Blog: Spiritual healing
by #461

Cadmium toxicity, and an apology...

Cadmium toxicity symptoms no longer given, and an apology to the El-*yh...

Date:   12/3/2015 8:38:12 PM   ( 10 y ) ... viewed 582 times

Looks like the cadmium toxicity issue needs discussion. I did research on this back when I was investigating Dr. Clark's death about 5 or so years ago. I knew it wouldn't be cancer, since she had healed it many times over at her clinic for a variety of people.

I happened to read a article about someone dying of cadmium poisoning, and realized the symptoms matched Dr. Clark's right up to the death looking like it was 'cancer'.

So, comparing the posts and articles people around her made observing her symptoms, one of which was severe debilitating joint pain, to the symptoms, I realized she'd been poisoned to death in a fiendish, horrible agonizing way. Bastards.

Now that I'm researching it again for this post, the agonizing joint pain is no longer mentioned, nor is the spasming of the blood vessels or increased blood pressure. It barely says it could cause cancer, but nothing about it mimicing cancer.

I'm guessing it's in service to the hybrids murderous genocide agenda to only mention things that are later symptoms to allow folks to become more poisoned before realizing it. And well, cancer can surely be only cancer, right? Makes me wonder how many others get poisoned this way and died of 'cancer' that obviously had NO kind of treatment cures, but they can spend lots of money trying. eh? Anything to murder and make more money off us. Monsters.

And on another front, I recently was introduced to the Representative for the regular El-*th. The king and I were discussing an observation about a probable learning edge I'd noticed. I realized at that point both levels of their folks should be in on the discussion of this, since it impacts the whole species, one way or another.

I had a suspicion there probably kinda like a shop steward, who spoke for those of the regular El-*th, and so the king sort of looked a bit embarrassed and asked him to come in. He really doesn't like me, apparently, and thinks I'm sticking my nose where it don't belong. I think the king wanted to avoid that unpleasantness and kept him in the background.

It did surprise me how hostile he was, not in words of course, but very much in attitude. My experience with the regular folks has been pleasant thus far, but I certainly can see why he has his concerns. I do spend time easily and openly with the king and several other high El-*th. Of course I've spent a lot of time with the two regular El-*th who protect me, but I'm not sure if he feels that counts as much as time spent with high El-*th.

I hope he can grow to see my input is just that. I'm outside their fishbowl so to speak, and can see the water they can't, even as they can see the water I can't. What they do, or don't do with it is entirely up to them.

It more just information from my outside perspective, but in retrospect, I'm sure there was a bit of snarkiness involved, left from having an older sister who always acted superior, and I'm taking that out on the El-*th, which actually may be the source for his annoyance.

I need to apologize for that, obviously. A good systems counselor avoids dragging their issues into their feed back, and so my input wasn't as clean as I thought. Ah, gotta love those learning opportunities! Dang smug older sisters anyway. :)

That's how you learn though. Someone is willing to be honest about what they feel about how you show up. It's not easy. Most folks get pretty annoyed when you bring that level of things up. Luckily, my masters program helped me to see that information is critical for growth, and to appreciate it, considering the risk the individual took in giving it. The rule being if you feel an 'ouchie' upon hearing it or it 'hurts your feelings' there is something there you need to address.

Cuz if it does hurt, it's not the information actually hurting, it's because some part of you actually believes that way, too, and the rest of you, in denial, is reacting to stop that painful awareness. It doesn't mean it's true, just that some part of you, based on childhood programming, thinks it is. It's a great way to find and evaluate and if need be change that programming.

So thank you Mr. El-*th for standing your ground and sharing that information with me. I'm guessing you might have been under a bit of pressure to stop. And I'm am sorry for my snarkiness. It was unwarranted. I very much appreciate any and all such feedback. :)

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