Blog: Son of Truth of Self
by Chef JeM

Languages of Light ...

... in astrology, in your Human Design, in your Gene Keys, in your Cells, and in your Identity with your Sun of Truth of Self!

Date:   10/9/2014 10:48:33 AM   ( 10 y ) ... viewed 2020 times

July 14, 2024 - The True Chi of Original Oneness -

“… From an impure world
you can grow
to become a tall, pure lotus.

Forsake all wasteful wanderings,
and nonsensical talk and theories.

Nourish yourself with the true chi
of original oneness.”[66]*

June 11, 2024 - "The ‘letters’ that exist in creation" -

"...An alphabet is a whole formed of a number of elements – the letters – and the order in which the letters follow each other is not random. They are the analogical representation of the ‘letters’ that exist in creation. The letters of the Hebrew alphabet represent the elements, forces, virtues, qualities, spirits and powers, which God combined in order to create the universe. By means of these living letters, God formed words and sentences, and He continues to form words and sentences. This is how the world was created and continues to be created."[65]

June 10, 2024 -

"...On September 23rd, the Sun enters the sign of Libra (Balance or Scales),
and this is the autumn equinox.
Once again the days and nights are of equal length.
But now it is time to harvest the ripe grain and fruit
as nature enters a new period of repose.

After the ascending phase, from Aries to Virgo,
comes the descending phase, from Libra to Pisces.
Libra is the seventh sign on the zodiacal belt.
Why, you may wonder, are there scales in the heavens,
and what do these scales teach us?

Libra is the only sign of the zodiac that does not represent a living being –
human or animal.
And it is not just any inanimate object,
it is an instrument of precision that serves to weigh things.
It is as though it were there with its two pans to maintain a state of equilibrium
between the powers of darkness and light,
of life and death.

Libra is preceded by Virgo,
the maiden carrying a sheaf of wheat,
and followed by Scorpio, the animal whose sting can cause death.

This opposition is again underscored by the fact that
Venus is the ruling planet in Libra while Saturn is exalted.
Saturn and Venus – what a partnership!
Venus, a young woman seen as the incarnation of grace,
of harmonious relationships, of pleasure,
and Saturn, the austere old man who is most at home in solitude
and who reaps lives with his scythe.

Libra, the Scales of the zodiac, is a reflection of cosmic balance,
of the equilibrium between the two opposite and complementary principles,
thanks to which the universe came into being
and continues to exist."[64]

May 11, 2024 - Destiny Cards on The Way to American Independence -

April 18, 1775 marked the start of “The War of American Independence” a date which dealt the “Three of Diamonds” as its initial “Destiny Card” which is known as “Financial Creativity.” Along with this card is a “Planetary Ruler Card of the “Seven of Diamonds” known as “Spiritual Values.”

About thirteen months later the Continental Congress advised all thirteen Colonies to form governments for themselves. That date gave the “Four of Diamonds”: “Stability in Values” plus the “Eight of Hearts”: “Emotional Power.”

Finally, the “royal domain of ‘England’ ended with the 'Treaty of Paris' of September 3, 1783” giving the “Eight of Diamonds”: “Financial Reward” (AKA The Sun Card”) plus the “King of Spades”: “The Master Card”!

April 30, 2024 - The Discovery of Uranus and Authentic American Freedom -

When Uranus was discovered on March 13, in 1781[62] the status of Americans on the Land and Soil of: "The United States of America" was one of authentic freedom since the first two Organic Laws[63] had been established and our essential American (self-)government was functioning without external impediments!

The discovery of Uranus occurred three years and four months after the Articles of Confederation, (the second Organic law and first Constitution) and six years and four months before the Northwest Ordinance, the Third Organic Law. This was a unique period of time in American History without: "the United States" as that legal entity began to be identified in the 3rd Organic Law finally came into its full power as of the fourth Organic Law under: "The Constitution for the United States of America."

This means that the discovery of Uranus had initially marked a virtual seven-year cycle from the day of discovery until a federal mandate for taxation first came into existence under the Northwest Ordinance.

April 25, 2024 - Continuing With "An Astrological Mandala" -

The truly masterful: "reinterpretation of the Sabian symbols, presenting them as a contemporary American I CHING." Since astrological author: Dane is no longer with us to confer with him (as to his own preparation for this work) this writer can only imagine that he may have been drawing upon the accumulated wisdom from most of his life-time immersion in his astrological journey in order to take on this assignment [in this writer's opinion (ITWO)] possibly lifetimes!

In this work (which also included the convergence of Marc Edmund Jones and a clairvoyant friend who originally "formulated" the symbols) we can see cosmic intelligence at play and what a play it is! One that surely "Shakespeare" could enjoy and possibly be inspired by as well!

This writer's enthusiasm now rides on an oracle reading with the Mandala that included the degrees of his "Child" (as in the minor planet) located in both natal and prenatal degrees (as indicated in his Human Design BodyGraph). These degrees were transferred into the mandala at the second and third degrees of Capricorn that just individually contemplated were amazing to see. However the whole five-fold grouping of phases called out for inclusion and allowing for this made the reading truly more complete!

This writer concluded the reading noting it as a full circle of divine alignment from insight and inspiration extending out into the present state of the world's condition and back again to the need for re-alignment for our course correction on the planet now!

The first degree concludes with: "This represents the first stage in a five-fold process — the fifty-fifth sequence of five symbols. It refers to the capacity latent in every individual to claim and assume AUTHORITY in a vital group-situation."

The fifth degree concludes with: "This is the last symbol of the fifty-fifth sequence. It suggests that AGGRESSIVENESS may be a necessary ingredient in the activation of the potential of growth inherent in any social group."

All of which spoke deeply and directly to this writer as he serendipitously is writing on subject matters pertaining to the Social Sphere and the need to support our inter-social relations in a number of ways.

July 4, 2023 - "It is light that thinks, speaks, sings and creates."[60]

"The stars and the planets that witnessed your birth always shine on you from the cosmic periphery. But when your name is spoken, the sounds are audible; they can be perceived here and now. Each consonant is a gift from a constellation of the stars; each vowel is a present from a planet. The stars and the planets, associated with consonants and vowels, thus enter the world of matter, influencing your earthly affairs."[61]

May 10 2023 - The Language of The Sun -

"The language of the sun is a universal language that all creatures understand. It is the language of light, warmth and life. Human beings, animals and plants all understand what the sun is saying. Its very absence or presence is eloquent! Whereas other languages... Do you really believe that the missionaries succeeded in making the language of Christianity understandable to all the Africans and Indians they worked with? No, to many of them it was pure gibberish, and that is only normal. Religion must be built on irrefutable foundations, and who can refute the importance of light, heat and life? Religions have put too much emphasis on theory or on the external forms of liturgical ceremonies and rites. True religion goes beyond appearances and teaches that human beings must be luminous and full of warmth and life. ..."[59]

February 23, 2023 - Sabian Symbols -

This Blog-writer finds various "Languages of Light" naturally/organically expressing through light-filled out-picturing/images. he finds the Sabian Symbols to be an excellent example of this principal. The following Sabian Symbol is an example:

(Aries 3°): The Cameo Profile Of A Man, Suggesting The Shape Of His Country.
Keynote: The sustaining power of the Whole, as the individual identifies themselves with It’s life.

Having become objectively aware of their nature and basic humanity, the individualizing person finds power and inner security in realizing their essential identity with the section of the universe in which they operate. They and it seem to the consciousness united in a cosmic-planetary process - in a "participation mystique." Metaphysically expressed, this is the concept of the identity of Atman and Brahman.

In another sense, through the ability to identify themselves with the complex of life activities surrounding them, the individual person can become truly, not only an image and representation of the Whole of their natal environment (local, planetary and perhaps eventually cosmic), but an agent through whom the Whole may express itself in an act of creative resonance and outpouring. This is the avatar ideal — the ideal of a "transpersonal" life and consciousness totally consecrated to and directed by a divine Power. This Power can also be conceived as the archetypal Self, the Christ-principle as it operates in and through an individual person and destiny who have become its outward manifestation in order to meet a collective human need.

