to kill them all.

After a few minks in the Netherlands tested positive in April, 570,000 minks were slaughtered. Minks started testing positive and being killed in Denmark in June, and on November 4, Denmark announced it would destroy the rest of its 17 million minks. Sanity finally broke out in that country, and the eradication campaign stopped after only 2.5 million minks were slaughtered. But minks have also been killed in Spain, Sweden, Greece, France, and the United States.

Lions, tigers and leopards in zoos have tested positive.

People have been testing their dogs and cats, and lo and behold, some of them have tested positive, and on May 6, the Centers for Disease Control created a webpage titled "What to Do if Your Pet Tests Positive for the Virus that Causes COVID-19." This is what you are supposed to do: "Isolate the pet from everyone else, including other pets." "Keep your pet at least 6 feet away from other pets and people." "If you have a private backyard where your dog can go to the bathroom, do not take them for walks." But, the CDC warns, "Do not wipe or bathe your pet with... hand sanitizer," and "Do not try to put a mask on your pet."

It is becoming obvious that no matter what you test -- minks, lions, dogs, papayas, people, or anything else -- you will get positive results, and that the results mean nothing. Just wait until someone tests a cow. Kill all the cows, and no more meat or dairy products! Vaccinate every pet and farm animal in the world! Do contact tracing for every pet that comes in contact with an infected pet!

We have a pandemic, all right, but it is a pandemic of insanity, not COVID-19. The world -- the entire world, not just a few people or a few countries or a few cultures -- has forgotten what life is. Life is community. It is social contact, touching, breathing, sharing. It is oxygen. People are dying because their masks are making them hypoxic. Cancer cells thrive in the absence of oxygen. If you have cancer, and you wear a mask, you are making your cancer grow. And life is bacteria and viruses. Ninety-nine percent of all bacteria and viruses are beneficial and necessary -- necessary for life, and necessary for evolution. If you disinfect the surface of the earth, you will put an end to life. We did not disinfect the world for smallpox, influenza, measles, or tuberculosis. But we are doing it for "COVID-19."

And we are blaming every symptom known to man on "COVID-19." COVID-19 is a respiratory virus, closely related to the common cold. But we have made a caricature of it. Suddenly a coronavirus is a magical piece of RNA, created by Dracula, that will damage your kidneys or your heart or give you a stroke.

There is another, very real pandemic that is out of control: a pandemic of radiation. A pandemic that does cause kidney and heart damage and strokes, in addition to pneumonia. The radiation is produced by cell phones. The cell phones with which mothers are irradiating their babies, and joggers are irradiating their hearts. The cell phones with which 7 billion people are irradiating the birds, insects and flowers around them. The radiation that will kill all 7 billion of us, unless we put an end to it.


I will be speaking about these issues at the 2021 Take Back Your Health (TBYH) Conference. This year's conference, featuring doctors, immunologists, environmental experts, and others, is titled Our Global Microbiome: Understanding Our Relationship with the Viruses, Bacteria and Molds Around Us.

The conference will be held online January 23 and 24. Details and registration information are here:[16]

November 24, 2020 - An Osteopathic Physician Writes -

"...This is a great podcast by the Weston A Price Foundation. There are many good interviews on this website, so look around.

The Shocking Truth About Electricity & EMFs with Arthur Firstenberg.[15]

Arthur is on a mission to save the planet. ... people with anxiety, depression, headaches, heart palpitations, and more.

The global electrical circuit between the ionosphere and the earth keeps all living creatures alive. The radiation of our planet is interfering with this.

Single most effective thing to do is to get rid of your cell phone. Radiation is the product and the whole planet is suffering. Those putting up the satellites have no clue about what they are doing and the consequences that are already evident."

August 4, 2020 - Could 5G Be The New "Electromania"? -

"Society was taken over by electromania and the most fervent exponents of being electroshocked in good company between two glasses of champagne began to perceive harmful symptoms.” - "The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life” - by: Arthur Firstenberg.[14]


This book (identified immediately above) was first referred to in regards to 5G by Dr. Tom Cowan a few months ago. Now we have access to a summary!

May 29, 2020 - "The Correlation Between Viral Deaths and 5G" -

"... It seems that 5G installations are concentrated where there is the highest incidence of coronavirus deaths. Health officials are betraying the human race by not reporting on the correlation between viral deaths and 5G. Just five states—New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Illinois, and California—account for 54% of all of the confirmed cases in the U.S. and 61% of all coronavirus deaths. California and Illinois also have a concentration of 5G installations.

'5G is about surveillance, data harvesting you are unleashing the devil here,' says Robert Kennedy, Jr. It is about unleashing a high frequency attack on the human race, a frequency high enough that its too dangerous for the telecommunications industry to test for safety.

To assume no negative health effects from 5G is foolish. Might as well assume gravity has no effect. Its the same when we assume vaccines do not cause damage since there is no such thing as a totally safe vaccine. We are sensitive to frequency exposure of all kinds. We tolerate our cell towers, phones and Wi-Fi because we love the technology and we will love 5G even more but will we? If our health deteriorates and we suffer will we still love a 5G antenna in front of our house?"[13]

April 20, 2020 - 5G Moratorium Needed -

"The Caustic Commentary in the last Wise Traditions journal (Winter, 2019) has a section entitled 'Mental Problems,' in which you state that 50 percent of 'millennials' (ages 23-38) and 75 percent of 'Gen Zers' (ages 18-22) have quit their jobs because of psychological issues, while only 10 percent of 'baby boomers' (ages 55-73) have reported leaving a job because of mental illness (The New American, Oct. 14, 2019).

