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BUNNYpants and SIPPYcup - Eclectic Menagerie
by Aharleygyrl

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  • The Goal of Humans   by  Aharleygyrl     17 y     5,301       25 Messages Shown       Blog: BUNNYpants and SIPPYcup - Eclectic Menagerie

    By AHarleyGyrl

    Humans have different brains than other animals.  They can use logic and are deemed the most intelligent complex animals on the planet.  They regard themselves as a more important life form than other animals.  Thus, the goal of humans should be to ensure it's continuance of population through providing shelter, food, and overall safety of it's species.  Instead, it appears humans regard their species as divided.  They seem to want to protect those who are more privilaged than others.  But,  in reality, they do not even properly protect those

    Capitalism has created a society that makes the cheapest products for the least amount of money and those who can do that on a large scale and survive are rewarded the most.  But, this creates not only bad food products for some, but for the wealthy, too.  Humans overall do not know the difference between good and bad food.  Through bureaucracy (passing the buck) we have created a society where no one knows anything;  It's always someone else's responsibility.  Another thing that defies logic and is disturbing is the restaurant home-cooked food fallacy.  If one goes to taco bell it is considered fast food or junk food by most;  Yet, we can use the same ingredients and cook it at home, and it's ok.  Where is the logic?  Of course both are filled with msg, antibiotics, bovine growth hormone, pesticides, herbacides, fluoride, and god knows what else.  Capitalism is not innate and it is not the same thing as Democracy, as most think.  It is an economic system.  Democracy is a form of Government that means one person one vote.  We do not have to have an economic system, we can simply live in peace and harmony and altuistically.  But, oh, no, not humans...they'd rather die first...and do...prematurely, through warring and poisonous air food and water.

    If human beings were smart and cared about their existence, they would make sure at least the wealthy ate healthy food.  One factor that affects this is the population growth of humans.  There are constantly new ones being born, despite many dying of disease.  So, that lessens the incentive to create and maintain healthy food.  Humans lack the ability to ban together;  They only seem to be able to do this in small groups and that does not appear good enough in order to overcome the pollution of food, water and air already damaged.  While curing disease and having healthcare is important, healthy food, clean water and air are much more important.  Humans have left those by the wayside and now the earth is highly polluted and the ice caps are melting from Co2 emissions.  So, what is the goal of humans, I ask you? 

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    • On Goal of Humans...   by  kerminator     17 y     1,971

      Life is a dichotomy as to what we know or aware of and what we do!! 

      It is like a blog I wrote on " Could & Should "  We humans for the most part; seem to act stupid; which means we know better and still do it any way...  Most of the time we know what we should do, which is the right or proper thing; but still proceed to do only what we could do, which is to get by...  This is by conscience chioce... HUH!!

      Thus we set up a constructive dilemma; which leaves us in a damn if we do and damn if we don't situation!!  Most people seem to live in this time frame or phase of life...

      The sports which you posted earlier is much like the nationalism or racism idea; with the feeling  that we must all belong to a group or tribe and then beat or out preform the competition or opposition...  It allows us to transpose our self or feelings to the larger more powerful, better, grander, or what ever superlative in order to feel an air of superiority or greatness...  Since most people lack the gumption to accept their life and live it to the best of their ability; they seek grandeur in sports, war, nationalism, and even religion...

      It really all comes down to self acceptance, learning to be content; i.e. make your satisfaction... If everyone would learn to accept and manage their life in the manner that GOD intended; there would be no crime, lying, stealing, rape, murder or war!!  Therefore as I have blogged before: An attitude of Gratitude is the key to a peaceful and happy life... 


      It is unfortunate that there are so many who for selfish purposes; use greed to control not only their own lives but many of those whom they come in contact with...  So the answer to the Goal of humans:  is failure with out moral guidelines and the Grace of GOD in their lives...

