Blog: A Journey back to my ideal weight
by Euphoria1985

Spring Cleanse.

Stress and Overeating Leading to Transformative Changes.

Date:   4/14/2011 1:18:44 PM   ( 13 y ) ... viewed 24448 times

I have had a lot of stress the past two weeks. Nearly every moment of my day has been filled up with activity and I'm really just not used to this lifestyle. However, I am only going to be doing it for another 8 weeks after this week. (two more days of this week) I have a client today and a group at 2pm. Then I tutor a student later at 5-6. I didn't eat a lot yesterday but when I got home I made mac and cheese and then I had chocolate chip cookies.

Part of the reason the past two weeks were hard is because I told M that I didn't want to see him because I wanted to figure things out with Alfonso. Well I wanted to do was see M as soon as I told him I couldn't see him. So basically I told him I would like to see him and I am seeing him Friday. I am very excited to see him, but my body feels all wacked out from my eating and stress. I hope I did not gain weight. I guess I weigh 113 to 116. All I want is to weigh 105 to 108. I am going to have to change in the way I'm eating. So what I am going to do starting to day FOR GOOD is only eat small bites of food when I get very hungry. Kinda like a fast but with a little food. Never overeating/binge eating. etc.

This is what I did to lose the 20 pounds I lost two years ago.

I also want to incorporate a lot more plant foods and less processed foods into my diet. Like for dinner instead of anything else, Id like a salad. Which are delicious by the way.

So thats my plan, my body feels very tired right now and weak from the cookies yesterday and the day before. I also binged last week on Friday morning. Ugh! I haven't been bingeing at all until this stress kicked in of incredible busyness.

To top this all off I am thinking a lot of 2012. I met a friend last night and chatted with him for a while about it all. I have been distracted by school and internship and making money but he basically believes that none of this is really going to exist after 2012. What do you think?

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