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40 Day Water Fast Completed - Currently 10 days into Refeed - Need Assistance!
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40 Day Water Fast Completed - Currently 10 days into Refeed - Need Assistance!

I've decided to start a new thread from my last post 2 days ago since I'm really kind of desperate for help. //

Since the last post the numbness in my right leg has spread to both legs below the knees (still no pain or mobility issues) and tonight I've been getting slight tingling in my right fingers. My diet has consisted of nothing but fruits. I continue to have loose stool and it appears as if my intestine is not breaking down what I'm eating. I had Watermelon this morning and in the afternoon I went to the loo and it basically came out like it went in. Red, mushy with the seeds floating around. It didn't smell nice either.

My tongue was quite clear and pink earlier last week but then around the same time as the diarrhea, I woke up and my tongue was brown, like quite dark brown it was disgusting, looked almost like hair at first glance had to use a tongue scraper to clean it off. It's gotten better since but it's not pink and vibrant, more like a dark pink. I have to work extra hard to keep up with oral hygiene. Breath smells quite pleasant though even after a few hours of not eating.

I'm still quite bed bound (sciatica) and agoraphobic (which I hoped would clear up with the Water Fast but didn't) so I'm not getting any vitamin D and I haven't had any vitamin b12 (im getting these supplements soon)

I don't know, all round I feel quite shitty. Compared to the high I felt during the last weeks of my Water Fast this refeed has been one thing after another and its psychologically draining. Not to mention that I'm searching everywhere for info to no avail.

I was really hoping to stick with a 80/10/10 diet but I think there's something wrong with my digestive system that's preventing me from fully utilising what I'm eating. Is it Candida? I got a fissure from my first hard bowel movement after the Water Fast and I've been treating that with Coconut oil suppositories. Still hurts like hell when I go to the loo though and I wonder if that's freaking me out more than it should. Either way my stool is mostly a dark green liquid with a mix of soft green pea sized globs and browny reddish mush.

Sorry for the details but I suppose in order to diagnose what's wrong with me you'd need as much info as possible.




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