Eco Art: Two Collages 4 y
Making art several times a week keeps me sane during stressful times.
”Marine Collage” by LFIRE and mayah(c)2021 10” x 8”
At least once a year, fellow artist and friend LFIRE sends me some of her collages,
with instructions for me to alter them or cut them up to make art of my own.
I liked this collage of hers so much,
particularly the blue-green colors that remind me of the ocean.
I decided to leave the collage as is, with the exception of
adding the image of the shark,
purposefully placed parallel to the yellow-orange strip
of circles in the lower left corner.
”Marine Collage” by LFIRE and mayah(c)2021 17” X 14” framed
My favorite ... read more
Art: Wounds of War/Memorial Day 2021 4 y
Wishes for Peace and assemblage art on this day of memorial
Memorial Day May 31, 2021: ”Wounds of War: Peace/Pax/Shalom/Salaam”
I wish that in my lifetime I will see peace
when we no longer feel the need
to kill or maim each other
or assert power over each other
when we truly care for one another
as we were meant to do
when we acknowledge the hurts we have done
to each other and to ourselves
and seek true forgiveness and reconciliation
when we have compassion for ourselves
and each other
I wish that in my lifetime I will see Peace.
-----mayah, 5-31-2021 ... read more
Eco Art: Collage for Spring 4 y
I don't know what happened; maybe because it's spring, but all-of-a-sudden I'm having a creative surge, making new art everyday. It feels like a compulsion--I can't go to sleep at night until I've made something, even if it's just something small.
Postcard: ”Thank you” Eco Art Collage by mayah(c)2021
Recycled cardboard, magazine image, photograph, advertisement. The Japanese calligraphy means ”Arigato”, or ”thank you”
Postcard: ”Spring Sprites” Eco Art by mayah(c)2021
recycled old postcard, top of tissue box, glitter-glue around edges
Eco Art Collage: ”Butterflies” by mayah(c)2021 10” X 8”
Recycled postage stamps and magazine images; background is hand-painted paper by my friend LFIRE**
Eco Art Collage: ”The World” by maya ... read more
Eco Art:"Lucky Lint" 4 y
Sometimes I used odd materials in my art; this one uses dryer lint.
”Lucky Lint” Eco Art by mayah(c)2021 15.5” x 6”
Recycled cardboard and plastic mesh, tissue paper, nontoxic glue, dryer lint, pennies, metal clips, braided waxed linen thread hanger
This is a rather odd-ball Eco Art. The lint came out of the dryer all-of-one-piece from a maroon colored sweatshirt; it was saved for years before using it for this art piece. The pennies were sitting on my bathroom sink, and over the years the copper coated pennies showed touches of turquoise and white corrosion from moisture. The purple mesh was once a vegetable sack from the grocery store. Rather ... read more
Fun Little Eco Art 4 y
A quick and sort-of easy collage from recycled materials.
8” x 10” Eco Art Collage by mayah(c)2021
Made from recycled magazine image, old postcard, found butterfly clam sea shells (no animals were killed for their shells; these were found on my local beach), hand embroidery, art paper, recycled cardboard, old thrift store frame.
I had some fun (not) pulling thick six-strand embroidery floss through the little tiny holes punched into the layered art paper with my un-threaded sewing machine. Other than that, this project was fun to make!
Don’t ask me where I get my ideas from...I was just playing around with some magazine images ... read more
Eco Art: Gaia's Garden 4 y
Eco Art in honor of my friend, Your Enchanted Gardener AKA Leslie Goldman, who transitioned June 18, 2020.
Eco Art by mayah(c)2021 ”Gaia’s Garden” 9” X 9” Shadow Box. Made from cloth, mesh, repurposed magazine advertisement image, original watercolor (rainbow eye), dried flowers, leaves, seed pods, stick. Hand embroidery, handmade butterfly.
Leslie was very much a ”nature spirit”, championing local organic farmers and heirloom seeds. He also loved flowers, and took many beautiful photos of them over the years, sometimes turning the photos into large scale posters. When he spoke of the Earth, She was ”Mother Earth”, and he saw Her as a Being in her own right.