      BTW: I only try to show the truth as I have found it; and GOD is at the center...  Many readers, will just scoff this off as a weirdo crack pot view...  But Like like the answer Billy Graham gave some reporters some years ago; when ask " How could he prove that you would go to heaven or hell, based on your life's decisions?"   He answered; " Well if I live a moral good life believing in GOD, and die and there is not any life here after; then nothing gained nothing lost...  But what if you live like the devil, then when you die find out that you were wrong?? "   There were not any more questions that night... HUH!!

       Did not mean to get so deep, but some questions require a complete answer...

      See YA...  Kermit


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      • Re: On Goal of Humans...   by  #27054     17 y     1,703
        i only get serious when things get serious, but i take your point my friend.
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      • Re: On Goal of Humans...   by  AHarleyGyrl     17 y     1,900

        i added a little bit on the 2nd paragraph i think:

        what you speak about is impossible...It really all comes down to self acceptance, learning to be content; i.e. make your satisfaction...

        the reason is because humans get all their self-worth and acceptance from other humans.  we are social and therefore stuck in the human condition.  the problem is who is in charge of it and that is big business and government and it shouldn't be because they don't build us up so we thrive, they beat us down and and poison us and brainwash us so we are happy to be a part of it all.

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        • Re: On Goal of Humans...   by  #27054     17 y     1,845
          torrie, there is much put before us all, we don't have to accept anything if we don't wish to. stereo-typing is for those that cannot adapt, they are the 'herd'. when i see fully grown men and woman band together in a group and grunt some silly chant ( as say, the us marines for eg.) i fall over laughing. it's like they've just emerged from a cave, 'neanderthal like', lol.
          you are a good example of 'going it alone' as i've done so myself. i don't look to other people for acceptance because i know my 'self'. so in retrospect i'm not brainwashed, and i believe that your just the same.
          i've learnt much from americans over the past three years so please don't get me wrong when i say this for i'm generalising. religion seems to have made a big effect on your lives, whereas in the uk religion plays a small part ( i've never been inside a church except for weddings etc.)
          it just seems that fear is vented (through the church) to make some effect on your lives in the usa. i dont suppose that you agree with that torrie but i feel it when talking to you guys over there.
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          • Re: On Goal of Humans...   by  AHarleyGyrl     17 y     2,554

            the reason humans are in the fix they are in is because they are social.  they cannot make it on their own.  they need others approval.  think of is this way...if everyone died except you...would you bother combing your hair and taking good care of yourself and staying in shape, exercising, wearing clean clothes, etc...?  the answer is no.  humans are social and you cannot separate the social from the human.  they live to be accepted and loved by other humans.  granted, you could go live alone on an island and never see another human again and you could survive, but that is only after you have been indoctrinated into the human world by beeing you've already become socially bound to the human race through language.  you can never separate the social from the human...even if you went and lived on a mountain, if you have a thought in your head, it comes from human language and that is what makes you social.  i don't just make this stuff up, it was all taught to us due to curriculam requirements in upper division sociology in college.  i actually have put this to the test recently, although not by choice.  but, because of my depression and not knowing anyone here and just staying alone for months without much human contact at all except the computer, i can tell you for certain we all live to be accepted and loved by other humans and that it is a need (maslow was right).  the reason i know this for sure is because i stopped doing all the behaviors i used to do before, like showering and brushing my hair and getting dressed and doing laundry and cleaning...the list goes on.  i figure what's it matter, there is no one around to see it or me anyway.  i am not saying this so you will counsel me, so plz do not, and don't worry because i have a game plan now and i think i will be ok.  i am saying this stuff to make my point. 

            you say you don't look to other people for acceptance.  no, you do, it is just that you don't look to others who don't agree with you, for acceptance.  we are attacted to others who share our beliefs.  but, you have established your belief system and only seek approval by those who share your beliefs, not those who attack you or tell you that you are wrong.  you say you know yourself an are not brainwashed.  well, that discovery of yourself came from seeking love and acceptance from other humans.  now, it is established in you.  but, you still have a need to be loved and accepted by other humans.  you cannot get rid of that.  that would be separating the social from the human and that is impossible. 

