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Cystic acne and water-fasting
Blizzolution Views: 2,995
Published: 8 y

Cystic acne and water-fasting

I`m currently on my first Water Fast at day 6 and I´ve read a lot about scars fading or disappearing. I`ve had cystic Acne over the past five years and I´ve taken accutane over an extended amount of time and lots of other harmful drugs. I´m now 20 years old and in general I`m very happy how my fast is going. The hunger is gone, the detox effect, which were very severe, are now nothing more than a slight headache in the morning, I´ve lost 10 punds and I´m very confident that I can continue my fast a lot longer. I only want to know if and when my Acne scars will fade eventually and if even my Acne may get better or even heal eventually because I´m prety certain my acne is hormon-related and the fast is said to balance hormon-levels aswell if i recall correctly. I´m looking forward to any advice you guys can give me and i wish all the other fasters, who are new to fasting, the best of luck :)



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