Feeling a little Frustrated 14 y
eating disorders
Currently, I am feeling frustrated with myself. I had a pretty good week, but yesterday when I woke up at home alone, I decided it was time to eat some cookies, candies, and a piece of pie. I then felt really icky after and I think I gained a couple of pounds. It goes to show that I still struggle to this day with my overeating. I go from 112-116, the latter is after a binge. 112 is my good weight. I am 5’1.5’’. I know I am not fat, but I had such a strange dream last night.
This tall thin guy that looked like Leonardo Dicaprio was in my dream. He walked up to me and said that he is 6’ ... read more
2.5 Years Later, I have changed a lot! 14 y
My current life, school, weight loss, binge eating, relationship problems.
The last time I wrote blogs on here, it was around the end of 2007 to beginning of 2008. It’s now 2010. I have changed a lot in some ways. In some ways, I miss the old me. I went through a transformation where I naturally released about 20-25lbs. I went from an average of 131-138 down to about 110. I did this by learning to eat meals and stopping binge eating. I have since been struggling again and am usually 113 and when I binge I’m 115-116. I binged yesterday, so I’m 115 today. I KNOW it’s not a lot at 5’1.5’’, but I am disappointed in myself and I am doing a liquid fast today. I am goin ... read more
Starting again today 17 y
My first day of fasting
Today is Day 1 of my fast. I will be fasting from now (12.21.07) until 1.11.08 hopefully (21 days) and until I weigh about 115.
This is my tracker of my weight.
I am only 5'2'' and use... visit the page