You stated that this is being blamed on 'rising work loads, limited staff and resources, and long hours,' and you go on to mention poor nutrition and over-vaccination as more likely causes.

But you ignore the elephant in the room. Millennials began using cell phones when they were in high school and college. Gen Zers began using them when they were three years old. Neurological problems have long been listed as an adverse effect of extensive exposure to non-ionizing radiation. Safety regulations for cell phones are from 1994 tests, for a duration of six minutes, on dummies with heads of jelly, not real people. Dr. Martin Pall from Washington State Univer­sity reported on February 26, 2020, at Gonzaga University on a study of rats exposed to pulsed microwave non-ionizing radiation at the age of two months—the rats showed signs of de­mentia at the age of fifteen months (rats live for about thirty-six months). When they were exposed to continuous non-ionizing pulsed wireless radiation, as is proposed by our government through 5G, they developed all the markers for Alzheimer’s by the time they were six months old.

Many people have heard that T-Mo­bile and Verizon are currently rolling out 5G, but they don’t know anything about it. According to former Harvard University researcher Susan Clarke, microwave radiation is absorbed by any part of the body the same size as the radiation’s wavelength, which includes our brains and our children’s brains and organs. And with 5G millimeter waves, the size affected includes cells and DNA. Clarke states that cell phone ra­diation is xenobiotic, that is, foreign and very harmful to all biological systems.

On December 11, 2019, a broad coalition of scientists, doctors and ad­vocates sent a National 5G Resolution letter to President Trump demanding a moratorium on 5G until potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investi­gated by scientists independent of the telecom industry. The letter references scientific studies demonstrating harm to human health, animals, bees and the environment.

Two years ago, health-conscious people sent twenty thousand emails and phone calls to Wasco County, Oregon in defense of Azure Standard Farms in response to the county’s demand that Azure spray their eighteen-year-organ­ic farm with Roundup to eliminate wild morning glories. The county backed down. What would be the result if the president received twenty thousand emails backing up the 5G resolution sent by the doctors and scientists? It’s easy to write the president. Just click on, click 'Contact the President' and leave your message. Or call the Whitehouse comment line: (202) 456-1111. State that you request a moratorium on the rollout of 5G because published scientific studies demonstrate harm to humans and the environment from current wireless technology; 5G will dramatically in­crease the general public’s involuntary daily exposure to radio frequency elec­tromagnetic fields and is adding new technology never safety-tested by either industry or the FCC.

We must stop 5G now. And as Susan Clarke can tell you (https://sci­, there are ways to do it. Both governments and the general public have been lied to for twenty-four years about the meaning of section 704 of the Telecommunica­tions Act; recent decisions have given municipalities across the nation the tools to stop the telecommunications companies from putting up new tow­ers, as well as the ability to force them to remove the towers already present.

Please contact the president now, and then forward this letter to every­one you know. If we could generate twenty thousand emails to save Azure Standard Farms, surely we can gener­ate twenty thousand emails to save the planet. We do not have time to wait."[12]

Anne Wilder Chamberlain
Priest River, Idaho

March 29, 2020 - Discovery of "Disaster" From 5G -

Penetration of Millimeter Wave Effects -

What can we say, then, about 5G? ... 5G is designed to carry extraordinarily high amounts of information per second and is, therefore, extraordinarily highly pulsed. The electrical parts of these MM-waves do not penetrate well into buildings, such that millions of 5G antennae are planned in close proximity to our home, schools, churches, businesses, etc, such that it will be nearly impossible to avoid exposures. Given the high pulsation level for 5G radiation, even short exposures may well produce severe biological effects. In addition to this, the finding that 5G systems involve output power sometimes like 30 times higher output than did previous systems, we have an strong argument for disaster (Human exposure to RF fields in 5G downlinkI Nasim, S Kim - arXiv preprintarXiv:1711.03683, 2017 -

It has been argued by the industry that 5G will only produce effects in the outer millimeter of the body because of the absorption of 5G radiation and other MM-wave frequency EMFs. It is the case that 5G and other millimeter wave frequencies will produce very strong surface effects which are of major concern. But it has also been shown that MM-waves produce highly penetrating effects, impacting human brain function and EEG activity and also impacting many internal organs in animals.


So the industry claims are wrong on this as in so many other areas. How can we get such penetrating effects? The magnetic parts of the coherent EMFs are highly penetrating. They place forces on dissolved ions in the aqueous parts of our cells and bodies, moving those ions and regenerating the electrical parts of the EMFs with the same frequency and pulsations, just much lower intensity. Those can then activate theVGCC voltage sensor because of its extraordinary sensitivity to the electrical forces of even very weak EMFs. So the physics again tells us how the system works on the main actual biological target of the VGC voltage sensor.

The impacts of any full-fledged 5G (it always works together with 4G) will be vastly worse than any initial impacts seen following the turning on of 5G, because initially 5G has little to communicate with, so it will initially have much less pulsation. My six worst nightmares is that 5G will produce widespread in most cases universal or near-universal impact of the following types (and each of these needs to be considered in detail, based on the available evidence):

1. A rapid and irreversible crash in human reproduction to close to zero, based mainly but not solely on the impacts on male reproduction.

2. A rapid (albeit somewhat slower than in 1) crash in our collective brain function produced by massive impacts on human brain structure and function.

3. Very early-onset Alzheimer’s dementia also caused by the human brain impact seen in 2.

4. Autism and ADHD caused primarily by perinatal 4G/5G exposures.

5. Massive deterioration in the human gene pool, caused by the DNA effects in human sperm and possibly also on human eggs.