The concept of the formal-structural identity of the universal macrocosm and the human microcosm is a very important one, as it manifests itself at many levels. It provided an inner sense of security and harmonic strength to archaic man. To the modern individual assailed by surface evidence of meaninglessness and futility it gives a feeling of participation in the vast tide of evolution. It is the answer to the tragic sense of alienation so prevalent today.

The 3rd stage of the first 5-fold sequence: Participation In A GREATER LIFE.[58]

Plus - "We create our own reality. And yet…how can you and I be responsible for what is happening in the world? In our world? ..."[57]

February 16, 2023 - "Learn the Language of Creation"[56]

February 13, 2023 - The Non-Astrological Languages of Light -

"Chai bolisud" in Lao means "a pure heart."[54] In this blog-writer's own independent (cherry-picked) reading of his family's red-letter edition bible as a child he recalls reading: "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God."[55] He then essentially prayed for a pure heart. Now sixty-some years later he thinks once this seeing occurs there's no turning back to not seeing. Those who are pure in heart are truly blessed!

December 30, 2022 - Happy "0" Day! -
(According to the Mystic Cards - 12 (December) X 2 = 24 + 31 = 55 subtracted from the totality of the calendar numerically (55) = 0 - the number of "The Fool"!

We enter Gate 38, Line 1 at 05:32 UT today, December 31, 2022.

Gate 38 - Opposition - Gate of the Fighter
Stubborness Can Overcome the Odds -
The ability to preserve individual integrity through opposition to detrimental forces. Energy necessary to combat fear and know that life is of value.


Line 1 - Qualification - Tempering opposition based on the circumstances.

Exaltation: A psychic attunement that guarantees proper action. The psychic gift of knowing when and how to fight.

Detriment: The tendency to oppose as a general rule. The drive to fight as a general rule.
Mystical Theme: Accepting Death

Gate 38

This Gate is part of the Channel of Struggle, A Design of Stubbornness, linking the Root Center (Gate 38) to the Splenic Center (Gate 28). Gate 38 is part of the Individual (Knowing) Circuit with the keynote of empowerment.

The 38th gate exerts pressure on us and those around us to discover the value of our own lives.
There must be a reason to exist, a purpose, and something to love that elevates struggle beyond simply surviving.
Backed by the energy to oppose, we are capable of forcefully confronting adversity itself.
We actually enjoy a good fight. (LOL)
Purpose for us is enhanced when we stand up for those who can't stand up for themselves, if it is correct for us to do so.
Others might experience this energy as a fierce independence, a highly focused stubbornness to meet a challenge, even death, head on.
In truth, we are simply seeking a reason for living.
Our determination to persevere empowers others to discern for themselves which individuating struggles have value or not.
To know what is worth fighting for and to avoid wasting energy by engaging in battles that are not correct for us, we look to the intuitive awareness potential of Gate 28. (Worth commenting on!)
Since Gate 38 is one of the three gates of deafness that protects our individuality from being influenced by others, we preserve our personal integrity by opposing those forces that would compromise us.

The Daily View reflects the impact the Sun (70% of the neutrino influence) is having on humanity as it moves through the Gates and Lines of the Mandala. Transits are potentials that you can witness in others and the world around you, and, if correct for you, ... may become a part of your experience as well.

Please refer to The Definitive Book of Human Design for more detail and information.[14]

A Short Comment (for now ; ~ ) Re: "To know what is worth fighting for and to avoid wasting energy by engaging in battles that are not correct for us" - This aspect of Hexagram/Gate 38 has been especially active for this Blog-writer over the past couple weeks as he was navigating his way through his active mind - apparently as a consequence of not having all the communications that he thinks he needs from other people that are part of his life. (It's actually nothing new! ; ~ )

December 23, 2022 - "this magical moon between the Solstice and the New Year"! -

In subscription email from Richard Rudd titled: "The Gene Keys Ethos - Collaboration - the next great step for humanity."

Comment: The timing is perfect now! Our current lunar cycle just began this past day and it with continue to the first New Moon of 2023. It's a time for our deepest contemplation for our lives, for our role here on earth at this time and consequently for all our relations.

December 14. 2022 - Human or Actor?

Enjoyed Richard Rudd's monologue (and recommend it): "Transforming Self Judgment"[53]

This Blog-writer made special note of his use of the term "human."
This blog-writer suggests thinking of using the term "actor" instead of automatically identifying with the concept of "human." Why? .........

The term "human" can be seen (and deserves to be re-evaluated) as "hu-man" - which means the "color of man." If the true nature of "human" can be distinguished from the true nature of "man" then consider speaking in terms of "actor" instead of "human" - because with actor we know that the actor is performing, playing a role i.e. acting - and the benefit of that association is that the actor can walk off the "stage" and resume his or her true identity whereas the "human" identification (as Richard refers to it) "colors" one's identity in ways that consequently require ongoing forgiveness and/or self-punishment and yet there is nothing that this blog-writer knows of that truly requires that we identify with "human."

Another term that appears to be of a similar ilk with "human" is "person." Person = persona = mask. However "person" is also legally identified as "corporation." We living souls are not corporations! This blog-writer for one refuses to be identied as a "person" and in a similar way refuses to be identied as a "human." He is a man! Relate to him as such and he will relate to you as a man and/or as a woman. In contarst - the term "human" appears to be some kind of conventionally acceptable term that often is perpetuated instead of referring to "man" and "woman."

God created man/woman. Man created human, person and corporation - all of which can be seen as having been problematic since their man-concieved conceptions (long before any of us who are alive today can say for sure). However - we are just as God created us - whole, complete and free - as long as we do not identify with things that are not our true nature!

December 11, 2022 - Quintessence of Gene Keys -

"...the 'gene keys' are an inner language designed to transform our core beliefs about ourselves and raise us to a higher level of awareness."[52]

December 8, 2022 - Gene Key 26 -

"This is the Siddhi of Invisibility. To create vast ripples of awakening, to influence all life to thrive, without anyone even seeing us while we do it. That is divine pride. Only us and the gods know what we've done. That's the kind of pride we're allowed to feel towards ourself. Don't be thinking this is for the future. This we can begin right now, whoever we are. The smallest, most insignificant act of selflessness reaches out into the cosmos with tendrils of light that touch the far corners of reality. This is the power of invisible change. We can change the entire cosmos, but only through the selfless act, the selfless thought, the selfless word.[51]

November 1, 2022 - "Mother Peace: A Way to the Goddess Through Myth, Art and Tarot" -

In her current newsletter, the unorthodox Human Design teacher Kim Gould makes mention of this book by Vicky Noble. That prompted this Blog-writer's curiosity and inspired him with the following quote:

“I wish I could say that the introduction I wrote to the Mother Peace book in 1983 has now become run-of-the-mill, humdrum, old information. Instead, I read it now with a kind of sadness, because I see that the past decade has done more to erase the scholarship include here in these pages than to validate it. Even with the incredible work of Marija Gimbutas and other vibrant scholars of shamanism and prehistory, the general public has been let to believe that the problems I speak of here are no longer active, and the solutions no longer necessary; we are now ‘postfeminist.’ People have been lulled to sleep by the Nixon-Reagn-Bush years of brain-washing and whitewashing of reality, renewing the material in this book as fresh today as the day it was written; the only difference is that there is a much greater urgency in it today. …” Vicki Noble - Berkeley, California 1994

“The asteroid layer in your Human Design is a historical map for stripping away the outgrown limits of patriarchal narratives and uncovering our original selves.” In the amazon preview of: Asteroids in Human Design: Awakening the Feminine Archetype Kindle Edition by Kim Gould (Author)

Kim also mentions: "The Secrets of The Tarot: Origins, History and Symbolism" - Barbara Walker.

October 31, 2022 - We enter Gate 44, Line 1 at 01:59 UT, October 31, 2022. -

Gate 44 - Coming to Meet - Gate of Alertness - The Personnel Manager

The success of any interaction is based on the absence of any preconditions. Instinctive memory and alertness that can manage and mold the collective.

Line 1 - Conditions

The establishment of frameworks as the result of interaction.

