Byline in the Union-Tribune 20 y
A photo of mine is going in the
San Diego Union this Sunday.
I spoke the word a week ago
that i wanted this photo on the cover
of the local monthly. I may not get
that, but it is going in the San Diego Daily.
I graduated in Journalism
from Cal State Northridge in 1971.
I had won two national awards in the Heart
feature writing competitions, both
on Native American themes.
i was a good photography too.
My teacher is DeWayne Johnson,
a dear friend and gardener,
who spent many years as faculty Pres
of the University and on the editors
desk of the LA Times.
He said that my mistakes in the camera--
double exposures--were better than most
people’s conscious attempts to create Art.
Once, he took me to a Conference of the
Photographers Association, just he and i.
He is a jewel ... read more
Ren, come on over!!! 20 y
Ren, come over!!
I wish...
by ren
Subject: I wish...
From: ren | All ren’s Messages |
Date: 7/25/2005 2:52:57 PM ( 137 min ago ) ...
I could attend this conference. It sounds so exciting!
Subject: Come on Over!!
From: YourEnchantedGardener | All YourEnchantedGardener’s Messages |
Date: 7/25/2005 5:06:09 PM ( 146 s æ ago ) ...
Call Theresa, and tell her
you would like one of my trades
for manning a video camera.
(760) 749-0810
Get a Jet Blue special..
They are on sale.
You can stay here at the Enchanted Garden
Intentional Comm ... read more
Power Going UP! UP! UP! 20 y
Energy building for
Enchanted Garden Installation
at Feng Shui Conference..
Steven Spankler,
of the Exotic Rare Fruit Nursery
will be an Enchanted Garden Sponsor.
A film comes to mind.
I think the title was The Philadelphia Experiment
or something like that.
It is based on an actual World War two
experiment where the Military was attempting
to make warships invisible and was fooling
around with the Time-Space Continuum.
The experiment of course backfired and
there were some incredible scenes of
energy flows in the sky and the world was
being sucked into some black hole.
i am feeling something like that right now--
only it is the exact opposite kind of creation.
Every so often, when an Enchanted Garden Installation
is birth ... read more
Raegae Radio Blast OFF!!! 20 y
Old Friend Makeda
radio personality
first lady of San Diego
Consciousness joins
Feng Shui Conference/
Enchanted Garden Activities
as Media Sponsors
Raegae Makossa 91 X Radio
joins Media Sponsor list
for Feng Shui Conference/
Enchanted Garden Activities
as additional Media Sponsor
Written by Leslie Goldman,
Your Enchanted Gardener
For Conference Information
or sign up on line and call this Phone #:
For additional Features about the Enchanted Garden
Activities at the Conference, please see:
Conference Media Team;
Theresa Caprio, (760) 749-0810
cell, (760) 586-1345
Contact info:
Your Enchanted Garden ... read more
Vegan Side Effects 20 y
Vegan By Products
Barry Koral, a long time friend way back to
the early days at Dr. Jensen’s, has enjoyed
a raw foods lifestyle for many years.
He is 63. This is a photo of Barry and
his beloved sweetheart at the Hillcrest FM.
His grilfriend (I will get her name later)
feels drawn to Barry’s vitality and health that he attritubes
in part to the vegan diet..
There was a lot of love
between them, and taking their photos
was a sizzle because they wanted to show off
the joy they were feeling that was made
more present as Barry repeated one
of The Seven Love Cures out loud.
The Love Cures ... read more
Our FOOD Supply 20 y
The Future of Food
can be bright
through the choices we make
Summer of 05
is a Wake UP call
about our Food Supply!
There are two films right now
that underscore the importance
of the 6th International Feng Shui Conference
coming to San Diego, August 4-8 important.
The first film is called ”Store Wars,”
The Second ”The Future of Food.”
”Store Wars” is a hilarious online
five minute short, featuring Star Wars
type characters. It is sponsored by
the Organic Trade Association.
You can see ”Store Wars” here:
If some of these links
do not open for you,
please copy and paste into
your U ... read more
Request to Natural Food Companies 20 y
A Call for Collaboration...
a letter for the Organic Trade Association
Flash Members bulletin...
San Diego--Hilton San Diego Resort--Leslie Goldman, Organic Trade
Association Member who was the photographer at the 04, 05, and 06
Natural Product Expo OTA Dinner, is calling for promotional offerings of Natural Food Products to be used in a series of Media and public education events. The products will be used at premieres of his photo exhibition “Organic Celebration!” The exhibit features local Farmers’ Market food and activity, images from various Enchanted Gardens, and expressions of Heart and Soul Industry.
The kickoff event is August 5-6-7, “Organic Celebration at the ... read more
Enlightened Love 20 y
Love poem.
I do not consider you a peer,
nor above, or below me.
You are You, who you are
and I Love you as you are!
How perfect!
Feel free!
Feel safe around me--you are!
Feel whatever you feel.
You honor me so--
because you trust your self
enough to know
I am not here to fix you
change you
or imagine you would be better some other way
so I will feel more comfortable in my own skin.
I give you a ticket to ride
a ticket that leads to World Peace Celebration
and a whole new world
because we are each other
and that feels so very good.
I give you a ticket to ride.