6. Widespread sudden cardiac death in all age ranges caused by the EMF impacts on the pacemaker cells in the sino-atrial node of the heart.

What are we actually seeing initially from 5G?

The reports of human effects in Switzerland included many reports of neurological/neuropsychiatric effects and also cardiac effects .

There are, of course many reviews reporting such effects, as discussed above, following EMF exposures. The physicians in Stuttgart reported these same two types of effects following 5G rollout and in addition, high amounts of electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS).

All three of these effects were reported to occur following smart meter exposures in both the Lamech and also the Conrad studies; all three were also reported to occur in the largest EMF occupational exposures studies ever performed as reviewed by Professor Emeritus Karl Hecht. The difference is that the effects appear to be much more severe following 5G exposure as opposed to the occupational exposure studies or even the smart meter studies. I am aware of still more severe apparent 5G neuropsychiatric effects in Southern California, but those have not been published to date. We have every reason to believe that any full fledged 5G system, communicating with the “internet of things” will produce still vastly greater effects than any of these initial findings.

It was proudly announced in England that an ambulance service will be using 5G communication between the ambulances and the hospitals served by them. The first such ambulance, it was proudly announced, was to be put into operation in Coventry in the West Midlands region of the UK:

So what happened when that 5G ambulance was operational? What happened is that three of the ambulance personnel died within an 11 day period of apparent suicide: Three NHS workers die suddenly while working for same 'toxic' ambulance trust. Could 5G be related? Alan Selby Mirror Sun, 24 Nov 2019 02:23 UTC; ;

Shortly before their deaths a whistleblower wrote to the East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust's boss complaining about psychological abuse. There are widespread neuropsychiatric effects produced by low-intensity EMF exposures, including depression. Depression can cause suicide and various neuropsychiatric effects may well lead to abusive behavior.

Two large occurrences of panic in cattle in the North Friesland area of the Netherlands correlated with 5G testing exposures:

This should not be surprising, given that EMF exposures cause neurological/neuropsychiatric effects. Two specific mechanisms are likely to be involved in producing panic in cattle. Excessive VGCC activity produces fear conditioning in animals and in humans (Kabir et al, J Physiol 2016; 20:5823-5837). EMFs also acting via excessive VGCC activity also produce large increases in the release of norepinephrine, the fight or flight hormone. These two are likely to act together to produce panic. The impact of EMFs on milk production in dairy cattle suggests that cattle may be quite sensitive to EMF effects. There are also several incidences of bizarre, aggressive behavior of cattle and sheep from Germany that may also be related to 5G radiation effects:







Each of these needs to be clearly investigated for possible roles of 5G radiation. The 5th of these is the most clearly linked to 5G because the cow involved is from North Friesland, where cattle were, as noted in the second paragraph above, exposed to 5G radiation. Each of these must be investigated before any final conclusions can be drawn. However given that the “safety guidelines” have been repeatedly shown to fail to predict biological effects and therefore safety and that therefore, all assurances of safety based on those “safety guidelines” are fraudulent, and that there are plausible mechanisms by which EMF exposures can cause these effects, it is essential that the obvious possible cause, electromagnetic field exposures from 5G and/or high antenna density 4G radiation, should be extensively studied.

There have been a series of very unusual human birth defects, in both Germany and France, involving aberrant limb development, such as aberrant hand and finger structure and even missing hands or missing arms. launches nationwide investigation after
babies born with missing or malformed limbs

None of the many articles on these limb birth defects have suggested a link to 5G EMF exposures but such a link should be considered. The reason for that is that Bates et al, Ion Channels in Development and Cancer, Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol 2015; 31: 231-247 showed that elevation of both VGCC activity and also elevation of other voltage-gated ion channels can produce aberrant limb development. While the excessive activities of single channels do not produce aberrations identical to those in these recent human birth defects, a combination of excessive voltage-gated ion channel activities may well do so. Among the genetic studies showing that excessive activity of a particular VGCC produce limb developmental defects are the studies on Timothy syndrome. The Timothy syndrome mutation produces much higher VGCC activity because the closing mechanism of the channel is defective, such that activated channels close extremely slowly such that they produce much higher [Ca2+]i. The Timothy syndrome mutation produces not only limb development aberrations but also severe cases of autism and also cardiac effects. Most Timothy syndrome individuals die of apparent sudden cardiac death at age ranges circa 3 to 7 years old – the oldest known Timothy syndrome individual died at age 13. Here we have two effects produced or apparently produced by 5G exposures, the cardiac effects and the limb birth defects and a third proposed to be caused perinatal by 5G exposures, namely autism, all linked in their causation to VGCC activation.

There were hundreds of birds that died of apparent sudden cardiac death during three days of 5G testing in a park near Rotterdam.