Exaltation: A mastery of the collective that can establish restrictive conditions for inferior components and with the ability to enforce them. An alertness to patterns than can lead to mastery of the collective.

Detriment: An attractive nature that will interact with inferior forces and will fail to apply restrictions resulting in a risk to continued harmony. The failure of the instinct out of the need for harmony.[50]*

October 28, 2022 Sun Transit through Hexagram/Gate 28, Line 5 -

as of 04:57 UT, October 29, 2022.

"Gate 28
Preponderance of the Great
Gate of the Game Player
The Challenge is Life Itself

The transitoriness of power and influence. The potential of intuition is to know in the now whether it is of value to struggle or not.

Line 5 - Treachery - The abuse of trust.

Exaltation: The manipulation of the collective, that while pitting one faction against the other, does not directly support or reject either. The intuitive capacity of the game player to provoke struggle amongst others."[50]

October 11, 2022 - "How the planets affect us especially with regard to our constitutional energy" -

"...In Polarity there is no differentiation between the body and mind and our connection to the natural world. It encompasses astrology and how the planets affect us especially with regard to our constitutional energy; it has a myriad of reflexes throughout the whole body set up by the doctrine of signatures, astrological triads and sacred geometry."[49]

Comment: There must be a correlation between the astrological component of the above quote and the Human Design System! This blog-writer will research this! ; ~ )

October 1, 2022 - A Constellation Map in "Our Lady of Guadalupe" Image -

Here are just a few from a long list of interesting facts about the Our Lady of Guadalupe image itself:

The image is proven to not be painted by human hands
The image and fabric have miraculously lasted in its original condition for nearly 500 years
The weak cactus fiber, of which the tilma was made, should have decomposed within 15-20 years of being woven
No natural or animal mineral colorings, or paint, are found on the image
The image itself is iridescent, which cannot be produced by hand
Mary stands on a crescent moon, the same crescent moon in the sky on the day of her apparition
Mary’s mantel is a constellation map, the same constellations in the sky as on the day of her apparition
These constellations tell the story of the Gospel with the arrangements of Leo in the womb of Virgo ...[48]

September 27, 2022 - The Power of Symbolic Relatedness -

"...If this power of symbolic relatedness between the acts of the individual self and the rhythm of the universal Whole is used positively, every situation of the individual's life becomes an opportunity for growth and for the creative expression of the Spirit within man. If it is used negatively, then — as Marc Jones writes in the Introduction to 'Symbolical Astrology' — 'all things are engaged in what to him is a very real conspiracy against him; while his satisfactions are elements of destruction, transformed by his own symbolizing of them in desirable factors'."[47]

September 19, 2022 - Chiron and What Became "Normal."

"...Chiron can show us places where we got so accustomed to neglecting something that it became normal." - Kim Gould[46]

July 28, 2022 - Varuna -

"...Tracy Delaney, whom I sent scurrying around the network looking for information on Varuna, recently wrote to me, 'There is plenty of stuff about Varuna as a higher remote power which is beyond question or understanding, and this divine power being allowed to manifest through individuals (like the Pope or a Supreme Court Judge), also emerging in charts as arrogance or dogma (with square aspects).'

'Juan [Revilla] suggests an avenue of inquiry. He points out that Varuna was exactly conjunct the Sun in Cancer at the birth of Islam ('16th July 622 at Sunset in Mecca, sunset occurred at 16h05m38s'), and that this should cause self-expression to become like the conjunct planet, which 'looses its independence and becomes too absorbing, too central and excessive'. Thus the nature of Islam may give some clues about the nature of Varuna..."[45]

July 12, 2022 - The 62nd Gene Key via Sun Transit Now! -

"There is deep magic woven into language.
It is why the origin of the word 'spell' correlates with the idea of casting spells, that have power over others.
Every word has an inner spirit – a code of light that lends it an independent force in the cosmos. The moment a word or group of words is given voice, vibrations radiate out into the universe. There can be no return of these words. At the level of the 62nd Gift, your use of words becomes much more precise because you recognize this great truth.

In essence, light is breaking through you, through your words. As your language becomes purer, you expose your heart to others and to the world. You are taking the greatest step – the leap from worship to embodiment. It is here that you will have to face the fear of humiliation as you give your voice up to your heart.

Words spoken from love are deeply healing.

The 62nd Gene Key - Gene Keys Book

July 11, 2022 -

"...This moment is much more than you may realize.
It is about choosing to step away from the entire sphere of conflict
and into the life-giving energy of uncertainty and paradox
as it flows through you.
True change can only arise from your deepest core,
and requires alertness
rather than certainty.[44]

February 23, 2022 - The "Pluto Return" in the 248th Year - Now! -

"Pluto is the Higher octave of Mars - representing the Higher Will and Higher Power. Yet before we can access this Higher Power we have to move through the eye of the needle that Pluto and its sign Scorpio represent. We need to face our fears or obsessions with money, power, control, sex and death. Pluto is the Gatekeeper and in many mystical traditions we need to face our deepest fears before we can pass through the gateway into Enlightenment.

The USA has an opportunity to rise into the next level of consciousness as a country and world leader - but what must be left behind is the shadow of Capricorn expressed as corporations running politics, misuse of power, corruption, shadow government, and being stuck in matter while having lost consciousness of the Mother."[43]

I recognize this "return" as part of the whole cosmic language of light! It brings an impact/opportunity for this blog writer during this time as he is inspired to give more support for the fulfillment his divine destiny and thereby engage more consciously with this transformational process.

There certainly are all the outer world relationships subject to change and that this writer looks forward to - however the emphasis for him is firstly on the relationship within. This "emphasis" can be expressed: "As within - so without"! Therefor this "return" may be most meaningful for individuals when seen as a transit through their natal chart.

December 27, 2020 - A Prayerful, Contemplative Affirmation -

Voice for All-Divine (addressing the Holy Spirit)
Light of Truth (as The Voice for God)
in Agape-Phileo
in All!

December 19, 2020 - The I Ching - Book of Changes -

"The I Ching was first written down in 1143 BCE as a book of oracles -- its purpose was to provide answers to questions about the unknown. Like any mantic system such as the Tarot or astrology, the Book of Changes is ultimately dependent upon the subjective evaluation of the querent: its efficacy is measured by the ability to perceive and accurately interpret one's experience in symbolic terms. In this it is analogous to many other spiritual disciplines, and it is the specific purpose of this treatise to demonstrate that the symbolism of the I Ching, an Eastern oracle book, is perfectly compatible with the symbolism of the Western Mystery Tradition.”[42]

February 5, 2020 - Light/'Fire'/Spirit-Producing Life From Friction! -

" ... At the heart of the Human Design System lies a single, vital beating heart. It is called Juxtaposition Unified Theory (JUT). It is in fact a very advanced and complex scientific theory of our universe based on nine dimensions. The details of JUT are not for the faint-hearted, and one needs more than a rudimentary understanding of theoretical physics to begin to penetrate the logical core of this knowledge.

In simple language, Juxtaposition Theory is about chickens and eggs. Which came first? The answer according to Human Design is neither. They began together, inseparable but opposite, not integrated but juxtaposed. The word juxtaposition points towards the existence of two forces that stand next to each other. They do not become one. In fact the juxtaposition of two forces creates a third force. This is a basic pattern that also lies at the heart of the Human Design revelation: that all life is a duality and has always been so, even from the beginning. With duality you have friction, and out of friction comes life itself. ..."[41]

September 30, 2019 -

"Every month, we see the moon waxing and waning in the sky. Similarly, our consciousness brightens and dims, ebbs and flows. We are subject to the same alternations as nature, and it is therefore necessary to be aware of the time when each phenomenon is likely to occur.

Imagine a difficult period is nearing – if you don't feel it coming, you unwisely take on commitments; then, when it is time to act, you no longer have the inspiration or the desire and you fail in your endeavour. You could have avoided this failure had you anticipated there would inevitably come a time when you would see less clearly. For all errors are made in the dark, at the moment when our consciousness is clouded.

You cannot escape this alternation of day and night, light and darkness within you anymore than you can outside. But if you learn to observe yourself, each time you will discover certain warning signs alerting you to the approaching period of darkness.

