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Re: dying from severe candida, caused from black mold, hospitals admited fiance and i to psych ward
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Re: dying from severe candida, caused from black mold, hospitals admited fiance and i to psych ward

If it's true you're both dyeing and their not seeming to be able to do any thing for you then get out of there. Both of you. If you can get finances, gather as much as you can and find a spot you can stay at. If not and you're both broke then get out of there, find bottled water that has no flouride in it. Find the nearest natural market and pick up their bottled water. Guess what you're both going to eat? Nothing. Stop eating. Do not return to the location that made you ill. Repeat; stop eating. If you have to stay on the street and do this, do it. After three days, if you're still alive don't get smart and think you can or should eat. You will be not eating for at least two weeks. If you have to drink tap water and/or regular bottled water then that's what you have to do.

Once again, if you truly are dyeing and they can't help you. I mean as in literally it is your one hundred percent die hard belief they can not help you and/or they tell you there is nothing they can do then here is your mission:

1. Eat nothing.
2. Get out of there.
3. Find finances and shelter, not in the spot you came from. If you can't do neither, then you will be on the street. DO NOT retrieve and clothing items from that spot. What ever clothes you have maybe contaminated but it will have to do unless you can find a friend to give you a change of clothes.
4. Get clean water. If you can't, then do what you have to do.
5. Do not eat for weeks. Drink only water.

It's better to have warmth through this period. Do not go back to your location

There is more advise that can be given. If you make it through this part, then find a computer and come back online and get the next part. Usually I would stay silent. If death is about to occur, and nothing can be done then take hardcore measures. Get on your feet, and get out of there. That voice in your head giving you doubht. Silence it. Oh and family? If they won't support this, forget them. Don't let them get in your way.

I would highly advise you not assume you know what has happened. Do not tell any one of what you think is going on. Stop thinking about what ever reasoning you think is behind your illness. And keep your fast to your self.

Summary; if I were you I would Water Fast what ever way I could, out of the hospital and if nessecary on the street.


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