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Re: Diverticulitis attack after months of overeating?
IAmThat Views: 3,185
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Re: Diverticulitis attack after months of overeating?

Thanks Desert Li and Archus for quick response. I appreciate you two always being there for the support.

1. would apply the coconut oil.
2. 80/10/10 seems like a good idea, can't find the link though, let me know if you have the link, would read about it further.
3. i do have flax seed, would ground them and add them in soups.
4. when i feel better i would see if i can get the examination done, i do have swelling just under the rib cage on left side, quite noticeable with touch not in the looks, also feel quite some back ache today.
5. i also think so, but yes could be possible.

you mean first i should take cleansing diet like apples etc and then go on fast? i am on Water Fast today and plan to do it for 2 more days and then juice for few more days as needed and then i was thinking of starting 80-20 (now 80-10-10) diet.

Let me know what you think?


1. thanks for clarification, i would apply heat packs, i already have triphala churna, till few days ago, i had been taking it in morning and night, i was trying to follow a non invasive colon cleansing program with triphala and psyllium husks (i was not needing it much as with it i was feeling little constipated), so i would take triphala just once at night, let me know if you think i should go for castor oil first.

2. fine, i won't fast on these, i also felt that maybe it can be too aggressive.

3. Colloidal Silver is quite expensive here, i do have neem oil which is antiseptic, antifungal, antipyretic and antihistamine, so i feel it should work. I take rejuvelac as a probiotic, maybe i can make it with different grains to have different strands, currently i just make it with amaranth.

4. fine, i'll do some yoga and slow dance.

Archus and DL,
I am already feeling better with your responses, it's winter here in india, one just have to keep oneself warm, what do you think of cayenne pepper powder, should i include it in my diet for the heat or should i keep away from this spice, i have read some good things about it.

would go and sip on some hot water tea for now.




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