            no, the church plays the same role here, a small one.  most americans do not go to church.  most say they believe in god but don't pray unless they are in crisis.  god does come up more in the media and with the people here in times of war, so that may explain what you have seen and heard. 

            some of the stuff i said above may go over your head.  it is college material and we were lectured over and over until we got it enough to pass our tests.  it is proven.  the difference between sociological theory and psychological, is that former has to be provem through scientific methodology and the latter does not.  they use different methodologies in psych and are able to call things theories when in fact they did not meet the criteria of a theory.  a theory must be proven by repeating the scientific method in order to be called a theory, at least in sociology, but like i said, not in psychology.  but i chose sociology because of it's rigid requirements of proof.  you probably have no idea what i am rambling about. 

            the herd you talk about that you are not a part are part of one..just a much smaller one.  if there were not many others who share your beliefs, you wouldn't have them, because it would be one against 6 billion and that wouldn't make any sense. 

            the part about the marine grunt and banding together, i that is necessary for humans.  it is just that humans only do that in small groups, they cannot band together in large enough groups to help their condition and that is why the world is in such a mess.  but, i believe we need those grunting groups, just as we need sports:

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        • Re: On Goal of Humans...   by  kerminator     17 y     2,027

           My Dear Lady:  I fear that my reply was far too deep for the masses... But for your understanding... You are a very gifted and intelligent woman...

          I believe you had a typo...  As to the result of the invalid statement   " What you speak about is impossible ."  {which does not allow for any exception}     I think you meant  "What you speak is about impossible"   {This brings into question the actual possibility of there being an exception which is true!}  followed by my statement of   "  ..It really all comes down to self acceptance, learning to be content; i.e. make your satisfaction..." 

          This statement is valid...  Now I respect your views and freedom to hold them...  One reason that the statement is valid and true is because there only needs to be one person who does have self acceptance, who has learned to be content, and other wise has made their own satisfaction!!  not follow, abide, or accept the controls of the group leaders... 

          Most people are caught up in the day to day actives, mass media, some kind of social conscience, all of which make up much of the thoughts and actions of the main world ideas...  So as they see it; which is they do not actually sense much of anything; every thing is grand in candy land!!  

          I say all this to state that there are a few souls who seek the pathway of Eternal life and this trumps all the rest!!  Those who seek the pathway of the "Spirit Warrior" become oblivious to all the various goings on in the secular world...  We are in the would but not of the world!! 

          This is not to speak down or to condescending rather it is the words of enlightenment!!  You can choose to live under the direction and control of the secular world view, or choose a personal path toward becoming your own being...   I recommend the latter!!

          Therefore I say again:   "It really all comes down to self acceptance, learning to be content; i.e. make your satisfaction!!"  It is possible and I know some of those,  who live it!!

          Thanks for your views, please continue to use your blogs to encourage and help others who lack the light to understand what they should be doing...

          Again I realize that this is very Heavy,  I write by inspiration at times; that is when I am not looking at women's swim ware Ads!!  :-)  We can all be absorbed by the secular world view if we let it direct our thoughts...  HUH!! 

          I must get back to writing my book on the Ways of the Spirit Warrior...            See YA.. Kermit

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          • Re: On Goal of Humans...   by  AHarleyGyrl     17 y     1,797

            what you speak about is impossible...It really all comes down to self acceptance, learning to be content; i.e. make your satisfaction...

            the reason is because humans get all their self-worth and acceptance from other humans.  we are social and therefore stuck in the human condition.  the problem is who is in charge of it and that is big business and government and it shouldn't be because they don't build us up so we thrive, they beat us down and and poison us and brainwash us so we are happy to be a part of it all.