So be vigilant. Prepare the spiritual elements that will continue to maintain the light within you."[36]


Communicating with and in the "Languages of Light" will support your intention "to maintain the light within you"!

Speaking of which - you probably are familiar with the term bi-lingual.[37] This writer realizes a need for a certain kind of multi-lingual fluency as follows. We have our native tongue (or in the case of the bilingual there is typically one language that dominates). If we realize that "legalese" is another language - even if it appears to be written and/or expressed in our mother tongue - then we need to learn this language as well if we are functioning in the world. If we realize that our subconscious has its language in the form of images (as in our dreams) then we also need to learn this language. And if we want to "speak out way into heavenly places" then that requires "Language of Light" that need to be learned as well. Altogether - learning these languages would make us multilingual![37] Actually we need to become "polygots" by learning to communicate with others in their "language" even though we share the same "mother tongue" with them.

November 17, 2019 - The Gene Keys Language of Light -

The 64 Gene Keys - Introduction -

Welcome to a completely fresh set of wisdom teachings. The 64 Gene Keys are a brand new interpretation of a timeless and ancient code lying at the heart of our universe. In essence the Gene Keys represent the living alphabet of light that underpins all creation. Out of these 64 primary codes of consciousness have arisen all human languages and interpretations of the great Mystery. As such, the Gene Keys are not an intellectual knowledge but a vibrant high frequency transmission carrying within them the 64 codes for your awakening to a higher reality.

The 64 Gene Keys contain a contemporary wisdom that is designed to actually communicate directly with the 64 genetic codons inside the nucleus of every cell in your body. In every sense of the word, this is a living, talking manuscript whose sole purpose is to trigger a recognition within the many layers of your being, from the subtle to the gross. In this respect each Gene Key is divided into three ‘frequency bands’ known as the Shadow, the Gift and the Siddhi. As you travel and contemplate each layer of these teachings so you will begin to feel your own relationship to this spectrum of light inside yourself. Because the highest language – the language of the ‘Siddhis’ – is beyond words, you are invited to allow your whole being to listen to this knowledge, rather than the normal way in which words are read – solely through the mind. The more presence you can bring to bear as you read, the deeper the wisdom will travel inside you.

(The 55th Gene Key)

The 64 Gene Keys encapsulate a whole new transformational language for deep contemplation, and the heart of this language is communicated through the 55th Gene Key. The 55th Gene Key is the primary trigger of a new global awakening. The premise of the 55 is that it is currently preparing and catalysing a vast global genetic mutation, which will sweep through humanity in the coming centuries and give birth to a new kind of human being. The 55 is a deeply prophetic piece of writing that to many may seem idealistic or even outlandish. In many respects this is wisdom intended for future generations when human beings will have recovered more memory of their higher nature. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy reading this Gene Key and contemplating its many insights and dimensions. It is to me – and I hope it will become for many – a sublime ray of hope and wonder at the sheer beauty of the time we are living in.

Richard Rudd[38]


This blog-writer has referred to the Gene Keys as the "graduate course following Human Design." And now this "course" has been sequenced in a three phase Golden Path that guides and supports the individual's journey through their own genetic activations.[40]

November 23, 2019 - An Ancient Man’s Encounter With The Language of Light -

Three Thousand Years Ago, There Was A Human … who lived near a city surrounded by mountains. The human was studying to become a medicine man, to learn the knowledge of his ancestors, but he didn't completely agree with everything he was learning. In his heart, he felt there must be something more.

One day, as he slept in a cave, he dreamed that he saw his own body sleeping. He came out of the cave on the night of a new moon. The sky was clear, and he could see millions of stars. Then something happened inside of him that transformed his life forever. He looked at his hands, he felt his body, and he heard his own voice say, "I am made of light; I am made of stars." He looked at the stars again, and he realized that it's not the stars that create light, but rather light that creates the stars. "Everything is made of light," he said, "and the space in-between isn't empty." And he knew that everything that exists is one living being, and that light is the messenger of life, because it is alive and contains all information.

Then he realized that although he was made of stars, he was not those stars. "I am in-between the stars," he thought. So he called the stars the tonal and the light between the stars the nagual, and he knew that what created the harmony and space between the two is Life or Intent. Without Life, the tonal and the nagual could not exist.

Life is the force of the absolute, the supreme, the Creator who creates everything. This is what he discovered: Everything in existence is a manifestation of the one living being we call God. Everything is God. And he came to the conclusion that human perception is merely light perceiving light.

He also saw that matter is a mirror — everything is a mirror that reflects light and creates images of that light — and the world of illusion, the Dream, is just like smoke which doesn't allow us to see what we really are. "The real us is pure love, pure light," he said. This realization changed his life. Once he knew what he really was, he looked around at other humans and the rest of nature, and he was amazed at what he saw. He saw himself in everything — in every human, in every animal, in every tree, in the water, in the rain, in the clouds, in the earth. And he saw that Life mixed the tonal and the nagual in different ways to create billions of manifestations of Life.[39]

September 2, 2019 - Current Sun Transit ... -

In Human Design Gate 40/40th Gene Key - (In Line 5 for today.) -
"Deliverance -
Gate of Aloneness -
The Power of the Will to Deliver -
The point of transition between struggle and liberation.
The survival of the community is dependent upon a sustained and strong will."(i)

Line 5 - Rigidity
The recognition that to achieve liberation all negative forces must be rejected.

Exaltation: The revolutionary that demands absolute victory. The power of the ego is maintained in the rejection of negative relationships.(ii)

Detriment: A tendency in revolution to accept a certain amount of necessary deviation on the assumption that it can be successfully purged later. The weakness of the ego in its loneliness(iv) to maintain and not reject negative relationships.


(i) To the extent that this line is true is the extent that this blog-writer questions whether an individual with an underfed Heart Center is able to exercise "a sustained and strong will." That means if any individual is a community "manager"(iii)

(ii) Serendipitously the writer just happened to have very freshly emerged through a psycho-emotional "crash" (in his emotional wave) after a short-term but acute emotive discharge of extreme frustration/anger that had been building up for many months. The "gem" he extracted from this intense experience is that "negative relationships" can be summarily rejected in spite of whatever the extent of the "Detriment."

(iii) The term "community manager" deserves to be examined as to whether it may be an oxymoron. It depends on how "the community" defines itself as well as how management defines itself.

(iv) "Loneliness" is one condition among others in this instance that can be identified in the 64 "Gene Key Shadows." The "Shadow" corresponding with loneliness can be seen in the 19th Gene Key of Co-Dependency."

August 16, 2019 -

"A true magus knows how to emit light. Not only is he surrounded and protected by his aura, it also provides him with the material for his work. It is thanks to this subtle matter that he is able to create and manifest his power. He doesn’t even need to speak; he only has to send his thoughts out, and it is as if he were speaking. This inner speech, which is real, powerful and magical, is also called the Word. The Word is a thought that has not yet been translated into words but already has expression in the invisible in the form of shapes, colours and sounds. Stones, plants, animals and humans all understand this language, and the planets, the stars, the angels and the archangels also understand it. ..."[34]

August 26, 2019 -

"Astrologers seek to determine the influences that planets exert on humans. Actually, for each one of us, the nature of these influences depends on the quality of our aura. For, one of the aura’s functions is to provide exchanges between the stars in the sky and our inner stars. I think you are surprised, aren’t you, to hear that the planets exist in us too? Since humans are a reflection of the cosmos, the planets also exist in us, and, just as they do in the universe, they revolve around our inner sun. If the same planet affects some people favourably and others unfavourably, it is simply because the ones who receive its bad influences are not ready to pick up its good ones. If there are elements in their aura that prevent a planet’s good qualities from entering them, the currents this planet sends become distorted, break up and produce harmful effects. If, on the other hand, their aura is pure and powerful, all influences, even those that could be harmful, become good."[35]


July 13, through July 18 2019 - The Sun is Transiting Gene Key 62 -

The Language of Light -
“The 62nd Gene Key sees the entire holographic cosmos. Everything is connected to everything else in perfect harmony. Every experience is perfect, including the timing of our awakening. Precision is everywhere, and the more we start seeing it and imbibing it the more we relax and come into deeper harmony. And this coming into harmony will put us through a few initiations, and they often feel far from harmonious. Stepping out of the maya is like leaving the earth’s orbit, and we have to build up a certain escape velocity to punch through its veil.

