Blog: My Journey toward better and healthier living
by Sacristia

Day 5 - June 14, 2010

My daily diary of my water fast.

Date:   6/14/2010 4:20:25 PM   ( 14 y ) ... viewed 1661 times

Today is going okay so far. When I woke up I felt pretty good, with no nausea. My tongue is still coated white and I had a horrible taste in my mouth. Yuck! I felt a little bit better after I brushed them. I noticed last night as I was changing in my pajamas that I had 5 reddish blemishes popping up. 3 of them were just below my neck line. Another one on my neck and I also found one on my upper thigh. I didn't have these before so I know it is the beginning of detox time for me.

I went and bought some ketone strips at Walmart yesterday so I could have them on hand so I could check my fat burning level. I checked last night before I went to bed, and it registered that I was burning a high level of ketones. The chart said 80, but I don't know 80 what? Milgrams? I will probably find out later if I read the instructions that went with it.

I started feeling horrible once I get going and moving around. It seems as my body is working and I am working, the ketone levels get higher and I get very nauseous. I seem that I have to drink a bit of water to dilute the ketones at least sometime every hour and half, depending how active I am. This fast is going to be a lot easier on me, this time around since I am only working one job. It was much harder on my body when I was working 2 jobs. I remember how hard it was when I water fast for 55days in 2006. It was the hardest during the detoxing stages, because I had never water fasted before

My history of water fasting is simple, as I have not done it much. . Actually in 2006 was my first water fast ever, and it wasn't pleasant until the about 30th or 40th day of my fast. I fasted over the Easter season that year, and I extended it until I felt the true hunger pain. It was a very deep and life changing experience, as well as a spiritual one for me. I had water fasted after that but I think it was 2008. I had to end that fast during my detox stage, because my boss could see how lethargic I was getting. He was worried that I was very ill that he send me home early that Friday to get better. I was kind of scared because he was so direct about it, that I broke my fast that night on pineapple juice. I still felt horrible for the next couple days, because I was in full swing detox at that time. I hope this time around I am able to conceal the nausea and the detox symptoms so my boss won't get worried this time.

I put my pedometer on this morning so I could keep track of my mileage as I did things today. I was planning on taking a long walk on my lunch period, but I thought it might wear me out too much once I got back. I have already walked up 7 flights of stairs while doing errands for the office. I could have taken the elevator, but decided not to. I decided to and do what I normally do. I was really winded and weak after the 4th flight of stairs. I was glad I was able to take a breather before I had to go up the other 3 sets of stairs. I had planned on taking a long walk on my lunch, but my stair climbing event helped me decide to take a break and relax in my car on my lunch. I even took a 45 minute nap, after I got bored with reading my book. I left good to take a nap, but I was a little groggy after having to get up and go back to work.

Yesterday, I was very surprised my intestines started to grumble, as I know that is a early sign that something is not agreeing with me after I have eating and I really need to make my way to the bathroom. I had a very loose BM twice late yesterday and I was surprised because I have never had that happen during my fasts in the past. If anything, I would worry when I wouldn't have a BM and would have to resort to giving myself an enema, just to get rid of the toxins in my body. I guess at least I know I am flushing toxins out of my body. :o) I think I had the loose BM is because P. has really gotten me upset and I was a bit emotional late yesterday, which probably cause my body to react in some way due to that. I am still under a lot of stress over P. and the end of this relationship.

I was looking in the mirror last night when I noticed something surprising early on in my fast. I noticed I had lost a bit of fat from my face. I had chubby checks, which I hate, now I can see my cheeks hollowing out a little bit, that I can see my cheek bones, as well as the little lump of fat under my chin, which I hate even more, is gone as well. I then checked out my fingers. My right index finger was a little plump, and I stopped wearing a ring on it because of it. That plumpness is gone too! I am very surprised that my body is shedding the fat so quickly from those spots. I wonder if it is because it is looser fat or something. I just know from the past with fasting, the first fat to go is from my feet, my fingers and my face. I guess that is how I can see how my fast is progressing. I know the fat from my stomach and hips is the last to go. I wish it was the first to go! I am sure many women would agree with me on that one. LOL

I weighted myself this morning and found out that I am now 145 pounds, which is still waste weight. I now that about 8 to10 pounds is always waste weight, even though I know I am burning fat off my face, fingers and feet. I have lost 5 pounds so far, but know most of it is just waste weigh. Nothing really exciting, as it is normal.

I have been praying alot and talking to God regarding the issues I have been having with P. and the failure of the relationship I worked so hard on. I always get a sense of peace and end up seeing something that is really joyous to my heart. I am a simple person and when I saw the growing soybean field filled with blinking lightening bugs, it just made me smile. It reminded that that no matter that things are going badly right now, that doesn't mean that EVERYTHING is going badly in my life. I have so much to be thankful for and appriciate in my life. I have to thank God for that. I haven't got back to reading my bible yet, but I think I will do so tonight.

I am going to spend the rest of the night relaxing, reading and watching a bit of TV in bed. I probably will doze off a couple times as well. I am a little worn out and my ketones are still in the high range (80) so I am just going to take it easy today, since it was my first day back to work after my busy weekend.

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