Blog: #21dc
by LIndaWu

Day 2

Eating disorder easily cured. I could eat like this the rest of my life.

Date:   1/13/2016 3:18:33 PM   ( 8 y ) ... viewed 907 times

You know what? Even though I ate yesterday and today, I am still going to call it a fast. It will just be a non-strict fast. Today I ate about 8 grams of walnuts, one medium banana, and one roasted peanut. That's still eating very little, but the banana felt like a buffet or a banquet in my stomach. #21DC actually didn't ask for a water fast but a Daniel fast. But I am already a vegan, so it's easy.

Why I wanted to eat was because I suddenly had cravings and couldn't focus on reading and was just waiting it out. I thought there was no end to this waiting, so I decided to eat.

Thinking I could be like God was easier than the practice. Still, it wasn't a binge. Oh, I feel so good!

I thought today was going to be Day 1 again, so I didn't read any more Bible or listen to new sermons. But I just decided to make today Day 2, so I better do my homework and catch up. But I thought my fast was supposed to be hard. Eating a banana and less than a half handful of nuts each day is not hard. It's so easy that I could do it the rest of my life. It's certainly new to me. My eating disorder is cured! I have had eating disorder for a decade. Trying to please God simply got rid of it. Not that I want to worship God simply for my own benefit. I want to worship God to glorify him. My benefits are just an add-on. I thought I was never going to eat little like my grandma. I thought her eating very little was hard. Now it's so easy I feel like I'm floating on a cloud.

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Comments (2 of 3):
Re: Update Pamster 8 y
Re: Tomorrow Mrs Richey08 8 y
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