Take me ... read more
$1500=three days? 20 y
Vital, Alive and Sexy food
is fresh from the a farmer
who knows you by name.
Be sure to shop your Farmers'
Market. It matters.
Chef Hermann will compose the final menues for
”Organic Celebration at the HIlton!”
On Wendesday July 27.
There is a differential between the money
that the local farmers at the FM need to sell
the food to the HIlton, and the budget that
is allotted in each $35.00 ticket for food.
There is $5.50 per each $35.00 for teach mean.
Hermann is concerned that would will not
have enough funds to provide a fully organic
I am out to raise $1500.00 in three days to supplement
the budget.
I will go for additional Promo sponsors...starting with
asking the farmers themselv ... read more
Whole Beings 20 y
Going to whole Being preview now.....
After the Opening:
I. I am home in whole being time
ii. Tiny walls fall in whole being time
iii. Coming down from the mountain
iv. Coping
v. Returning to wholeness
Touched by the meaning of bodies,
the pure meaning of bodies,
expressing the depths of what is open and alive,
I cannot leave for home, because I am home.
A part of me remains forever in whole being time.
The sane ones are the ones
who come once and never come back.
They know their limits.
They are sane and reaso ... read more
1000 packets of heirloom seeds 20 y
How to plant a Seed Dream...
Hey, if you are anywhere in the Zone of the
Enchanted Garden Altar at Hilton San Diego Resort
stop by to put a Blessing on all the beautiful Seed Dreams of Humanity
that are taking root.
This is how an Enchanted Garden Altar works;
There are forms where you write out your Deepest Seed Dreams.
Then you read the prayer inside...a statement about how we realize
that the seeds and our seeds are one.
then you write out the Seed dream and write it out.
Then you stop and Bless all the other Seed Dreams in the basket
and toss some organic grains on all the other dreams so they ... read more
Hold me.... 20 y
feeling the pangs of success...
and not afraid to say, "Hold me."
How good can you stand it?
Is your life as good as it can get?
I am having a shaky hour or two
that comes from not being use to accepting this much good
flowing through me.
Can you relate?
The energy of good shoots through and you feel it,
then it hits a narrow place and says hello to the growth materials
stuck there that is being now asked to move
and flow and allow.
Have you ever felt love and desire
maybe your body talking and wanting to be held
so gobs and gobs of Love of the Universe wanting to pour through,
so then you allow, but what happens next?
it hi ... read more
Whole Foods Just Called!!!!! 20 y
Whole Foods is sponsoring
Organic Celebration with
just finished my blog here:
Why we are the way we are?
The phone rings.
It is Lydia, the exec secretary for Michael Besancon,
the most wonderful of friend and my original avo
maker. He is now the President of the region for
Whole Foods, one of their best pres in the country.
He is the man who introduced me to the Essene work
back in 71 or so.
Wow! he send me a card when I was in the hospital
for my first hip surgeries i just remember, in 75.
last time i heard from him, other than last year.
I called a couple days ago as ... read more
Why are you this way? 20 y
Sermon on the Mount...
Today is one of the most powerful
mornings in my life.
How good will I allow it to be?
i have composed a fundraising letter.
i am refining it.
It is going out to industry leaders.
All the work I have been doing in the last
months night and day is coming together.
i will use my resources to contact
friends and allies in the natural product industry
and others like you to get the support I need
to pull off the Three ”Enchanted Gardener Lunches”
at the Hilton San Diego Resort August 5-6-7.
I would like the world to get now that being an
Enchanted Gardener and taking up ... read more
Clarity and Fundraising.. 20 y
thinking out loud....
need to do some fundraising
and contact my favorite heart
and soul companies....
Well CureZone family,
I thought I would be working on
the photos that Al will be helping frame
today for the premiere of my exhibit.
it is 11:36 PM and I have been up since
3AM last night except for a few naps.
I am inspired to be working on the slide show
now that i will give during the closing ceremony.
with award winning Sound Painter Riki Newell
improving and doing some of his music in between.
I invited Riki to the Conference.
I have admired his work for numbers of years.
One of his CD’s, called Translation, has a track called
The Cleansing. The CD is dedica ... read more
"Lettuce Grow Together!" 20 y
"Lettuce Grow Together!"
O.K. O.K.
Here is a Love Letter to Joe the Farmer.
Joe is a character based on the life of Joe
Rodriguez Jr, a fourth generation farming holding
on to continue farming because of support at
the Farmers’ market.
Some of us wonder about homeland security.
Once there was a defender of the USA
called G.I. Joe.
He was famous.
Joe the Farmer is in my book
as the defender of our true homeland security.
i hope you enjoy this letter.
If you would like to write a personal thank you
to Joe the Farmer, write him c/o ... read more
d-e-a-d-l-i-n-e-s!!! 20 y
deadlines, but blogging first
to defuse the stress.
I am suppose to be
working on another deadline
right now, but then this came up
and the Union Trib wants to see
Well gang,
The lady from the Union Trib called
and wants some photos.
So let’s all talk to the computers here
because they have been crashing again,
but right now are better than ever.
I hope the Gang in the Heavenly Bear Bar
isn’t too upset that i am taking time to defuse
by Blogging.
I will show you the photos later.
love from your eg visit the page
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