There had been earlier stories published on these bird deaths where the industry denied doing 5G testing but in this article, it was shown that workers had been told to lie about those tests. It has been shown in rodents that MM-wave exposure (non-pulsed) can cause sudden cardiac death (Potekhina IL, Akoyev GN, Yenin LD, Oleyner 1992 Effects of low-intensity electromagnetic radiation in the millimeter range on the cardiovascular system of the white rat. Fiziol Zh 78:35-41 (in Russian)), making it very plausible that these bird deaths were in fact caused by 5G exposures. A second apparent large epidemic of birds falling out the sky of apparent cardiac death occurred last October shortly after the 5G ambulance was turned on in Coventry (see discussion above): , In October, there were already reports that birds fell down from the sky outside the Coventry hospital, after 5G antennas were turned on to enable the Smart Ambulance 5G wireless system in Coventry. See link:

Insect will be massively impacted by 5G EMFs. In 2000 and 2001, two US patents issued for the use of millimeter wave EMFs as insecticides (patent #s 6,073,365 and 6,192,598). These were for using nonpulsed EMFs not the extraordinarily pulsed and therefore dangerous 5G EMFs. 5G will likely cause massive fires because of the impact of 5G EMFs on plants. EMFs impact plants producing large increases in intracellular calcium levels which act in turn to produce large increases in highly volatile and highly flammable terpenes. This, in turn, can make the plants burn as if they were sprayed with a light spray of gasoline. We may have seen the first 5G fires. Five cities along the east coast of South Korea, where some of the earliest 5G rollouts in the world occurred, had their 5G systems turned on – late April 3, 2019. The five unprecedented fires occurred in those same cities 1 ½ days later, April 5, 2019!;

Other possible 5G fires may have also occurred in 2019 in areas of Southern California where 5G was rolled out, including along I405 freeway.

Role of 5G in the Coronavirus Epidemic in Wuhan China

Wuhan, the capital of Hubei province in China, was chosen to be China’s first 5G “smart city” and the location of China’s first smart 5G highway. Wuhan is also the center of the horrendous coronavirus epidemic. The possible linkage between these two events was first discussed in an Oct. 31, 2019 article entitled: “Wuhan was the province where 5G was rolled out, now the center of deadly virus”

The question that is being raised here is not whether 5G is responsible for the virus, but rather whether 5G radiation, acting via VGCC activation may be exacerbating the viral replication or the spread or lethality of the disease. Let’s backtrack and look at the recent history of 5G in Wuhan in order to get some perspective on those questions. An Asia Times article, dated Feb.12, 2019 ( stated that there were 31 different 5G base stations (that is antennae) in Wuhan at the end of 2018. There were plans developed later such that approximately 10,000 5G antennae would be in place at the end of 2019, with most of those being on 5G LED smart street lamps. The first such smart street lamp was put in place on May 14, 2019 (, but large numbers only started being put in place in October, 2019, such that there was a furious pace of such placement in the last 2 ½ months of 2019. These findings show that the rapid pace of the coronavirus epidemic developed at least roughly as the number of 5G antennae became extraordinarily high. So we have this finding that China’s 1st 5G smart city and smart highway is the epicenter of this epidemic and this finding that the epidemic only became rapidly more severe as the numbers of 5G antennae skyrocketed.

Are these findings coincidental or does 5G have some causal role in exacerbating the coronavirus epidemic? In order to answer that question, we need to determine whether the downstream effects of VGCC activation exacerbate the viral replication, the effects of viral infection, especially those that have roles in the spread of the virus and also the mechanism by which this coronavirus causes death. Accordingly, the replication of the viral RNA is stimulated by oxidative stress: J Mol Biol. 2008 Nov 28;383(5):1081-96. Variable oligomerization modes in coronavirus non-structural protein 9. Ponnusamy R, Moll R, Weimar T, Mesters JR, Hilgenfeld R.

Other aspects of viral replication including those involved in the spread of the virus are stimulated by increased intracellular calcium [Ca2+]i, oxidative stress, NF-kappaB elevation, inflammation and apoptosis, each of which are increased following EMF exposure. The first citation below shows an important role of VGCC activation in stimulating coronavirus infection.

Virology. 2020 Jan 2;539:38-48. Porcine deltacoronavirus (PDCoV) modulates calcium influx to favor viral replication. Bai D, et al.

J Virol. 2011 May;85(9):4234-45. Distinct severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-induced acute lung injury pathways in two different nonhuman primate species. Smits SL, et al.

Cell Calcium. 2018 Nov;75:30-41. NAADP-dependent Ca2+ signaling regulates Middle East respiratory syndrome-coronavirus pseudovirus translocation through the endolysosomal system. Gunaratne GS, et al.

J Virol. 2011 May;85(9):4234-45. Distinct severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-induced acute lung injury pathways in two different nonhuman primate species. Smits SL, et al.

Proteome Sci. 2011 Mar 8;9:11. Proteomic analysis of chicken embryonic trachea and kidney tissues after infection in ovo by avian infectious bronchitis coronavirus. Cao Z, et al.

Res Vet Sci. 2015 Jun;100:12-7. Serum biomarkers of oxidative stress in cats with feline infectious peritonitis. Tecles F, et al.

J Infect Dis. 2008 Mar 15;197(6):812-6. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency enhances human coronavirus infection. Wu YH et al.

J Virol. 1998 Jun;72(6):4918-24. Transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus induces programmed cell death in infected cells through a caspase-dependent pathway. Eleouet JF, et al.

The predominant cause of death from this coronavirus is pneumonia. Pneumonia is greatly exacerbated by each of those five downstream effects of VGCC activation, excessive intracellular calcium, oxidative stress, NF-kappaB elevation, inflammation and apoptosis. The first of the citations listed below shows that calcium channel blockers, the same type of drugs that block EMF effects, are useful in the treatment of pneumonia. This predicts that EMFs, acting via VGCC activation, will produce increasingly severe pneumonia and therefore 5G radiation as well as other types of EMFs may well increase pneumonia deaths.

Zheng et al. 2016 Preadmission Use of Calcium Channel Blockers and Outcomes After Hospitalization With Pneumonia: A Retrospective Propensity-Matched Cohort Study. Am J Ther. 2017 Jan/Feb;24(1):e30- e38.

