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when things fall apart
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Published: 14 y

when things fall apart

One of the key and essential books that changed my life was a book called 'When Things Fall Apart' written by Pema Chodron. She was a student of the late Chogyam Trungpa and writes with a great deal of clarity on all topics of the dharma. Utilizing the dharma principles, she effectively explains how to deal with all the difficult trials and tribulations we face in daily life.

You can click on the image to get to the Amazon website to review the book in more detail.

I remember long ago reading all the self-help books I could find on how to be persuasive when dealing with interpersonal conflicts. The toughest individuals were the ones that were the most aggressive and could care less how you felt. They would always have a counter-argument that would tear apart the great principals put forth by Dale Carnegie such as “Focus on the problem, not the person”.

So, when I came across the concept of “Mirror-like wisdom” and understood it, I never had a problem when dealing with difficult people. All the resentment from my past faded away.

The next time I had a confrontation with another person, it was easy to be a relaxed witness to whatever was unfolding. To understand that this angry person in front of me was an actual “reflection of your mind” is quite profound.

I truly wish that more people in the psychological field will be able to use this understanding for the benefit of ALL their clients.

For access to links and more info click here:

Be well!


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