Hi all!
A couple of years ago I was involved in a serious accident which left me with multiple open bone fractures in my legs and other fractures throughout my body. I have been in and out of hospitals trying to resolve my bone infections and I am currently left with 2 in my thigh bone. There is an open wound where puss seeps out off on an on/off basis. The wound will close up and a few days later it will burst open again with puss oozing out. Three month ago I was booked into hospital receiving intravenous Vancomycin antibiotics (as the MRSA was shown to be susceptible to Vancomycin). I went through 5 weeks of treatment and the infection was clearing up and the Dr said I can go home as the wound had closed properly and my infection markers in my blood samples showed good results. Almost 3 weeks later and the wound burst open again with puss seeping out once again. The Dr said that if it did not clear up with the Vancomycin he would have to go and surgically remove the infected bone and put a External Fixator on my thigh leg again. Needless to say, I did not want to go through that ordeal where I had to start the process of growing my removed infected bone again. That is when I decided I will try and cure this infection myself as this was the 2nd attempt with me booked into a hospital to try and resolve the infection. Also to put things into perspective, the infection is localized to my thigh bone and it has not gone systemic (otherwise I wouldn't be here).
So I have read many a forum post on CureZone as to how I should approach this infection. I do know that infection in the bone in your leg/s is a big problem as there is not enough blood supply normally to the lower parts of the body. Another rather important fact about my physical health, I can't bend my knees, both my legs are stuck due to poor treatment. Also I am dependant currently on a government grant so I can't go out and buy very expensive equipment to treat my infection.
After reading about the options postulated on the forum I decided that garlic would be my best bet. Now I have been ingesting copious amounts of garlic bulbs (3-5 big bulbs), raw, 3 times a day for 3 weeks. I am also planning on making a potent garlic tincture in a month as I have also read real good results from folks on this forum with such a tincture. I am also eating healthier and doing the Alkalizing drink by MORELESS I found on this forum as this will help strengthen my immune system to fight the infection.
Topically I have been applying a home-made salve of coconut oil and oil of Oreganum (*min 85% Carvacrol*) to my wound which seems to get the wound closed quicker but it still bursts open with puss after a few days.
Should I continue with my current course of treatment or should I look into something like a ozone generator or to start and make my own Colloidal Silver (100 ppm silver)? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
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