Fang et al. 2017 Pneumolysin-Dependent Calpain Activation and Interleukin-1α Secretion in Macrophages Infected with Streptococcus pneumoniae. Infect Immun. 2017 Aug 18;85(9). pii: e00201-17.

Fettel et al. 2019 Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) induces potent anti-inflammatory effects in vitro and in vivo by S1P receptor 4-mediated suppression of 5-lipoxygenase activity. FASEB J. 2019 Feb;33(2):1711- 1726.

Liu and Shi. 2019 Calcium-activated chloride channel regulator 1 (CLCA1): More than a regulator of chloride transport and mucus production. World Allergy Organ J. 2019 Nov 29;12(11):100077.

Sci Rep. 2018 Oct 18;8(1):15393. Surfactant protein D attenuates acute lung and kidney injuries in pneumonia-induced sepsis through modulating apoptosis, inflammation and NF-κB signaling. Du J, et al.

Curr Neurovasc Res. 2020 Jan 28. MicroRNA (miR)-429 promotes inflammatory injury by targeting kruppel-like factor 4 (KLF4) in neonatal pneumonia. Zhang L, et al.

Life Sci. 2019 Jul 1;228:189-197. Long noncoding RNA SNHG16 targets miR-146a-5p/CCL5 to regulate LPS-induced WI-38 cell apoptosis and inflammation in acute pneumonia. Zhou Z, et al.

These all argue that 5G radiation is likely to greatly exacerbate the spread of the coronavirus and to greatly increase the lethality of the infections produced by it. The good news is that it is likely that those of us that live in areas with no 5G radiation and who avoid other EMFs wherever possible will probably escape much of the impacts of this prospective global pandemic. It is highly probable that one of the best things Wuhan can do to control the epidemic in the city is to turn off the 4G/5G system.

In summary, we have a series of 5G linked events that have occurred in more than one situation, where we have plausible mechanisms by which 5G radiation can cause them and where we know that counter arguments are based on “safety guidelines” which fail to predict biological effects and are, therefore, fraudulent. These include:

1. Neurological/neuropsychiatric effects reported both in Switzerland and in Stuttgart Germany, effects similar to but more severe than effects caused by other EMF exposures.

2. Three suicides within 11 days of each other in the first 5G ambulance personnel

3. Cardiac effects also reported in both in Switzerland and in Stuttgart Germany, effects similar to those found in in humans in following other EMF exposures as well as in animal experimental studies.

4. Two cases of massive, almost instantaneous 5G bird sudden cardiac death effects, one in the Netherlands and one in the UK.

5. We have cases of mass panic in cattle, as well as unusual aggressive behavior in cattle and sheep.

6. We have multiple cases of human limb birth defects in France and Germany.

7. We have multiple cases of apparent 5G fires in Korea and in Southern California.

8. We have large apparent increases in EHS in Stuttgart Germany. While this is a single example, to my knowledge, similar although more slowly developing examples of EHS have been shown to occur in occupational EMF exposure studies and in the two smart meter studies. The case may be weaker here, because it is based solely on the Stuttgart example, but is still substantial.

9. Four downstream effects produced by EMFs acting via VGCC activation, oxidative stress, NFkappaB elevation, inflammation and apoptosis greatly stimulate both coronavirus infectious process, including aspects involved in viral spreading and also pneumonia, the predominant cause of death in the Wuhan coronavirus epidemic. It follows from this that the “coincidence” that Wuhan, China’s first smart 5G city and location of China’s first 5G highway and the other “coincidence” that the epidemic was first discovered when high 5G antenna densification started, with the severity of the epidemic and death rate increasing very rapidly as circe 8,000 5G antennae were built all over the city of Wuhan. It is, therefore, highly probable that these are not coincidences but rather involve causal roles of 5G EMFs.

In each of these cases, as stated above, we have plausible mechanisms by which each of them can be produced by 5G EMF exposure and where all contrary claims based on “safety guidelines” are simply fraudulent. In the eight of these of these effects (#8 being an apparent exception), we have a prima facie case for 5G causation. And let me repeat that any effects seen with the initial “rollout” of 5G radiation will be a tiny fraction of those predicted by a mature 5G system interacting with the “internet of things” because any initial 5G system has very little to communicate with on initial rollout and therefore will produce only a tiny fraction of highly pulsed EMF effects of such a mature system. The very high impacts of modulating and nonmodulating pulses mean that the extraordinarily high level of modulating pulses in 5G radiation, with those pulses communicating vast amounts of information per second, means that 5G radiation is vastly more dangerous than the exposures we previously have had and those previous exposures have already having massive impacts on us and on other organisms.

The eight apparent 5G effects listed above do not include other predicted massive effects of 5G radiation where we have no evidence of whether they are occurring or not but where we have evidence of important causal roles of other EMF exposures. These include: 1. Massive impacts on male reproduction, where 5G radiation may well produce very rapid crashes in male reproduction to close to zero.

2. Universal of near universal very early onset Alzheimer’s dementias (AD). Here we know that all you have to do to produce universal or near universal very early onset AD in a rat model, is to give a series of EMF pulses during one day and even during one second. If you give pulses every day, you get universal or near universal AD in six month old rats (roughly the equivalent age of a 12 year old child).

3. Universal or near universal autism. We know, from genetic studies, that human autism is caused by excessive VGCC activity and because this is the primary mechanism of action of EMFs, including MM-wave EMFs of 5G, it is highly plausible that the very highly pulsed 5G may cause universal or near universal autism. 4. Very high levels of germ line mutations caused by the impact of 5G radiation acting via VGCC activation on the DNA of human sperm and on the DNA of human oocytes. What this argues is that what little human reproduction survives the effects of #1 may well be heavily impacted by very high levels of de novo mutation.

