Blog: #21dc
by LIndaWu


I pray a good night.

Date:   1/18/2016 12:18:04 AM   ( 8 y ) ... viewed 998 times

OK, I didn't read 60 PsyBlog emails. I read about 10. It was totally worth it. I learned that a type of brain training game could help with anxiety, depression, and bad mood, so I spent two hours playing games on my iPad. I also learned that changing your voice could change your mood. Happy and sweet voice=happy and sweet mood. So I changed my voice and became filled with happiness. Vegetables could help the brain to be five years younger but not fruits.

I am really tired. When I sleep wrong, my concentration gets really bad and I can't focus on reading for many days. So I better sleep soon, for it is 1:03 A.M.

One last thing before I drop. My weight right now is 117.2 lb. I want to be 114.8 lb when I go to school on Tuesday. First day of school! 109.8 lb next Tuesday. 105.8 lb next next Tuesday. 101.8 lb next next next Tuesday. Goal weight in the end is 101 lb. I will record my weight on my iPad every Tuesday morning. So excited to lose weight!

Gonna listen to a lucid dream binaural beat video on YouTube now. Good night. Thank you, Lord, for this blessed, holy, perfect day. It was a unique day, unlike any other. I give love to this day as if it's a little child needing love. I give love to the next unique day. May I be flexible in the next day in dealing with the interesting challenges that lie ahead. And God planned it all. And I say yes to his plans. God is Love. Amen. So let it be.

Thank you for your gift, God. Today was a gift. I can't wait to open the next one. Amen.

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