Blog: One month to live - 30 day challenge
by ausjulie

Some information about the challenge and me.

Looking forward to a new challenge! A little skeptical but overall just interested to see what (if anything) will change in 30 days.

Date:   4/22/2008 12:27:04 PM   ( 16 y ) ... viewed 1984 times

I have decided to do the 30 day challenge in the book "One month to live". The basis is that if you were told you only had one month to live what would you change about your life? Then the challenge is to spend 30 days tying to change your life incorporating the things you would do if you knew you had a short time left. Its basically trying to live better now. It is also about becoming closer to god however for me this is really difficult part of it because I am such a skeptic when it comes to even using the word God. But for me i am going to think of it as getting closer/connected to the universe and being a positive active member of it.

Let me explain a little about my thougths on higher power, god, spirituality, even religion. I believe that we are all connected and how you live your life directly effects every other member of this universe. So if i am living my life conscilously making decisions that are for the better of the universe that in turn effects every other member. Good thoughts will do good things and visa versa. Also my actions will directly create the same action. If i act negatively that will cause a negative reaction somewhere else in the universe. If I act positively and with love that will create a positive reaction. Organised religion is not for me. I dont believe i need to visit a church to practice my beliefs. I believe it is how i live and think everyday of my life. IT is how i connect to the universe and every ohter member in it. I could go on and on and really i am still feeling my way through. But basically my aim is to be a more positive loving member of this universe. Gettign closer to whom i am suppose to be adn how i am suppose to live. I cant use the word god like the book does.

The main reason I am doing this is a co-worker got me on board. She is going throught a time in her life when she wants to really evaluate things. I have always believed it is a good thing to keep checking and balancign your life- constantly. This 30 day challenge is just taking that one step further and this blog will hopefully track my changes.

I have spent a considerable amount of time and energy over the last two years (hear on curezone) improving my health. I lost a lot of wieght have changed my eating and exercise habits and have maintained weigth loss for some time. I feel like i have acheived so much physically it is now time to work on me spritually. I am getting closer to being more like me, i am ready for another challenge that i know will improve my wellbeign even more.

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