The Gene Keys are not facts; they’re wormholes that open into love. ... They teach us how to use a language in order to transcend it, and they teach us from the inside. All we have to do is keep contemplating.”[33]

July 8, 2019 -

Astrology for Tuesday, July 9, 2019:

"At 8:24 PM EDT the Sun joins with the North Node at 17degrees Cancer. The North Node points to your soul’s requirement in current time. The Sun highlights and directs your attention with warmth and light. What house does Cancer occupy in your chart? ......... Knowing where Cancer falls in your chart will help you understand. The house that holds Cancer is the area of your life that supports nurturing, protection, and family. ..."[32]


First time hearing "The North Node points to your soul’s requirement in current time" in the context of a solar transit and now inspired to investigate this!

The corresponding Sabian Symbol is at 18 Cancer:


KEYNOTE: The practical concern with everyday nourishment necessary to sustain one's outreaching activities.

Every mother is originally responsible for the feeding of her progeny, and all the activities into which a person has poured his energy are his symbolic children. He has to feed them with social substance gathered from "the ground" of his community, and to watch with concern over their unfoldment. The tender stem consolidates into the tree trunk, the chicken into the hen, the infant into the theoretically self-reliant and socially wise adult.

This third stage of the twenty-second five-fold sequence shows the results of the two previous stages. Seed, germ and the growing plant requiring the chemicals of the soil for its daily growth form a clear sequence. What is at stake here is the FULFILLING OF LIFE'S RESPONSIBILITIES.

Comments Continued:

This blog-writer is all-grateful in sensing, knowing, feeling and engaging his "soul’s requirement in current time"! The North Node transit is now exactly conjunct this writer's MC! It is moving forward into the House of his 'Life's Work!

July 5, 2019 - Purpose for the Languages of Light -

" many people complain that God does not hear them or answer them. And they say that since he is deaf, why should they continue to turn to Him. Well no, God is not deaf, but these people have a shell so thick that his presence, light and love cannot reach them. All communication routes have been blocked by the layers of impurities they have formed with their thoughts, feelings and acts. If they work to purify themselves until their subtle bodies become receptive, the communication will one day be restored and the presence of the Divine will overwhelm them. ..."[31]


This blog-writer's first Enlightenment Intensive (EI) was in 1980 with Daniel Harrison as the EI master. Daniel gave a talk a couple of days before the intensive that included a demonstration of a purification process that can occur when pure water is poured into a pitcher of muddied water. Purification takes time and it requires more water than is in the pitcher however eventually the pure water replaces all of the muddied water. The demonstration turned out to be a perfect one for this writer as a participant in the next EI that Daniel conducted. During virtually the whole 3-day intensive this writer was submerged in the purification process which most effectively stirred up the mud! This process was not pleasant and yet there was a realization that it was necessary and that this was probably the best way known at the time to have this depth of purification.

Now this writer extends the "purification" process in private sessions with individuals who wish to restore "the communication" with "light and love."

May 5, 2019 - The Astrological Language of Light - Quintessentially -

"...the universe around any individual ... presents ... in symbolic terms, the image of what (s/)he needs to orient ... adequately in terms of (their) own individual truth — in Hindu philosophy, dharma — to every basic kind of experience (s/)he could have in a lifetime. I spoke of the birth chart as a 'set of instructions' given by 'God' — or the universal Principle of Harmony — to whatever is born at the moment and place for which the chart is cast."[29]

From this blog-writer's perspective looking through a Human Design lens the consultation with a client concerning orientation would begin in the Self Center and correlate the gate activations with "the birth chart."

April 7, 2019 - Symbolic Language -

When one “begins to understand the remote, imperceptible, subtle and etheric correspondences between all things and all creatures of the universe that (one) begins to know what true life is and can begin to live it.”[27]


Before I had ever picked up my first book on any subject of a metaphysical nature I had experienced what I call a surfacing of deep instantaneous knowing, in a number of moments and in a number of different settings. Initially the circle was the symbol I spontaneously used as my main reference. I saw everything in the circle and I wished to share this knowledge with everyone. Very plain and most simple. This total time period continued for about nine months after which I entered "The Church."

In "The Church" teachings for the "New Beginners" there were three concentric circles presented that emphasized the innermost circle representing 'spirit." The circles representing body and soul were most largely disregarded. This archetypal conditioning of this was such that consequently there was no art and no dance in "The Church."

Finally one day I connected with a colorful print containing life-like images of nature and my heart wept from the aching place that longed for reunion with the forces of nature. About nine months later I moved from the Chicago area to California. Since then a number of symbols have come to me and appear to have supported further expression of "deep knowing."

"The Human Design System" and its "BodyGraph" is full of symbols, symbolic language as well as the primordial planetary archetypes. One of the most significant distinctions about Human Design is the fact that there's a second calculation that results (with additional elements) in much deeper layers to what is shown in a conventional astrological birth chart. IMO - the planets are much better presented within a BodyGraph of nine Human Design centers. However not everyone speaks astrology. If one finds their greatest affinity with the I Ching then I suggest the Gene Keys instead of Human Design.

May 6, 2019 - Continuing with the BodyGraph -

One of the most outstanding features of the Human Design System is its graphic portrayal of the astrologically-correlated energies of the "planets" within a nine-centered BodyGraph that brilliantly illustrates a most holistic perspective of the individual. Although Human Design is not astrology it can compliment astrology and especially the Person Centered holistic approach to astrology as inspired by Dane Rudhyar. And in the spirit of Rudyhar's approach that emphasized consciousness this writer also includes the Gene Keys in this synergy. It is a new approach that this blog-writer has naturally gravitated toward and now sees the synergistic expansion with greater clarity.

For instance Rudyhar says: "If we want to know a person as a whole, we must therefore approach his birth-­chart in a whole act of perception. What strikes us at first is the gestalt (or overall configuration) of the chart: i.e., how it looks as a whole. If we learn to look intently enough the chart-as-a-whole may 'speak' to us."[30]

Comment: Every individualized Human Design BodyGraph can support the "gestalt" perception process.

May 5, 2019 - Continuing with seeing "everything in the circle." -

"...a man is born at a certain time and place to meet a particular need of mankind. This is this man's dharma, his 'truth of being,' his essential identity. And his birth chart is the potent symbol, or mandala, of this identity. It is his celestial Name, the 'Signature' of his destiny."[29]

Repeating: "Initially the circle was the symbol I spontaneously used as my main reference." Although this blog-author didn't have the astrological use of the circle in mind "initially" it is possibly the very best use of this symbol for seeing "everything in the circle." Dane Rudhyar also refers to "mandala" and that is essentially another circle, one that the Human Design System uses as the bases for the "Rave Mandala." In contemplating on this an imagination arises toward the possibility of creating individualized Human design Mandalas for clients. It could be supportive for the individual to see their primary astrological activations in graphic form in addition to the corresponding activations in the BodyGraph in the center of the mandala. That would require a poster with dimensions possibly close to 36" x 36."

May 2, 2019 - A Universal Language of Light -

"In the words of Richard Rudd himself: 'If I had to say in a single line what Gene Keys are, I would say they are a universal language made up of 64 genetic archetypes. If I had to say what they do- they allow you to completely re-envision yourself and recreate your life at a level limited only by your own imagination.'"[28]

The Gene Keys are a "universal language of light" because they connect us to the universal genetic code and allow us to communicate the reality of that connection.

March 29, 2019 - The Template and The Geometric Language of Light -

"The Template is a holonomic whole system that reveals the symbiotic connection between the geometric signal of light, bio-circuitry, the endocrine system, DNA and the morphogenetic field. Circuitry is the delivery system for the energetic nature of the Source Code.

The Source Code is encrypted as electromagnetic intelligence written in the geometric language of light.

