In The Raw
by Lapis
Page 4 of 16

Just Nutz   19 y  
Interesting information for the raw foodist concernng many kinds of nuts.
More Raw Food Articles Here What every Raw-Fooder Should Know About Nuts by Thomas E. Billings 1.0 Introduction The purpose of this paper is to present information on how nuts are processed, so raw-fooders can make informed decisions regarding the purchase and consumption of nuts. Each major nut has a section, and a section may have up to 3 parts. The first part describes standard commercial processing practices for that nut. Much of that information comes from Rosengarten (see reference list at end), with additional material from other sources. The next part, labelled ”Remarks: ...   read more

Raw Food & Health   19 y  
A turn of the last century book shows that raw food diets for health is nothing new.
More Raw Food Articles Here RAW FOOD and HEALTH [From the book published in 1927 by DR. ST. LOUIS A. ESTES] AUTHOR’S PREFACE The author’s object in writing this book is to give to the laity and those of the profession who are sufficiently interested, the benefit of his own experience in overcoming disease by natural methods of living. The teachings herein are the outgrowth of experiments and research worked out on my­self several years ago after I had been given up to die from diseases of varied character and severity which involved my entire body. I was born and raised ...   read more

Raw Smoothie Power   19 y  
"By consuming two or three cups of green smoothies daily you will consume enough of greens for the day to nourish your body, and they will be well assimilated. Many people do not consume enough of greens, even those who stay on a raw food diet. "
More Raw Food Articles Here Green Smoothies by Victoria Boutenko As the Russian proverb says: New- is something old, that has been long forgotten. This summer I re-discovered green smoothies. What do I mean by green smoothie? Here is one of my favorite recipes: 4 ripe pears, 1 bunch of parsley and 1 big cup of water. Blended well. This smoothie looks very green, but it tastes like fruit. I like green smoothies so much that I bought an extra blender and placed it in my office, so that I could make green smoothies throughout the day. More than half of al ...   read more

Ready For Raw?   19 y  
"As a person becomes more and more aware, they begin to see the obvious corelation between cause and effect and thus open naturally (without resistance) to the raw foods paradigm."
More Raw Food Articles Here Ready For Raw? Lapis There are many aspects in considering a new dietary way of life. It is important to consider mental, emotional and spiritual, as well as physical reasons one may want to embark on a new diet, especially a raw vegan diet. I don’t consider the raw food ”diet” to be a ”diet” in the sense of our socially conditioned understanding of that word. I see it more as nature’s correct plan of nourishment. From *that* paradigm stems a profound understanding of our place of correctness within the total ecosystem...the universal energy dance. P ...   read more

Boutenko Lecture: Raw   19 y  
Itneresting lecture notes from a lecture given by Victoria Boutenko, a raw foodist who has healed her failing health and become an expert in the raw food movement in doing so.
Notes from a Boutenkos lecture held in in Vancouver by anonymous note taker. First are the notes, then there are ”7 mistakes made by raw foodists”, and last is Victorias ”ode to green smoothies”. ========================================================= Raw Presentation I’m glad that I got to go to one of Victoria’s (there were two) presentations. I like best that she now does not recommend juicing. I like next best her #7 Common mistake. She says we should rely less on ”authorities” and more on our own body/instincts - what feels right, in terms of raw food. You know how I’ve bee ...   read more

Transition To Raw   19 y  
"It's all right to work slowly with changes in your diet. As you remove various foods from your diet, substitute a living food such as nut and seed milks, seed cheeses, plenty of green leafy vegetables and dehydrated goodies. Practice each change for a month, and then try another. "
More Raw Food Articles Here Transitioning to a Raw Living Foods Diet The purpose of the transition diet - moving away from eating meat, processed foods, sugar, white flour products, etc. -- to a total living foods diet of vegetables, fruit, sprouts, fermented nuts and seeds -- is to allow the body to gradually cleanse away accumulated waste materials until the whole diet is one of living foods. While on the transition diet you should attempt to incorporate as many green/sprout salads and fruit meals as you comfortably can. This will speed up detoxification, plus allow the body and ...   read more

