Blog: #21dc
by LIndaWu

Short-Circuit Thinking

I think about short-circuit thinking. Signs I am spiritually higher.

Date:   1/17/2016 2:34:44 AM   ( 8 y ) ... viewed 857 times

I just learned last night that I have short-circuit thinking. It sounded about right. It describes me in the past, but I don't know how this person knew I had this just from a philosophical and benign saying I came up with that actually sounds deep. He says it occurs commonly among mathematicians who are trying to arrive at a point.

Did some research on this topic. Turns out it means being too emotional and not objective enough, not thinking deeply, critically, clearly, or proficiently. Maybe what I said was too short. Deep, one sentence ideas always come to me like this, sometimes helping me out a lot, for example the idea that God dislikes gluttony and I need to please God, but I guess it wasn't enough. I need a lecture length discourse. I need a model for thinking.

I have a conjecture that this short-circuit thinking is what is preventing me from fasting. I also think that if I thought clearly, I would never lie in bed during daytime again and would reach my potential in doing what I want to do. Wonder how to get out of short-circuit thinking.

I will take more notice of it and meditate on it from now on. Maybe read more and watch more lectures. Or write more to straighten out my thinking. I always thought I needed an idea to help me. Maybe not so. Maybe once I figure it all out, I don't have to try hard to remember any other idea. I have been searching for the right idea for almost a decade. Now I realize no need. No more thinking. But should I take notes if I meet a good one-sentence idea in a lecture or sermon? Would that be short-circuit thinking?

I remember sometimes this person who said I have short-circuit thinking would be saying something, and I would be repeating it in my head to try to memorize it, and he would think I couldn't respond to him because I was still thinking about the issue. I was actually not thinking but trying to memorize. I just like to horde good ideas. I actually never remember what he said that I purposefully tried to memorize. I have a hunch this also has to do with my short-circuit thinking. It's always one-sentence ideas. Today, I am going to not think. Maybe it needs to come from my heart what I want to say.

Being spiritually higher also means eating right and being sensitive to bad foods and liking good foods. I stopped all the refined grains, processed sugar, and oil two days ago.

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