The energetic nature of consciousness that fosters all life is integrated by the Human heart/ body/mind via bio-circuitry. Circuitry supplies and integrates Source Intelligence, translating this life directive into the bio-informational matrix that is the vibratory infrastructure of the Human Hologram."[26]

March 11, 2019 - Prepare Your Vessel For Light In Order to Communicate in Languages of Light -

"... You must go very high within you to be able to see spirits of light and heavenly beings. The only clairvoyance you must seek to achieve is the one that makes you like a crystal prism, a pure crystal that lets through the light."[24]

Comment: By going "very high within you" (your Higher Self) you'll connect with your "High Ideal" which is necessary to fulfill your destiny. Life becomes more meaningful when you're aligned with your High Ideal!

January 26, 2019 - Learn the "Languages of Light" From The Sun - Naturally! -

The Importance of Light -
"Seek light: it is the mind which seeks, and it seeks light, and in finding it, you will see everything." -
— Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov -

On a rare trip to Hawaii in 1979, Omraam gave a lecture in English ... titled The Importance of Light. Listening to Omraam’s voice while following along in the booklet is a unique and rich experience. Here are some highlights ...:

“To find the truth, you must go and address the Sun. You must address the Sun for everything, and it informs and answers you. If you ask the Sun a question, it will give you reality.”

“It is at the sunrise that the rays send the best influences for health, lucidity, clarity, for everything.”

“Why are there so many diseases these days? Because there is no light within, in the thoughts, feelings, and actions of human beings.”

“Light possesses powers: incalculable, unimaginable, unheard-of powers.”

“Humans must learn to nourish themselves with light, which is more important than air. And why must we nourish ourselves with light? To nourish the brain. The brain wants to eat too, and its food is light.”

“Humans remain in ignorance of celestial things, they don’t understand divine things, they don’t see clearly, because they haven’t nourished their brains with light.”

“The day a person is touched by celestial light, he will feel the grandeur, the immensity of the divine spirit which works throughout the universe.”

“The Sun is the best representation of God in the visible world, for in the invisible world, God has other manifestations.”

“God has deposited in us seeds, which are potential qualities and virtues. If you expose yourself to the Sun’s rays in the morning, very early, every day, these seeds will begin to grow and give grass and flowers and trees and fruits. You will become a flowering garden, full of the most succulent fruits, symbolically speaking.”

“The Sun’s rays are tiny trucks filled with provisions which we must take and eat and drink to feast ourselves.”

“Everything is in the Sun: our health, our happiness, our wealth.”

“We have other reasons for which we go to the sunrise. We have an entire Sun yoga which I have named Surya Yoga.” ...

“No one has ever taught us of the importance of light and the luminous rays which we must emanate from within ourselves.”

“When will people be in good health? Once they have light. What does this mean? This means: when you have a magnificent aura.”

“Light will chase away everything that is unpleasant and harmful and negative.”

“The entire universe is bathed in an invisible light, and in order to be able to be penetrated by it you must be pure and transparent, like a crystal.”

“It is only the purity of the heart which permits the light to come through and gives the possibility of seeing God everywhere.”

“Have a heart as pure as crystal,
a mind as luminous as the Sun,
a soul as vast as the universe,
and a spirit as powerful as God
and one with God.”
“If you imitated the Sun you would enlighten all whom you meet, you would warm frozen hearts, and you would almost vivify cadavers.”

“The secret, the key, is in light. But how to have it, what the methods are, is another story. You can read everything about it in my books.”[22]

February 16, 2019 -

"...Cosmic Intelligence has placed inside us all the instruments we need in order to vibrate in unison with heavenly order and harmony. There are temples, churches and cathedrals, places that have been consecrated as dwelling places of the Divine. But no sacred building can be compared to a purified, enlightened, and sanctified human body. It is this body that must become a temple. But how much time will it take for humans to accept at least this idea?"[23]

Comment: The "... purified, enlightened, and sanctified human body" follows from a purified, enlightened, and sanctified mind. This is the nature of the MindBody matrix. "Be transformed by the renewal of your mind."

July 25, 2018 -

"... Each soul being a power to translate the universe into some particular language of its own."[20]

We need to learn one another's language and most especially our "Languages of Light"!

"... It is very seldom that a man is truly alone. He needs to retire as much from his solitude as he does from society, into very loneliness. While I am reading and writing in my chamber I am not alone, though there is nobody there. There is one means of procuring solitude which to me, and I apprehend to all men, is effectual, and that is to go to the window and look at the stars. If they do not startle you and call you off from vulgar matters I know not what will. I sometimes think that the atmosphere was made transparent with this design, to give man in the heavenly bodies a perpetual admiration of God and superior destiny. Seen in the streets of cities, how great they are! When I spoke of this to G.A.S.[ampson] he said, that he had sought in his chamber a place for prayer and could not find one till he cast his eye upon the stars." - Ralph Waldo Emerson[19]

June 16, 2018 - "Light is always conscious of darkness.".[18]

June 4, 2018 -

"... in human beings, the sun’s rays are transformed into intelligence, for, from the human kingdom upwards, the receptivity is sufficient for light to express itself as thought. The spirit that speaks through a human’s mouth is an emanation of solar light; it is the light that thinks, talks, sings and creates. As the light works its way into them, it expresses itself as intelligence, love, power, and beauty."[17]

December 13, 2018 - Light Up Your Being! -

"...Your home is wired up to electricity from the mains and when you want to bring some light into the room, you turn on a switch. Well, inwardly you possess a similar system, which could be said to tap into the cosmic mains, in other words God. In the physical world you have a switch, which you have to turn on; in the psychic world, all you need is thought to turn on the lights, and you do this by concentrating on the Lord, the Light of all Lights, as you think of lighting lamps in the whole of your being. But do not stop once some lamps have been lit; continue and others will come alight too, until in the end there will be a true illumination."[21]

A Suggested Decree: "Light I Am, Light I Am, Light I Am, I Am, I Am! I Am a force of Violet Fire, I Am the purity that God desires!" -

The 11th Gene Key Siddhi is "Light" and the 12th is "Purity"! I have the 12th activated by my Design Mars at Line 2 - Purification: The discipline to maintain a pure state." The "Programming Partner" of the 12th is the 11th!

March 25, 2019 -

"...We’re all hooked up to our own poetic centers. We all see life in much wider and deeper terms. I don’t mean little stupid rhymes. I mean great language that vaults us up into atmospheres and spaces that... But this is mind control here, Jim. The most profound kind. Self-induced. We do it to ourselves. We cut off access. We keep ourselves ignorant about the language we have…the genuine language that comes out of imagination. ..."[25]

Kathy Kirk says:
"This is the most profound blogpost ever written. ..."
“Most profound” indeed!
This (plus the “psychiatrist”) could inspire a new genre of theater.

May 2, 2018 - The Living I Ching! -

I Ching – The Book of Changes -

The Visionary I Ching is Paul O’Brien’s original version of the ancient Chinese I Ching oracle, with original art inspired by each of the hexagrams. O’Brien’s non-patriarchal update of this revered divination system is an enlightened decision-making aid in modern times, and is available ... on, and as an illustrated ebook, as well as an elegant and easy-to-use Visionary I Ching app.

The I Ching, or “Book of Changes,” consists of sixty-four archetypes that result from all the possible six-line combinations of yin and yang lines, called hexagrams. Yin/yang is the fundamental duality of the Universe whose dynamic tension gives shape to all phenomena and the way they change. Examples of yin/yang polarity are female/male, earth/heavens, dark/light, in/out, even/odd and so on.(i)

The interpretations of the sixty-four hexagrams use words to describe the energy patterns of human life divided into sixty-four types of situations, relationships or dilemmas. Each hexagram can be analyzed in a number of ways. Divide the six-line forms in half and you get trigrams (three yin or yang lines) that represent the Chinese version of eight fundamental elements: sky, earth, thunder, wind, water, fire, mountain, and lake. These eight trigrams, known as “Hua,” also serve as the compass points in the ancient art of placement known as Feng Shui (pronounced fung-shway).

