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Re: Diverticulitis attack after months of overeating?
archus Views: 3,173
Published: 9 y
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Re: Diverticulitis attack after months of overeating?

DL gave a great advice. I just wanted to answer your questions.

I have some questions that i would like to ask

1) should i apply heated packs on pain area or not? as a friend said that heated pack shouldn't be applied if there has been a bleeding (in stools, but that was 4 days ago), i also read somewhere that for mild attack, you should apply heated packs.

Yes, heat packs are fine. You can also apply castor oil twice a day on your abdomen and apply heat. Castor oil taken orally will help, too. One tablespoon in warm black tea first thing in the morning. It will give you diahrea. Blood if red in color is from small tears in the rectum/anus, no big deal, but black color blood means internal bleeding. If it was red then you need good fiber and probiotics. If Castor oil is not helpful, take Trifala Churna every night before going to bed.

1) should i go for aloe vera or wheat grass juice or rejuvelac fast instead of water fast? since these work on the colon.

Yes, you can continue to eat these foods, but DO NOT fast with only these foods, you will feel worse.

2) doctor recommended some antibiotics for infection, on what basis i should decide whether i really need them, if pain increases?

No antibiotics, it will just give you other health issues that you do not have, you can use Colloidal Silver, which you can start today, one tablespoon twice a day, it will not harm you. Inculde good probiotics in your meals, such as Kimchi, Sauerkraut, yogurt and probiotic capsules. I alternate these probiotics to get all different strands.

3) should i continue the exercise, obviously when i am not feeling the pain or should i wait to get better?

Yes exercise is fine without too much exertion. Walking and swimming are best, Yoga is fine too.

Feel better.




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