            I was only referring to your one statement, and no, there is no typo.  maybe i was not clear enough.  the gov't and big business control our society and they are only concerned with money, not our personal welfare, which is what the blog post is about.

            about the self-acceptance part, you may want to read this to understand where i am coming from:


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            • Re: On Goal of Humans...   by  AHarleyGyrl     17 y     1,906
              geez, you guys really give me a workout. i haven't even had my morning coffee yet!
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            • Re: On Goal of Humans...   by  kerminator     17 y     1,910

              Well my dear...  

              First you are correct in the view that all the control groups want the controlled to follow as directed...   This is the plan of the Evil one; that all spirits should be obedient thoughtless followers ( i.e. robots)...  And so it is in the secular world in which we live...

              Of course we humans are social animals thus we seek companionship and relationships...  There is in lay the errors of our ways...  So many in the vain attempt to " have a friend or lover " will do what ever means to accomplish this end!!  Many times this is the reason for failed marriages or other betrayals in life...

              If we would but learn to not jump into situations on the heart so quickly; then just maybe live would turn out better for more people!! 

              So i say again:  It really all comes down to self acceptance, learning to be content; i.e. make your satisfaction...

              We each have choices to make; this is the plan of GOD to allow free agency...  If we would learn to evaluate and discern the elements of life; things would be; not perfect but much better... 

              Thanks for your fine posts and views...

              Maybe we will do lunch one day;  Kermit

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              • Re: On Goal of Humans...   by  AHarleyGyrl     17 y     1,886
                what you speak about is impossible...It really all comes down to self acceptance, learning to be content; i.e. make your satisfaction...

                the reason is because humans get all their self-worth and acceptance from other humans.  we are social and therefore stuck in the human condition.  the problem is who is in charge of it and that is big business and government and it shouldn't be because they don't build us up so we thrive, they beat us down and and poison us and brainwash us so we are happy to be a part of it all.


                but it is good to like yourself and only respond to those who like you.  you cannot make everyone happy.  if no one likes you or agrees with you, well then you have problems and some people just commit suicide.  so, gaining acceptance from other humans is a very big deal.  man does not live on bread alone.  you need nurturing from the beginning, first from your parents, then from others.  once you have established yourself with others, then, you can learn to ignore those who don't like you.  some people pick the wrong people and end up bad people. 

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                • Re: On Goal of Humans...   by  kerminator     17 y     2,066

                  I can agree that some of what you say is right!!  We do like to belong!!

                  Never use Never...  Unless you are the Absolute authority on what ever...  Most of us are not so we had better leave some wiggle room...   That is learn to accept the premise; that few things are really perfect, or totally impossible here in this earthly life... 



                  So i say again:  It really all comes down to self acceptance, learning to be content; i.e. make your satisfaction...

                  That are a few  of us; who have come to this point!!  Try it you may like it!!


                  See Ya...  Kermit

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                  • Re: On Goal of Humans...   by  AHarleyGyrl     17 y     1,736

                    never use never

                    that is a social construct, man-made reality, sterotype, etc....  i will use whatever terms i want to use.  this is my blog and i'm the boss, applesauce.  got it, good.  but, if it makes you feel any better, ok, i am an absolute authority on the subject, so therefore allowed to use whatever terms i want.

                    what you speak about is impossible...It really all comes down to self acceptance, learning to be content; i.e. make your satisfaction...

                    the reason is because humans get all their self-worth and acceptance from other humans.  we are social and therefore stuck in the human condition.  the problem is who is in charge of it and that is big business and government and it shouldn't be because they don't build us up so we thrive, they beat us down and and poison us and brainwash us so we are happy to be a part of it all.


                    but it is good to like yourself and only respond to those who like you.  you cannot make everyone happy.  if no one likes you or agrees with you, well then you have problems and some people just commit suicide.  so, gaining acceptance from other humans is a very big deal.  man does not live on bread alone.  you need nurturing from the beginning, first from your parents, then from others.  once you have established yourself with others, then, you can learn to ignore those who don't like you.  some people pick the wrong people and end up bad people. 

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