O’Brien’s discovery of the I Ching as a teenager in San Francisco — followed by three decades studying the oracle as well as Carl Jung’s work on the Synchronicity Principle(ii) — ultimately resulted in the composition of his modern but faithful I Ching interpretation.[16]

(i) One day in particular in the Summer of 1970 I had a certain "end-of-the-world"/"spiritual emergence"/altered state experience that I am still digesting and assimilation to this day! When I returned home I was infused with a kind of prayer in absolute conviction that inevitable changes were coming upon all of life on this planet. In the penetrating knowledge/light of these changes my "prayer" was that the essential polarity of life would continue. I did not have the term: "polarity" in my mind at that time but my prayer included the most obvious "examples of yin/yang polarity" i.e. "female/male, earth/heavens, dark/light ...".

(ii) I find it wonderful to now know of this "I Ching interpretation" and that it apparently was influenced by "by three decades studying the oracle as well as Carl Jung’s work on the Synchronicity Principle". That certainly ignites a significant attraction in me and these two notes "compelled" me to mention this here!

Current Planetary Positions
April 27, 2018
03:46 am GMT
Tropical Zodiac

Sun: 06 Taurus 51
Moon: 01 Libra 27
Mercury: 10 Aries 07
Venus: 03 Gemini 00
Mars: 21 Capricorn 37
Jupiter: 19 Scorpio 51 Rx
Saturn: 09 Capricorn 05 Rx
Uranus: 28 Aries 59
Neptune: 15 Pisces 45
Pluto: 21 Capricorn 17 Rx

I'm especially looking at the Moon's entrance into Libra now as an underscoring reference to my "excitement" in just connecting with a lady who's mission appears to be very compatible with mine! The Sabian symbol for the Moon's position now is read at 2 degrees Libra:


KEYNOTE: A repolarization of inner energies leading to a creative centralization of consciousness.

The original formulation of this symbol was both "occult" and, I believe, confusing; "The light of the sixth Race transmuted to the seventh." It could be interpreted in terms of the process of mankind's development through the seven great Races (or evolutionary periods) outlined in the second volume of H. P. Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine, but there are no other symbols in the series having such a frame of reference. What seems more likely to be implied in the revealed image is a reference to the numerological and occult meaning of Number 6 and Number 7, especially geometrically expressed in the diagram (on page 32 of his book "An Astrological Mandala") in which seven circles, contiguous and of the same size, fill a larger circle whose diameter is three times that of the smaller one. The six circles touching the circumference of the larger one represent the six basic approaches to Truth and Reality possible to man's developing intelligence — thus the well-known Six Schools of Hindu philosophy, and at the level of energy the six fundamental colors, or "Rays." But central to this six-fold system is the hidden or occult "Seventh," the Atma Vidya of Hinduism, the unformulatable Truth of the Self which both includes and transcends the six approaches. Schools or Rays.

Number 6 (also Solomon's Seal) represents the synthesis of descending spirit and ascending matter. It represents the fruition of all past efforts; within the six-fold fruition the seed may be found, the seventh. Outer activity is fulfilled (the Six Days of Creation in the first chapter of Genesis); and the Supreme Actor can be seen in His changelessness and therefore his transcending all-inclusiveness.

All that was manifested in the plant is gathered in the hidden seed, which in due time becomes the foundation of a new cycle of existence. The fruit decays. For a brief moment the released seed may be seen; this is the "seventh" period that becomes the creative power fathering a new cycle. This symbol for Libra 2° refers to the process of centralization in the Self (the creative Reality) after the experience of fulfillment in the perfect Form of manifestation.

This is the second stage of the thirty-seventh five-fold sequence of symbols and phases. It refers to a dynamic process in contrast to the picture representing the first stage — a picture of maintained and immortalized, thus static, perfection of form. Formal perfection is now transcended through a process of CREATIVE CENTRALIZATION.

I Love It!!!

November 23, 2017 - The current Sun Transit in the 34th Hexagram at:

"Line 3 - Machismo
The indiscriminate display of power.

Exaltation: The great malefic, where machismo unfortunately is invariably backed up by power This is an exaltation only in that it is natural and not contrived. The display of power that defines any role.

Detriment: A reasoned and calculated display. The communication of disinformation. The calculated display of power in order to define the role."[14]

"Any role" includes the role of "President of the United States". If I were motivated to I'd look at all the press reports regarding Trump as of Friday night.

I think the "Detriment" definition is greatly applicable to the "role" of the President. Now I'm motivated to begin working on a chart for the time when Washington declared his oath of office for "President of the United States" because he created that particular role right at that moment by combining the office that he was already elected for as Head of State: "President of the United States of America" with the office of "President of the United Staes". Are you aware that these are two different offices? (Read the Constitution of September 17, 1787 and don't make any assumptions about what it says.) Hitler and the Nazis were aware of this combination and they took that as their model for the combining of their corresponding two roles in the German Republic into one person thus making Adolf Hitler the dictator![15]

I just finished making "a chart for the time when Washington declared his oath of office for 'President of the United States'". It is most interesting and will possibly take me a couple more days to digest before I may have something substantial to say about it. It also has raised some questions with me regarding the applicability of the BodyGraph to events and whether the activation at that time is transferrable to successors of the role. I don't know whether there is anyone on the planet who has an answer for these questions and so I'll have to see what comes to me. Nevertheless it is very interesting to me that the role of "The President" and Washington should come to mind as I indicated in commenting above on "Line 3".

November 7, 2017 -

I'd like to research the following planetary shifts presented by Carol Barbeau[13]:

5/15/2018 URANUS to TAURUS *** THIS IS THE surprise energy finally merging into some type of STABILITY finally.. as we recognize what we TRULY HAVE and do not have…and planetary earthly issues like weather and ecology come to the foreground

11/6/2018 North Node to Cancer South Node to Capricorn we are midst huge world changes in law and order and..?
... South Node is what your soul has done in other lifetimes and knows how to do. The house which contains your south node can show a place and abilities that you do extremely well and sometimes can overdo. North Node is what your soul is becoming, skills we need to develop and where we need to learn to grow.

11/8/2018 Jupiter to Sagittarius WE refuse to be contained and TRUTH BECOMES PARAMOUNT.

12/2/2019 Jupiter to Capricorn and we recognize there can be no structure without laws and rules which support equality and the RIGHTS OF THE ALL, not just the rights of the few ...

When major planets gather in the sign of Aquarius truly what structures we tried to set up in Capricorn which just did not work, truly begin to fall apart into revolution and huge changes for and about THE PEOPLE rather than the structure and the RULES:

3/21/2020 Saturn (Structure and order) to Aquarius

7/1/2020 Saturn back to Capricorn

12/16/2020 Saturn back to Aquarius

12/19/2020 Jupiter to Aquarius

October 17, 2017 - Update from last post -

Got a reply from one of the "sites" I mentioned on the 13th (following). The individual wasn't aware of a correlation between astronomical and astrological coordinates.[9] That motivated me to begin a search for that.[11] I think I may have found what I'm looking for. Following is a quote from the author of a book[10] that I may need to get some how:

"Information circulates through the universe, and our Identity or sense of our self is this very process of circulation. Identity is not a substance but a relationship, in fact, a circulation, and a process of communion or communication. Not only is there a connection between our life and that of our galaxy and universe, but: WE ARE the connection."

I've been working through this main search result over the past couple hours and have just now gotten to Libra where I am hopeful I'll find my fixed stars between 20 degrees, 45' and 26 degrees 22' 30".

October 13, 2017 -

Submitted the following to a couple sites where they accept astronomical questions:

"Is there an online resource that lists astronomical objects by constellation? If so I'd like to be linked to that resource. If not then I'd like to know the objects that have been identified between 20 degrees, 45 minutes in Libra to 26 degrees, 22 minutes, 30 seconds Libra."

I was inspired to ask the above based on the current Sun transit in Libra between these degrees that is activating Human Design/I Ching Gate 32. Although I do not have this gate activated in my natal BodyGraph I nevertheless recognize a deep connection with the description of Line 1.

