Blog: #21dc
by LIndaWu


I talk to the Lord.

Date:   1/25/2016 11:17:54 AM   ( 8 y ) ... viewed 1031 times

Dear God,

I don't have school today due to the snow. I am kind of happy that there is no school. At first I wanted there to be school, but upon finding that there isn't, I felt happy. I had a really good morning by reading and finishing a children's book, playing Dual N-Back, and doing my ritual, but I couldn't help falling asleep like always mid-morning, and I am kind of worried about it, because it will make me sleep at 2 a.m, tonight, and I have to get up at 5:40 a.m. tomorrow for school.

I don't feel like following my schedule now that I slept. I just feel like letting it all hang loose. I could see a potential problem with that. I might get bored. I know boredom was the reason I slept in the morning the first day, but now it has become a habit, and I don't have to get bored to fall asleep mid-morning.

Lord, my plan is to read another children's book.

Lord, I have just eaten. I was going on this 14-day fast to help cure a friend of insomnia, but I made the big mistake of telling him about it. He doesn't understand, and now I am affected by him and don't think it's important to fast for him because of what he said, so I ate. Dear Lord, let this be the last time that I tell anyone about fasting, the last time I fight with anyone about it. I am now wiser and more experienced. I know that I cannot tell anyone.

Dear Lord, I still think I should fast for my friend. Can you wash me of my sins and let me begin again? I failed because of inexperience. I know more now. I feel totally washed now, thanks.

Lord, I still can't believe how I stopped compulsive bathing. It was supposed to be hard to stop. If this miracle is possible, then no miracle is impossible.

I am a God girl.

Forever yours,
Linda Wu

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