Day Twenty Nine 15 y
Day Twenty Nine
Today is day 29 and I have lost another 1 lbs bringing my weight to 11.04 and tomorrow is officially my last day on the fast, which for me will be quite a mile stone, but I dont think it will be the end, as I want to make up for the days lost when I was unwell. But im feeling good and can see the 11 stone mark drawing ever so nearer :)
Will updat again this evening.
Weight: 11.04 (158 lbs) visit the page
End of Day 28 15 y
End of day 28
Has been a good day and I have stuck to the fast :)
Will check in again in the morning :)
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Day Twenty Eight 15 y
Day Twenty Eight
Have lost the 1 lbs that I gained yesterday :) so am back to 11.05 (159 lbs) am feeling fine, and feel that I am settling back in to the fast ok :) without the aid of the lemon juice, so think that I may just try and hold out on the fast (providing I feel ok :)
Will check in again this evening :)
Weight: 11.05 (159 lbs) visit the page
End of day 27 15 y
End of day 27
Today has been an ok day, but I wasnt able to get to my lemon juice again today, been way too busy trying to get things organised for xmas, among a million and one other things that I havent even looked at!!! but on the plus side being so busy has aided in keeping me away from the fridge :) but weather or not it makes a difference is another story (I think i have reached a serious platue :( which wasnt helped by me being unwell) but I will persever. Have just been on water and green tea today, and am feeling fine.
Will update in the morning. visit the page
Day Twenty Seven 15 y
Day Twenty Seven
Day 27, and I have gained 1 lbs :( bringing my weight to 11.06 (160 lbs) which I really cant understand as I only had 1 low calorie soup yesterday, but im not going to worry about it too much, as I know that my body is in a funny place right now due to this fast.
I will update again this evening.
Weight: 11.06 (160 lbs) visit the page
End of day 26 15 y
End of day 26
Im at the end of day 26, and even though I feel I have done rather well, havent started the mapel syrup diet yet, as I didnt have the time to get all of the ingredients :( so today had a low calorie drinking soup and drank loads of water :( not sure what effect that will have in the morning but the most important thing is that im feeling ok :) and definitely better than I did :)
Will check in again in the morning :) visit the page
Day Twenty Six 15 y
Day Twenty Six
Its day 26, and I have decided to start blogging again :) Since feeling ill a few days ago, I have eased a little on the fasting front eating very small amounts (ie. tuna, small amounts of fruit and veg, and a cheeky bite of my nieces pizza :) and must admit that I am feeling much much better :)
But however have decided that from her on im not going to be fasting fully, but am going to opt for the maple syrup diet (master clense) (minusing the salt water flush)for the remainder of the 30 days, in order of keeping my energy up, and I think I will also go on for an extra 3 days to catch u ... read more
End of day 22 15 y
End of day 22
Well today has been a very strange day, it started off with me feeling fine but very weak (was getting a lot of head rush upon standing) I ate a small serving of prawns in mayonnaise, and had an energy drink which although very difficult to eat, made me feel a lot better (although still a little dizzy)and I have recently had a very small serving of corned beef and rice with a full sugar drink, which again was a little difficult to consume, but has aided in making me feel what I believe is 100% (no more dizzyness or head rush.)
I found it very strange that I found it difficult eating tod ... read more
Day Twenty Two 15 y
Day Twenty Two
3 weeks and 1 day, and I have lost 3 lbs this morning, bringing my weight to 11.05 (158 lbs) But it has come at a high cost, as I felt really unwell very early this morning and actually ended up collapsing!!! To be honest I do not think that it was due to the fast why I collapsed, as I have felt absolutley fine up until yesterday, but I think it was due to the fact that I drank a cup of Chinese diet herbal tea (As I had run out of green tea) and was woken up with sever stomach cramps, which eventually lead to my collaps, and to be honest, once I was actually able to use the toilet, I felt ... read more
End of day 21 15 y
End of Day 21
I am at the end of day 21, and I have to admit that today wasnt such a great day for me, as for the 1st time in 3 weeks, I have felt quite weak, and have had head rush on quite a few occasions when standing up :( And I said at the begining of this fast that if I felt weak I would eat somthing small, which I havent done of yet, but will do if I feel the same tomorrow (really dont want to end up collapsing, esspecially so near to the end)
I will check in in the morning with a weightloss update, and will also update on how im feeling.
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Day Twenty one 15 y
Day Twenty One
Day 21, and I have reached 3 week mark :) although I havent lost any weight today :( looks like the Haribo may have had an efect.
Will check in again later.
Weight: 11.08 (161 lbs) visit the page
End of day 20 15 y
End of day 20
Have reached the end of day 20 :) and slipped up a little as I ate a few of ny Nieces Haribo sweets :( I think its due to the excitment of tomorrow being my 3 week mark, But it was only a few so I dont feel too bad.
Will check in with a weight update in the morning. visit the page
Day Twenty 15 y
Day Twenty
Its day 20 and I am another 1 lbs down, bringing my weight to 11.08 (161 lbs) (I have officially lost 1 stone in weight!!!) I quite happy about that :) and this morning when stepping on to my mechanical scale, I was quite intrigued by the fact that even if I tried really hard there would be no way id be able to push the pointer up to the 12.08 that I started as 3 weeks ago :):):)
I will keep going :) and am really looking forward to having a slim christmas and new year :) am a little worried about putting back on weight over christmas :S but am realy going to try to keep it all off, I ... read more
End of day 19 15 y
End of day 19
Have reached the end of day 19 and am just about ready for bed :) in one sense I want to go to bed as I know I cant eat whilst sleeping :) but in another I dont want to cause again I have things to deal with tomorrow, again positive thing but things that to me are a little daunting at the moment :( but either way regardless of wether or not I sleep, im still gonna have to deal with them. Its very weird how we sometimes tend to focus on the negatives of a situation, I say this, cause it is exactly what I am doing right now! where as I can trufully say that im in a place right now that I hav ... read more
Day Nineteen 15 y
Day Nineteen
Day nineteen and another 1 lbs lost bringing my weight to 11.09 (162 lbs) :) feeling good, and will update again this evening :)
Weight: 11.09 (163 lbs)
visit the page
End of Day 18 15 y
End of Day 18
Im at the end of my 18th day, and am really tired. But am again happy that I have made it through another day :)
Realised today that im not losing as much weight as some other fasters that I seen :( as im losing on average 1 lbs a day, where as others seem to be losing 2 to 3 lbs, but im not going to complain, as long as its moving in the right direction im ok :)
Will check in again in the morning with a weight update :)
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Day Eighteen 15 y
Day Eighteen
Day 18, and I have lost another 1 lbs, bringing my weight to 11.10 (163 lbs) :):):)
Have my 2 year old niece with me today, so im hoping she will keep me busy and my mind off of food :) (but then im going to have to feed her, and she has the tendancy of leaving a lot of good food on her plate, lol. But i’ll be strong)
Will check in again this evening.
Weight: 11.10 (163 lbs)
visit the page
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