Blog: My Journey toward better and healthier living
by Sacristia

3 day - June 12, 2010

daily blogs of my fasting journey

Date:   6/13/2010 12:36:58 AM   ( 14 y ) ... viewed 1796 times

I made it though the 3 day without any issues or really problems. I had a slight sour stomach, but that is normal for me when I have fasted in the past.

I was a bit tired last night as I am tonight as well.

I was very active today as I went to visit my Generic Dad and my Grandma Mert. I was planning on staying home and resting, but I had alot of nervous energy so I went to visit them.

I feared how I might get out of eating with them if they decided to take me out to eat, but I was lucky that it didn't happen. My Generic dad got bored and wanted to go to the Casino, so I went with him. It was a bit boring since I am not a gambler and nor do I care for it, but it was a bit fun watching other people.

I had a sour stomach most of the day so I was periodicly drank water to dilute the acid in my stomach that was causing it. I drank about 50 ounces of water through out the day.

My sense of smell as gotten really good, to the point when we drove my steak houses, I could smell the steak cooking. I could smell the french fries coming from McDonalds too. The smell of food is very delicous to the senses, but I still don't have any urge to eat any. I also have felt sick due to some smells like sweat, tar off the roads and cigerette smoke.

I don't have any really detox symptoms quiet yet, I won't get the full blown until day 14, as they have in the past. I know that starting day 14 will be very tortous for me, as detox will be if full swing and hard to bear. I hope that I get to day 14. I will just have to see.

My stress levels have been ok, but P. has really got my heart going, due to misunderstandings. My heart wanted to cry but some reason I was very calm, which I know only can be due to fasting. It is as if, my heart and soul knows that God is in control and I need not to worry too much regarding P. leaving me. My heart is breaking but it is ok, I will survive.

I weighted myself at my Generic Dad's house, and I lost 3 pounds which is all water weight or waste weigh, as I haven't expelled all of it nor gotten to the fat burning stage. I will really hate the fat burning stage, as the as the ketone level gets high, I will feel more ill, unless I can wash and flood them out of my body regularlly. The yucky part of fasting: The detox and the ketone overload that causes nausea.

I expect to be very tired tomorrow as my body switches to fat burning mode. In my two past fasts that I have done, usually after the 3rd day or 4th day, I get really tired for a couple days and then my energy bounces back to normal.

Well, I am tired now, and going to turn in for the night, as I was up late due to posting this entry late, after a busy day.

God bless.

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