In this shadow box I have ... read more
Musings on a Monarch Butterfly 4 y
Finding a dead butterfly leads to musings about nature and animals
photo by mayah(c)3/20/2021
I found this butterfly, dead, entangled in a dusty spider web in my backyard today. It’s perfectly preserved except for the antennae. My first thought was to keep it and use it somehow in my art; I was thinking of coating it with clear acrylic to keep it from decaying....then in a few moments came a nauseous twist in my stomach: ”what am I thinking?!?” I was aghast at myself. I used to feel this pit in my stomach whenever I looked at the two dead starfish hanging on my parent’s bathroom wall, preserved for decoration. After my folks died, I took the s ... read more
Lessons from Nature 4 y
Gretchen McKay is Sangoma (traditional healer) and shamanic practitioner. This is her wonderful blog post in which she discusses the book "Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants" by Robin Wall Kimmerer
Reciprocity: Lessons from Nature
by Gretchen Crilly McKay
Saturday, March 13, 2021
“In the Western tradition there is a recognized hierarchy of beings, with, of course, the human being on top—the pinnacle of evolution, the darling of Creation—and the plants at the bottom. But in Native ways of knowing, human people are often referred to as “the younger brothers of Creation.” We say that humans have the least experience with how to live and thus the most to learn—we must look to o ... read more
Eco Art: New Beginnings 4 y
Difficult start to the new year, new beginnings
Eco Art ”Reframed: New Beginnings” by mayah(c)2021 9” x 9” shadow box; Recycled magazine images, acrylic paint, found bird’s nest
The end of January, I had a flood in my bathroom/bedroom with one and a half inches of water on the floor. I’ve been slowly cleaning up the aftermath; fortunately, there was not much residual water damage to the house (some peeling paint near the floor boards), but many pieces of art were stacked on the floor--- most were OK, some were water logged but salvageable, and just a few were trashed.
True to Eco Art, I’m finding ways of reusing pieces and ... read more
2021 New Year's Message 4 y
Timothy Halloran is a practicing evolutionary astrologer currently located in Savannah, Georgia of the United States. Posted is a link to a recent video of his giving his message for the End of December 2020 through the Start of January 2021.
I’ve listened to the message twice, and find him to be very articulate and very intense in his understandings.
Timothy Halloran, End of December 2020 Start of January 2021 - Full Moon in Cancer, The Value of Emotional Catharsis, posted Dec 28, 2020
You can also view the video from Timothy Halloran’s website, Rasa Lila Healing (See: ”Latest Astrology Video”):
After listening, I wrote the following thoughts down:
God is Love.
Each human carries the God-Spark within, therefore each ... read more
Self Channeling 5 y
12-28-2020 Self Channeling 3:00 A.M.
Humans are the living, breathing connection between Heaven and Earth, Earth and Heaven.
Humans are Spirit-Beings inhabiting a bio-body made from the Earth.
Spirit/God experiences and expresses in the material plane of existence through Its Creation, of which humans are a part.
Spirit flows through all things, even things humans deem as ”non-living”, such as rocks.
Spirit flows through Fire, Air/Oxygen Beings, Water Spirits, Earth Beings, Earth elementals.
Spirit flows through Gaia, a Being with a consciousness of Her own.
Spirit flows through all things, through all Matter, ... read more
Winter Solstice Poems 5 y
Two short poems written in the energies of the Winter Solstice
Winter Solstice occurred on 12-21-2020. The start of winter, astrologers say that the conjunction of the planets Jupiter and Saturn is ushering in the Age of Aquarius, a time of the development of new human potential and elevated human consciousness.
I felt kinda strange on the Solstice, a bit woozy and disconnected. The two short poems below were written two days later, after the Solstice energies had somewhat abated:
Winter Solstice Thoughts
Harmonious cacophony--
churning, turning, spewing,
firing, soothing, patting, singing,
sighing, breathing, BEing
... read more
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