Raw Food/Life Force/Benefits   19 y  
"Cooked foods cannot create true health because they are missing some very vital elements needed by the body for its optimal functioning; things like enzymes, oxygen, hormones, phytochemicals, bio-electrical energy and life-force. "
More Raw Food Articles Here RAW VS. COOKED & PROCESSED FOODS by Rhio (excerpt from her book, Hooked on Raw) WHAT ARE SOME OF THE KNOWN DIFFERENCES? Cooked foods cannot create true health because they are missing some very vital elements needed by the body for its optimal functioning; things like enzymes, oxygen, hormones, phytochemicals, bio-electrical energy and life-force. When foods are heated above 105° F they begin to lose all of these. By 118° F, most food is dead. Yes, the vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats and proteins are still there, but in a greatly altered s ...   read more

Juice It   19 y  
"Basically, it's important for our bodies to get the nutrients from fruits and vegetables each day to maintain health, energy, and to protect our health and boost our immunity. Juicing allows us to do this more easily."
We need More Juice! Article derived from More Raw Food Articles Here We’re not talking about buying juice in a bottle, even so called ”vegetable juices.” Juicing whole foods, vegetables in particular, and drinking it as soon as you juice it instead of letting it sit in a glass or buying it off the shelf, brings vital nutrients into our body. There is so much information out there about Juicing and the benefits to our health. We hear stories (or may even know someone personally that tells us) about how juicing saved (their) life. Juicing has b ...   read more

Raw Food: Protein Myth   19 y  
"Most vegetables are excellent sources of protein, especially the green leafy ones, and the problem is most people don't eat enough greens."
More Raw Food Articles Here There is NO protein controversy by Jeff N There is just lots of misinformation around. However, remember any diet can be a bad diet even a raw food or vegan diet if it is not planned properly. Many raw fooders do not get in enough protein and this is bacuse they do not get in enough calories or they eat only or too much fruit and not enough veggies. To survive on a raw food diet, you have to eat lots of food. Most raw fooders do not follow a healthy diet and that is why they are so thin and emaciated and weak. Here are some clips and points from ...   read more

Gabriel Cousens Interview   19 y  
This interview was conducted May 13th/05
A very good interview with raw food expert Gabriel Cousens. One of the best yet. Scroll Down To Gabriel, click, then choose player on the next page! Gabriel Cousens Recording   visit the page

Raw Food   19 y  
" raw foods contain high potassium to sodium ratio, which help correct cellular functioning. This increases the ability of the cells to absorb nutrients, excrete toxins, produce energy, convert glucose into glycogen and regulate muscle actions and nerve transmission. It also helps to maintain the correct acid-alkali environment in the body aiding all metabolic functions."
More Raw Food Articles Here Raw Food by June Butlin, MBANT, M.Sc., Ph.D ”Feeling good”, ”energising”, ”vitality”, ”longevity”, ”aliveness”, ”dynamic state of mind”, ”anti ageing” and ”calmness of spirit” are all descriptive words and expressions used by those recommending a raw food diet. The benefits advocated from eating such a diet seem endless, ranging from lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels, eliminating cravings, preventing overeating, purging the body of accumulated toxins, balancing hormones, maintaining blood glucose levels to reversing degenerative diseases. ...   read more

Organic Food Is More Nutritious!   19 y  
“Organic food is even more nutritious, of course, if you enjoy it raw, with all the fresh, whole nutrition intact and no toxins created by cooking!”
Organic Food Is More Nutritious! by Robert (Bob) F. Heltman More Raw Food articles Here Organic food IS more nutritious, especially if fresh, and eating it is vital to good health; let those who claim otherwise try to prove their case! I still see articles in reputable magazines stating that there is no nutritional difference between organic produce and regular supermarket food. I’ve even repeatedly received this erroneous information from Agricultural Extension offices and Professors of Agriculture at “reputable” State Universities...although one Professor, probably safely tenur ...   read more

Read This Instead   19 y  
"Every see a giraffe sit down to a cooked meal? Not only a cooked meal but one with genetically modified, irradiated, fungicided, pesticided, preserved, gassed, etc, ingredients? "
More Raw Food Articles Here The Big Con by Lapis First they get your attention(sex, emotions, cravings, etc), then they fill your head with images to make you act against your natural instinct. They suffer! Who are they? The multi trillion dollar food mega corporations with their powerfully placed political lobbyists paving their unobstructed way. Every see a giraffe sit down to a cooked meal? Not only a cooked meal but one with genetically modified, irradiated, fungicided, pesticided, preserved, gassed, etc, ingredients? How about a walrus suckling a cow’s ...   read more