Possible causation of each of these by 5G radiation could have been tested by animal model studies, before any 5G rollout. It is my opinion that it is an atrocity of almost unbelievable proportions that no such tests have been done. All of this argues that 5G presents threats of the sort that we have never seen before – multiple imminent existential threats to our survival.[11]

September 25, 2019 - A Motherlode of 5G Info:

"Imagining a 5G Future: Where Fantasy Does Not Meet Reality" -
Written By: Alison Main[10]

July 19, 2019 - Update at[9]

"California is on the cutting edge of the fight against 5G wireless, at the local, state, and federal levels."

March 1, 2019 - From the "Web of Life - Activism, Blog -
5G – A Toxic Assault on the Planetary Web of Life -

“The 5G rollout is absolutely insane.” ~ Dr. Martin Pall addressing the NIH

“Allowing this technology to be used without proving its safety is reckless in the extreme, as the millimeter waves are known to have a profound effect on all parts of the human body.” -
~ Prof. Trevor Marshall, Director Autoimmunity Research Foundation, California

“The plans to beam highly penetrative 5G milliwave radiation at us from space must surely be one of the greatest follies ever conceived of by mankind. There will be nowhere safe to live.” -
~ Olga Sheean former WHO employee and author of No Safe Place

It is already clear from over 10,000 studies on 2G, 3G, and 4G that these wireless network radio frequency (RF) radiation network systems are causing significant acute and chronic health problems, including life-threatening diseases such as cancer, heart disease, type-2 diabetes, and mental disturbances, such as depression, anxiety, and increased suicidal tendencies.

Beyond the statements of informed individuals decrying the 5G “rollover”, there are also major organizations warning of its dangers. The International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space currently boasts approximately 31,300 signatories as of January 11th, 2019. They write,

“We the undersigned scientists, doctors, environmental organizations and citizens from (__) countries, urgently call for a halt to the deployment of the 5G (fifth generation) wireless network, including 5G from space satellites. 5G will massively increase exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation on top of the 2G, 3G and 4G networks for telecommunications already in place. RF radiation has been proven harmful for humans and the environment. The deployment of 5G constitutes an experiment on humanity and the environment that is defined as a crime under international law.”[8]

February 22, 2019 -

5G: Harmful effects of a new technology -
by Jon Rappoport

* See “5G Radiation Dangers—11 Reasons To Be Concerned,” by Lloyd Burrell[1] (twitter), at Well worth a read.

* Of course, read Patrick Wood’s (twitter) instant classic, Technocracy Rising,[2] which explains the hidden agenda of Globalism in the 21st century. Patrick’s blog[3].

“Along with the 5G there is another thing coming — Internet of Things. If you look at it…the radiation level is going to increase tremendously and yet the industry is very excited about it… they project 5G/IoT business to be a $7 trillion business.” — Prof. Girish Kumar, Professor at Electrical Engineering Department at IIT Bombay

5G, the latest and greatest method of faster wireless transmission, is coming on with a storm.

Governments are promoting it as if the future of humanity depends on it. It MUST BE implemented.

When governments and corporations see technological daylight up the road—and big money—they run toward it joined at the hip. Consequences be damned.

And now, 5G.

A few of the many corporations involved include Samsung, Intel, Qualcomm, Nokia, Huawei, Ericsson, ZTE. This is a global operation, and many governments are backing the push.

And the consumer gets what? The ability to watch the reruns of Law&Order he’s already watching? His current TV reception isn’t good enough? The appliances in his home will all be connected to Internet and talk to each other and spy on him and record his energy use, in conjunction with smart meters, for the Greater Good.

Somehow, you really need your toaster connected to the Internet? You want that? You can’t get along without that?

UNDOUBTEDLY, A KEY PART OF THE 5G PROGRAM IS, EVENTUALLY, MASSIVE NUMBERS OF DRIVERLESS CARS ON ROADS ALL OVER THE WORLD. This is the plan. Cars are connected and talk to each other. Humans play no role in this. The Technocratic Internet of Things decides how, at any given moment, to regulate traffic flows. Humans learn to be passive.


“Mr. Jones, this is the voice of your house speaking. You have reached the assigned limit of your energy use for the month. Try to get along without energy until next month’s allotment comes online…”

At[5] (5/12/17), we learn about the purported “upside” of 5G:

“5G and IoT [Internet of Things] promises to connect us in our homes, schools, workplaces, cities, parks and open spaces to over a trillion objects around the world. It promises cars that drive themselves, washing machines that order their own washing powder and softener plus of course super fast downloads and streaming.”

“According to 5G will support at least 100 billion devices and will be 10 to 100 times faster than current 4G technology. (4G was already about 10 times faster than 3G).”

“It’ll bring download speed up to 10 Gigabits per second. This would let us have an entire building of people send each other data in close to no time, thus improving productivity.”

Now, takes us into the disaster of 5G:

“5G will utilize smaller cell stations (and the technology of beamforming) that’ll scramble/unscramble and redirect packets of data on a no-interference path back to us. This could mean wireless antennas on every lamp post, utility pole, home and business throughout entire neighborhoods, towns and cities.”

