Blog: Juicing Back to Health

Day 4


Date:   3/15/2008 1:10:11 PM   ( 16 y ) ... viewed 1362 times

Day 4 was great! I had a lot of focus and spent time reading a book, The Hygienic System by Dr. Herbert M. Shelton. It supports the reasons behing water fasting in great detail. I highly recommend it to anyone who is fasting or considering fasting.

I guess the name of my blog is not correct - I only did juice fasting the first couple of days - but oh well. Today I had vegetable broth, one MC lemonade and a lot of water. I am trying to slowly get used to the idea of having only water.

My legs were a little irritable today, kind of sore, so it wasn't too easy to workout. I did get on the treadmill and did 25 minutes of walking/running/hills. Then I did a bunch of additional excersises (abs, arms, leg lifts/squats).

I am looking foward to day 5 and finishing off my vegetable broth. I think I will move on to strictly MC and water for a few days before embarking on a water fast.

I still feel empty/weightless which is nice. My cheekbones are becoming much more prominent.

Have a great weekend!!

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