Gabriel Cousens/E3 Live   19 y  
"E3Live is going to help you whether or not you improve your diet. Obviously, to get the most positive changes, you’ll want to improve your diet and lifestyle. Yet there are many people who just want something to make them feel better. That’s OK too. And yes, these people will also benefit. "
More Raw Food Articles Here Dr. Gabriel Cousens Talks about E3Live An Interview With Gabriel Cousens, M.D. On Healthy Spiritual Living and the Benefits of E3Live Liquid Algae Dr. Gabriel Cousens is one of the world’s foremost authorities on living food nutrition, holistic lifestyle and complementary medicine. He graduated from Columbia Medical School in 1969 with a specialty in biochemistry. He is a holistic physician, psychiatrist, homeopath and family therapist. Not only has Dr. Cousens made major contributions in the field of natural health, he is also a shining example of ...   read more

Juicing 101   19 y  
Important Juicing info on how to get started, storage tips and the differences in juicers.
More Raw Food Articles Here Observations and Opinions on Raw Vegetable Juicing Viny Pinto Introduction First, let me state that I believe that raw vegetable juices have powerful nutritive and healing properties, and my observation is that raw veggie juices are central to almost every effective diet or system which purports to treat serious chronic disease via dietary means. Especially for those of us who are eating a raw vegetation and animal foods diet (RVAF diet), I believe that raw vegetable juice is almost essential to optimal nutrition and maximal well-being. I am al ...   read more

**B12 and Raw Food**   19 y  
"...we don't assimilate B-12 in the gut is because, when we're inoculated, our intrinsic factor in our gut breaks down. That is the cells in the stomach that absorb nutrients from the food. The way to correct that is"
The B-12 Issue for Raw Vegans from Steven Gibb, Program Director, Creative Health Institute The reason that we don’t assimilate B-12 in the gut is because, when we’re inoculated, our intrinsic factor in our gut breaks down. That is the cells in the stomach that absorb nutrients from the food. The way to correct that is to eat fermented foods for one year. So it’s either Rejuvelac and/or cabbage. The second thing that we’ve discovered is that the dark leafy greens we thought had the B-Complexes in them, especially the B-12s, we’re now finding out that they’re B-12 Analogs, and B-12 A ...   read more

Raw Fresh Produce vs. Cooked Food   19 y  
"Presently, humans apply heat to the bulk of their food day in and day out prior to consumption. Like eating ash from the fireplace, microscopic burnt nutrients are toxic. Slowly and silently as the decades pass, the harmful effects of consuming these toxins accumulate."
Raw Fresh Produce vs. Cooked Food by Arthur M. Baker More Raw Food articles Here Eighty million species on earth (about 700,000 of which are animals) thrive on raw food. Only humans apply heat to what they eat. Humans on average as a race, die at or below half their potential life span of chronic illness that is largely diet and lifestyle related. Domesticated pets also are fed cooked, processed, packaged food that likewise is denatured by heat. As a consequence, they suffer human-like chronic ailments including cancer, arthritis and other degenerative diseases. The typical sp ...   read more

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Discussing the incredible health benefits of eating a Raw, vegan diet. Topics will include juicing, sprouting, cultured vegetables, organic food, life force, etc. After studying countless diets and trying many of them first hand, I believe this way of life to be ideal for optimal health, for each of us as individuals, and for the entire planet as a whole. After all, you can’t improve on the intricate ”plan” of nature. When is the last time you saw a zebra sit down to a cooked meal? .....this is truely nature’s intended diet, a way of life that creates harmony, balance and abundant health.… more...

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100 Comments   Last comment 11 y ago

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Created: 19 y   Feb 12 2005


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Comments (10 of 100):
Re: Raw Food Cures… #1156… 11 y
Seeking a Dr. Croo… North 14 y
Hope all is well BLUEPAST… 15 y
Re: Colitis Cured:… Hobok… 17 y
secret health movi… dr en… 17 y
Meat and violence … jcmal… 17 y
It is all good as … kermi… 18 y
Before and After grzbear 18 y
" Why Suffer?" Su… kermi… 18 y
Re: food combining Lapis 18 y
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Collective Disease Incorporat…  18 y  (372)
Resonance: "a vibrational col…  18 y  (144)
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