October 8, 2014 -

Based on these recent posts it appears that I am on some kind of an astrological wave now. I believe I have an earlier post identifying astrology as a "Language of Light". "Gene Keys" is certainly a language of light as well as "The Human Design System" which corresponds with the Gene Keys.[1]

November 29th, 2014 -

"The 64 Gene Keys; A Language that talks to your DNA. Every thought, word, intent, feeling dream and action…all of this is creating your attitude which is directly programming your DNA."[2]

The great harmonization of knowledge in the Human Design System is portrayed in astrological activations into the DNA that corresponds with the 64 Hexagrams of the I Ching. The system underscores how astrology is literally a "Language of Light!

... a note I made some time ago: "God Himself has lit my mind with His light because His light is what my mind is".[3]

I started reading Dane Rudhyar's Astrology of Personality.[4]

"What brings a relative uniqueness to an individual is the way this twelve-fold framework (of the astrological houses) is correlated to the zodiac. And this correlation is indicated by the degrees and signs of the zodiac written at the beginning (or cusp) of each house."

I recently entered my first house and have an opportunity to rediscover who I am. I just realized in writing this last line that now during Mercury retrograde "rediscovering" may very well qualify as one of the many "re" activities that astrologers have suggested we do during this time period.

Rediscovering who I am is a reawakening/rebirthing/reemerging (re re re - "all the way home") process that first emerged in me about forty-four years ago in 1970.

May 3rd, 2016 -

There are four "Royal Watcher stars" that were considered of the greatest importance according to the magi/ancient astrologers. Aldeberan is the Watcher of the East.

"In stellar myth, Aldebaran is Vision Holder for the starseed mission on Earth, defining what emissaries of light can best accomplish to serve humanity through evolutionary transition. In down to Earth terms, Aldebaran holds the vision for global leaders and world servers, inspiring the administrative planning of world affairs, specifically for physical logistics and a global infrastructure designed to support humanity through evolutionary unfoldment and global change. Prominent alignments with the Aldebaran / Antares axis can express into the political and global arena. The visions that many people attune to regarding alternative living centres, educational centres, emergency preparedness programmes, etc., are parts of the inspiration from this star’s emanations. Aldebaran can indicate involvement with physical places and projects supportive of alternative modalities of living. ... Aldebaran inspires us to take the physical action required to manifest our visions."
- Nick Anthony Fiorenza, The Lunar Planner[5]

December 28, 2016 -

Inspired to delve into "Midpoint Astrology":
the midpoint calculator at:

April 7, 2017 -

If you haven't already looked into the "Gene Keys" then I most highly recommend that you do! The fact that you are reading this blog tells me you are attracted to this subject re: Languages of Light. The first Language of Light is about the Light that is within you! I know of no better insight supporting tool then Gene Keys. I know of nothing better for addressing the full spectrum of consciousness from the depths of the shadow frequencies to the heights of the Siddhis then Gene Keys. And now we have Gene Keys adepts and friends who can accompany you along your journey on the "Golden Path"! Friends like Tanmayo Lawson:

"I cannot state strongly enough that the Shadow is your friend. If you are open to inner reflection or what Richard[6] calls contemplation, the very nature of your inner observation puts you in touch with the sensations in your body related to that shadow. Soon you will hear the tone in your voice reflecting it back and become aware of the frequency the shadow holds. Breathing is required 🙂 Breathing and Relaxation! Noticing where the shadow lands in your body. Relaxing your belly, solar plexus, shoulders, teeth, tongue and jaws, releasing your forehead and your scalp."

Just now emailed this friend on the "Golden Path". (3:15 AM Pacific)

September 24, 2017 - "... we are being blasted with influxes of pure photonic, Source-encoded, reality-shifting light".

"...Esoterically, the 9 Tests of Scorpio we face during our crossing of the deep unfathomable waters of the plutonic unconscious until November 2018 will build resistance, resilience, reconnection and regeneration – symbolised by the Phoenix rising from the ashes. This is an alchemical process: from the waters of unconscious - the Solutio - to the fires of renewal - the Calcinatio. Galactically, this passage marks a life review as old time-line choices end and we access the Primary Time-lines. -
'Primary Timelines are a very strong vibration; it does take focus and consistency to resonate with them. However, we are being blasted with influxes of pure photonic, Source-encoded, reality-shifting light. This enhances the pull of the high-heart and heart centre' Sandra Walter".[7]

I've noted this here with an intention to research this; probably starting by finding an introduction to Sandra Walter."

[1] [January 2, 2016] - Light as medium of communication on a cellular level. -

" the beginning of the 1920´s, the scientist Alexander G. Gurwitch (1874-1954) discovered this ultra-weak cell radiation ... and postulated that live organisms communicate by means of light. This concept was corroborated by the Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger, who obtained the Nobel Prize in physics in 1933, and who is actually considered as the originator of quantum theory. He claimed that a live organism can only conserve its high level of organization because it is perpetually obtaining order from the environment. According to Schrödinger it is sunlight which finally provides this order. In the 1950´s, the physicist Herbert Fröhlich (1905-1991) completed this idea by introducing the concept of coherence of living systems. ... In the early 1970´s, the German biophysicist Fritz-Albert Popp, the Japanese researcher Inaba and the Australian natural scientist Quickenden independently provided evidence for these postulated light fields in various live organisms, using highly sensitive photomultipliers. This was the confirmation of cell radiation by modern scientific experiments. Fritz-Albert Popp named this cell radiation biophotons (derived from the Greek “bios”: life and “phos”: light, power). His new research on biophotons led to the conclusion, that all live cells emit a weak light which generates order (so-called coherent light), and this contains information on the condition of the organism, its inner processes and actions.":

Linked from:





[6] Richard Rudd - Author of Gene Keys



[9] She said: "I'm not familiar with astrological coordinate systems, so I won't be able to help with a conversion."

Discovered the book after reading a number of excerpts including "Coordinate Systems" here:

[11] My last search terms were: "Astrophysical Directions" after finding the book at Amazon and after finding this page:



[14] "The Definitive Book of Human Design" by Lynda Bunnell and Ra Uru Hu

[15] See "The 24th" (August 24, 2016) and "The 26th" in "Re-writting History":



[18] The Sun's current transit is Gate 12 - "Standstill - Gate of Caution" & enters Line 5 as of 7:59 AM (Pacific) on 6/18:
Releasing Awareness in the Proper Spirit

[19] Selected Writings Of Ralph Waldo Emerson", p. xviii of Foreword By: William H. Gilman.

[20] The 14th quote at:







[27] “The Symbolic Language of Geometric Figures” - Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


[29] "The Houses As Fields Of Experience", By: Dane Rudhyar.

[30] "Person-Centered Astrology" By: Dane Rudhyar.








[38] Published June 4th, 2018:

[39] In: "The Four Agreements" By: Don Miguel Ruiz,
From: Introduction: “The Smokey Mirror” - Revisited by this blog-writer on Saturday 11:01 PM, 2019.

[40] See the most current introduction here:

[41] "Opening Doors with Gene Keys -
An Introduction to the Human Design System", By: Richard Rudd

[42] "Hexagram Key - The Gnostic Book of Changes" -
A Symbolic Key to the I Ching based upon the Insights of Analytical Psychology and the Western Mystery Tradition -
By Michael Servetus:


[44] To view the mailing, please visit:


[46] In a subscription email article: "Who's the boss of your life?"




[50] International Human Design School

[51] "The Pulse - Gene Key 26 - Sacred Tricksters" (subject line)
From Gene Keys on 2022-12-08
(the) "Current World Theme" - November 9th 2022 - November 14th 2022
Pride – Artfulness – Invisibility

[52] Many sources for this quote including:












[64] Cosmic Balance - The Secret of Polarity, chapter XII:


[66] From the: "Commentary" re: "Hexagram 62":
“The Book of Changes and the Unchanging Truth”, page 608
By: Hua-Ching Ni


self discovery, reawakening, rebirthing, reemerging, astrology, dane rudhyar, astrological, astrology of personality, astrological houses, Language of Light, Gene Keys, The Human Design System, DNA, 64 Hexagrams, I Ching, cell radiation, light fields, biophotons, consciousness, astrological coordinate system, golden path, activation sequence, varuna, reality


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