9 y
Re: is 16 BM's per 24 hours normal after a fast?
well Im about to beat my record... now I'm up to 14 in 10 hours - by 24 hours I think I will have a new Personal best.. or personal worst... however one may see it. And I do employ the squatting method.
Mine aren't sand.., more or less like the pulp one would find in the juice extractor... well chewed, normal shape, soft,,, but not looking like anything on the Bristol Stool chart, more food coloured, and yeah, like chewed food. Bit of blood and various mucuses for good measure! (excuse the graphics but necessary for health purposes)
Im so tired, bloated and sore. I think I will have to go back into the fast. I need time out from the bathroom. Its been like this for days..
I just went now, and the bowl was bright red... yet I do not recall eating anything bright red.. Blood?
Its passing so quick, that I doubt Im getting the nutrients. I am no longer gaining weight after my fast, but am again loosing.
Maybe not leaky gut... maybe the digestion is still dormant and not woken up properly and just letting it all slide by without processing.
I had a grapefruit with some olive oil to create some bile...
Not sure what else to do. TIRED OF BMS! feel like I only eat to muster enough energy to defecate...