Blog: #21dc
by LIndaWu

Speaking from the Heart

Love is the panacea.

Date:   1/17/2016 3:28:03 AM   ( 8 y ) ... viewed 916 times

Not sure how this is going to turn out. I just want to try speaking from the heart for this blog entry. Here it goes.

There is no need to think anymore. Every time you ask a question to your problem, the answer is always love. Love makes the world go round. Love means faith, harmony, compassion, deep passion, standing for what you believe in. You wanna find how to fast? One answer. Love. It is the panacea. We just have to find out how to love. And beware, love is not lust, but sometimes we might love someone along with lusting, but the real test of love is how long that's going to last. Linda, never look for another idea again. Love is the wisest idea of all. You don't need to memorize this. This comes from the heart, spirit, and soul. Forget this idea from your head, because it's already ingrained in your soul. It will always come back to you. Don't worry about what to do next time you confront a problem of you are going to eat, oh no, what to do? Don't recite a one-sentence answer. Use your heart to stop yourself, not your memory, not your head. Your heart is strong. It beated at least 60 beats per minute most of the time for 25 years. It knows what it's doing. Don't forget that poem you wrote, "Love is the Panacea." And even though you don't lust Chris Leed anymore, love is still the panacea. Heart remembers all.

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Comments (2 of 3):
Re: Update Pamster 8 y
Re: Tomorrow Mrs Richey08 8 y
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