“Thousands of studies link low-level wireless radio frequency radiation exposures to a long list of adverse biological effects, including:

• DNA single and double strand breaks

• oxidative damage

• disruption of cell metabolism

• increased blood brain barrier permeability

• melatonin reduction

• disruption to brain glucose metabolism

• generation of stress proteins”

“Given that 5G is set to utilize frequencies above and below existing frequency bands 5G sits in the middle of all this. But the tendency (it varies from country to country) is for 5G to utilize the higher frequency bands. Which brings its own particular concerns…”

“The biggest concern is how these new wavelengths will affect the skin. The human body has between two million to four million sweat ducts. Dr. Ben-Ishai of Hebrew University, Israel explains that our sweat ducts act like ‘an array of helical antennas when exposed to these wavelengths,’ meaning that we become more conductive. A recent New York study which experimented with 60GHz waves stated that ‘the analyses of penetration depth show that more than 90% of the transmitted power is absorbed in the epidermis and dermis layer’.”

“The effects of MMWs [millimeter waves] as studied by Dr. Yael Stein of Hebrew University is said to also cause humans physical pain as our nociceptors flare up in recognition of the wave as a damaging stimuli. So we’re looking at possibilities of many skin diseases and cancer as well as physical pain to our skin.”

“A 1994 study found that low level millimeter microwave radiation produced lens opacity in rats, which is linked to the production of cataracts.”

“An experiment conducted by the Medical Research Institute of Kanazawa Medical University found that 60GHz ‘millimeter-wave antennas can cause thermal injuries of varying types of levels. The thermal effects induced by millimeterwaves can apparently penetrate below the surface of the eye’.”

“A 1992 Russian study found that frequencies in the range 53-78GHz (that which 5G proposes to use) impacted the heart rate variability (an indicator of stress) in rats. Another Russian study on frogs whose skin was exposed to MMWs found heart rate changes (arrhythmias).”

“5G will use pulsed millimeter waves to carry information. But as Dr. Joel Moskowitz points out, most 5G studies are misleading because they do not pulse the waves. This is important because research on microwaves already tells us how pulsed waves have more profound biological effects on our body compared to non-pulsed waves. Previous studies, for instance, show how pulse rates of the frequencies led to gene toxicity and DNA strand breaks.”

This is just a sampling of 5G’s disastrous effects. There is much more.

“AT&T have announced the availability of their 5G Evolution in Austin, Texas. 5G Evolution allows Samsung S8 and S8 + users access to faster speeds. This is part of AT&T’s plan to lay the 5G foundation while the standards are being finalized. This is expected to happen in late 2018. AT&T has eyes on 19 other metropolitan areas such as Chicago, Los Angeles, Boston, Atlanta, San Francisco and so on. Indianapolis is up next on their 5G trail due to arrive in the summer [2018].”

It’s full steam ahead for 5G on planet Earth.

Profits, top-down control, new technology—why bother with extensive health studies?

Once the effects on the population take hold, doctors will make diagnoses of DISEASES that seem to have nothing to do with 5G. They’ll call it Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, or a variety of blood disorders, they’ll look for THE VIRUS, and they’ll develop new drugs…[6]

By Anna Von Reitz

Agreed. If only because 5 G towers and antennae can be weaponized to kill off most of the population. Read on.

I have been approached on several occasions by madmen involved in "Career Science" --- a byword for "Deep State Politically-Motivated Junk Science". These are the same crowd that brought you Maxwell's (Incomplete) Equations, and Einstein's obviously wrong "Theory of Special Relativity" and the Double Accrual Accounting System and the completely ludicrous idea that Carbon Dioxide is causing "Global Warming".

I'd like to plunge them all head first into the twelve foot snow berm at the end of my drive way about now.

Much of what these professional liars in lab coats do is to cook the books on scientific test results for Big Business interests --- military contractors, communications industry moguls, transportation industry interests, and of course, Big Pharma.

Lots and lots for them work for "the government" -- and the commercial corporations that run what too often poses for "the government".

Because I started my life as a happy and clueless mathematician, I have a lot of Geek friends. We do stuff like deconstruct torroidal algorithms and work fractal system geometry problems for fun. We think memorizing the 32 naturally occurring crystal forms is cool. So granted, its a weird set of cocktail party jokes....

For some time now, the scuttlebutt in some circles is a plan to use scalar technology called "slice and dice" staged from naval ships and submarines to send out "kill signals" to radios and other electrical devices like cell phones.

This is like a biological EMP. It's a electrical resonance frequency that interferes with the electrical signal that prompts your heart to beat and your nerve synapses to function. So, boom, your heart stops functioning and you drop down dead. Like all those flocks of birds falling out of the sky for no reason.

If they issue such a signal to cell phones they can limit the impact to the "local environment" --- meaning only you or someone in very close proximity gets zapped.

About two months ago, I was approached by someone claiming to be "the Archangel Michael" ---- but he didn't pass angelic signals to me --- who suggested that it was time to start killing off billions of people. It would be accomplished by building up a tremendous charge in the 5 G frequency and then applying it as a girdle around the most densely populated part of the Earth --- a swath of about 30-35 degrees of latitude on either side of the Equator.

He estimated that it would take out about 4.5 billion people.

There was no mention of screening or any attempt to tell any difference between the good or the bad, just a mass murder of staggering proportions.

I gave him a stern warning about the interstellar consequences of doing anything like that, but it doesn't appear that he is listening and neither are certain Parties on the Majestic side of the Galactic Council. So I will reiterate the facts for everyone again.

There is an in-bound Andromedan-Aquarian Alliance Fleet and if they find that any such thing has been done here, they have orders to hunt down and destroy not only the pirates responsible, but the civilizations supporting this genocidal insanity. Meaning all the home worlds, too. Their technology is far superior and advanced over anything here.

Moon base? Did you hear that clearly?
Houston? You get that signal?

Just stop the idiotic saber rattling and stand down.

The time for the changing of the guards in this insane asylum is here and there is nothing you can do about it. You either take the High Road, or you go out feet first. Your choice, but if I were you, I'd go home and sit in front of the fireside with my family.

Thanks for sharing this article, People!

“Putting in tens of millions of 5G antennae without a single biological test of safety has got to be about the stupidest idea anyone has had in the history of the world.”

All of the above comes serendipitous to a very rare and unexpected visit from a friend who specializes in lowering in-home electric, magnetic and microwave fields. I just forwarded this to him to see to what extent he's already aware it and if already fully-informed will begin to inquire with him about antidote/s, remedies and the like. I am looking forward to hearing from him within the next week.

Wishing you all very well - no matter what side of the proverbial "fence" you may be on of this or any other issue in the world today.

P.S. And according to the list of George Soros business holdings he has AT&T, Intel, and Qualcomm. I can't help but think he must be all for this "5 G" roll-out. Can anyone imagine a "miracle" of communication with George to reconsider? .........

March 1, 2019 - Continuing with "5G - A Toxic Assault on The Planetary Web of Life." -

... In summary, we’ve been given a story of how good it is that we can have “smart” homes, “smart” businesses, “smart” highways, “smart” cities and self-driving cars. Virtually everything we own and buy, from refrigerators and washing machines to milk cartons, hairbrushes, and infants’ diapers, will contain antennas and microchips and will be connected wirelessly to the Internet. We’re being told that this is a good thing, but it’s not if we value our physical, mental, moral, and spiritual health. In other words, no matter how “ultra-convenient” these ultra “smart” devices, agreeing to be seduced by the promises of convenience is potentially not too smart.

What isn’t acknowledged in all this media hype is that this technology may present as an unprecedented negative environmental effect. The planet, plants, animals, humans, and all life on Earth is in jeopardy. With millions of new 5G base stations, also known as cell towers or small cells, from Earth, and 20,000 new satellites from space simultaneously beaming hundreds of times more powerfully focused RF/MW radiation of pulse modulated millimeter waves, with a much higher absorption rate than 4G/3G/2G centimeter waves, through walls, trees, and human bodies day and night, we’re talking about an estimated of 200 billion transmitting objects, which will be part of the Internet of Things (IoT) by 2020. This could be a large-scale and complete disaster for the human race. Part of what the globalists are trying to do is deny that there’s a problem with non-ionizing frequencies, even though, as already stated, more than 10,000 papers are saying there are indeed multiple levels of health problems. According to the actual scientific research, there’s clear evidence of damage of DNA, cells, and organs in a wide variety of ways and increased disease processes, including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and a host of electromagnetic diseases.

If 5G comes to fruition, no person, no animal, and no plant will be able to avoid the 24/7 exposure to levels of RF/MW radiation that are at least 100 times greater than current levels. 5G will threaten to provoke severe and irreversible effects in humans and also damage to all of Earth’s ecosystems. ...[8]

February 22, 2019 - Continuing In Hope -

"When we see the state of the world today, we tell ourselves the worst may yet happen: nuclear war, epidemics, famines, natural disasters, and so on, capable of bringing an end to humankind. But events are never absolutely certain, for they can take quite a different course, depending on human beings' behaviour. Nothing is predetermined and there is no fixed destiny, whether it be for an individual or for the world as a whole. When God created humans, he gave them free will, and they determine their own future. If they live without awareness and lead a dissolute life, they unleash chaotic currents and then of course, the laws of nature, which are the laws of justice, will lead them to their loss; it is purely mathematical. But if they think about the consequences of their actions, if they make wise decisions, if they radiate harmonious energy and no longer disturb the balance of nature, many tragedies will be avoided."[7] -
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Re: making "wise decisions", and radiating "harmonious energy" - Knowing how your own Human Design works and living in love with your design highly supports making "wise decisions", and radiating "harmonious energy." Probably the number one ability gained from living your design is knowing how to make decisions that are truly correct for you. Living your design will transform you and subsequently your aura through which you "radiate." It is natural that you'll be "radiating harmonious energy" as a result of living in harmony with your design.

















[16] By: Arthur Firstenberg - To forward this newsletter via social media, use this link:

Author, "The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life";
Founder, ECHOEarth (End Cellphones Here On Earth)
P.O. Box 6216
Santa Fe, NM 87502
phone: +1 505-471-0129
December 29, 2020

The last 12 newsletters, including this one, are available for downloading and sharing on the Newsletters page of the Cellular Phone Task Force. Some of the newsletters are also available there in
German, Spanish, Italian, and French.



[19] To download, share, or print out this article, copy and paste this link:
























biological EMP, electrical resonance frequency, electrical heart signal, 5G, kill signals, cell phones, biological test of safety, radiation level, faster wireless transmission, Samsung, Intel, Qualcomm, Nokia, Huawei, Ericsson, ZTE, AT&T, the state of the world, destiny, technology, millimeter waves, The Invisible Rainbow, Ski Jumping World Cup Event, Jumping Off a Cell Tower


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Re: Is It Possible… Mixol… 11 y
Re: Up The Creek? … Mixol… 11 y
Re: The Truth of S… Mixol… 11 y
Re: Some Alternati… karlo… 11 y
Re: Proper Names W… Mixol… 11 y
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5G - the "Stupidest Idea in …  5 y
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We Can Inject Life Into "Fro…  5 y
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"All Government Offices Are …  6 y
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Ralph Waldo Emerson - A Tre…  6 y
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