chef on phone 18 y
chef on phone, they want local organic food!
Just got a call from a woman
who remembered me as a blur of
activity at the Feng Shui Conference
last summer.
She wanted to hook her up
with some local farmers for an upcoming
workshop she is doing.
researching her web site,
I see where you mother lives in Portland
and is associated with my favorite Jewish
Renewal Rabbi
Web site for Aryhey Hirshfeld;
On his site you can order a CD called
”Let the Healing Begin.”
It is made from a concert he did in Germany
where he went back to heal Jewish -German relations
that go back to WW!!
Just got a ca ... read more
Grocery Shopping Research Questions 18 y
Thank you for shopping at your neighborhood
Super Duper Market. Be sure to let all the other
shoppers know how you use to eat those foods
April 4, 06
10:55 AM
Yikes! Just lost a beautiful piece of writing
here on the blog! That’s why I like to do a save
and write in process. If you open another URL
without doing a save, you lose what you were writing!!!!
SqueekyClean inspired this about Grocery Shopping:
I love the Super Duper Markets
because that is a great place to buy the lastest
GMO foods, and these are so good for the economy!
I do not know how we can keep create so many
Cancers and other abnomalities without our
Super Duper Markets!!!
A Cancer is ... read more
Woke up Hugged!!!! 18 y
Being Hugged in a dream
and a web site for improving my photo techno
April 4 06
9:24 AM
Well that was interesting!
What a sign!
I woke up and Fred Alan Wolf was
hugging me from behind.
He is an old friend, but I have not made
contact with him for many years.
He has become popular recently because
his involvement with the movie ”What the Bleep!”
He is the physicist in that movie they quote a lot.
He was my teacher at the University for Humanistic
Studies years ago in San Diego.
I even taught a class once or twice on Quantum Physics
for him when he had to leave town. God only knows
what I know about QP!!!!
He once did a conference ... read more
Trance of Scarcity 18 y
The Trance of Scarcity...interesting ideas here.
Most of us have developed a Hurculean tolerance
for suffering, this article says.
The Trance of Scarcity is the unexamined predisposition that lack, struggle, and separation are our given reality.
found this on the web
just now.
very interesting
and relevant
to my own life.
Any relevance to your life?
your eg
by Victoria Castle
Victoria Castle
”I’m 55, and I want to feel alive.” Outwardly, Barbara was successful in every sense of the word, but secretly her life felt desolate. ”I’ve done everything I know to do, but it feels like my energy just keeps getting siphoned off somehow. What will it take for me to ever be good enough?”
It’s a question that goes to the heart of the matter for a great many of us ... read more
Trees Around the World 18 y
Trees Around the World. Here is a great project
I like. Story by my friend Kay Walburger.
J. J. & His Father, Arborist Steve Stoeckel, Both Agree
“Trees Around The World is Our Living Legacy!”
By Kay Walburger
J.J. respectfully told his father, “Dad, I want to honor you and follow in your footsteps, but I do not want to do this business of tree trimming and sprinkler systems; I want to do ‘Trees Around The World’ business with you!”
J.J. was at Arbor Day ceremonies when special trees were planted at his church. He could sense the importance of this reverence for trees. He witnessed fami ... read more
$$$$Money$$$$$ 18 y
So, what is Conscious Commerce?
More thoughts on the Blog Numbers.
Supporting Natural Food Products that
have Heart and Soul behind them.
Morning sermon from Your EG
April 4, 2006
5:02 AM
in the history of peace on earth
So, dear Curezoners,
how did the world come to be saved?
Of course, through Conscious Commerce!
What is Conscious Commerce?
With every $$$$ spent in the marketplace,
we can uplift humanity.
How did we get in this mess?
Buying too much.
Buying the wrong stuff.
buying our way out of our pain
through buying.
Wanting things.
Selling our Souls for a buck.
Doing things we hate to do for money.
You got some ideas to add to this list?????
And how do we each--you and I--
buy our way out of the dilemma we are ... read more
Raw Honey for Wounds 18 y
Clearing my head. Up early and brimming with
chocolate inspired ideas. Writing it all down,
so I can clear my head and get back to bed.
Hacking caugh.
Up early this morning,
may have been the chocolate
I ate last night at Whole Foods,
some of those things called Haystacks.
Went in after my 12 step group of ARTS,
Artists Anomomous.
Lots of ideas brimming around my head
this early morning, such as
what are the past lives of us here
in the Curezone community?
When were we together last?
One had to be the time we were all in some court
under a King who was Dusan. He was the Master.
What were we?
Then, I was thinking about Dr. Bernard Jensen,
my spiritual father.
How many in the new generation at the Natural
Prod ... read more
For SqueakyClean 18 y
This is inspired by a journey to
the Blog site of SqeakyClean who
shares some very nifty observations
that tickle my fancy. Here's a poem
from "Rekindling of Faith," my autobiography.
If you haven’t caught on to SqueakyClean,
I recommend a journey to her blog where
she makes some interesting Observations.
I share with Squeaky the facination with
grocery shopping, and I am facinated by what people
There was an M.D. named John Tilden who
was into natural medicine during the early 20th century.
He was someone Dr. Bernard Jensen admired.
In his book called ”Misscellaneous Writings,
he talks about watching people on a train
and what they ate for breakfast. He talked
about what they ate, and what it said abo ... read more
Something Soft 18 y
About to go mail the Invoice to Organic Trade
Association for work done. Tired and have
a cold.
April 3, 06
2:45 PM
Finished by Invoice for the OTA.
About to go out and pick up the photos
to mail at the PO, then maybe stop by
Michael’s at Mail Boxes.
I need some cold remedies.
I have been pushing very hard.
I am wanting something soft,
to be met, sweet,
something kind hearted,
welcoming, loving,
I need to play with all the FES
Flower Essence Society Remedies.
Made an acupuncture appointment for
tomorrow at 3:30 PM.
Lung stuff.
Constriction around the throat.
Rest, maybe,
sheets against my back.
Something soft ... read more
The Organic Center Mission 18 y
Yikes! Anthony Zolezzi just returned a call and
sent me to the professional wire images site
where photographers who are pros post their
images. I see a difference between the quality
they show here and what I can consistently
get. I want to improve.
Daryl Hannah and Sheryl Lamb
The Organic Center for Education Fundraiser Dinner -
March 24, 2006 - March 24, 2006
photo by WireImage photographer
”That by 2010, organic food has a 10% market share--
resulting in
+ Eliminationg 6 billion lobs of carbon
+ Eliminating 64 billion doses of antibiotics.
+ Mission Organic 2010”
--Anthony Zolezzi
with Your Enchanted Gardener
Friday March 24, 2006
Natural Product Expo West
Anaheim, California
April, 3, 06
1:31 PM
Just got a call from Anthony Zolezzi,
the MC at the rent Organic Center for Education
Fundraise ... read more
Why do We Suffer? 18 y
Why do the innocent suffer?
This is a theme in the story of Job.
Why do the innocent suffer?
This is address in the story of Job
in the Bible.
I have always been drawn to this story.
I suggest one way out is to reconnect with
natural growth. One way to do that
is start growing seeds and Enter Plant Parenthood.
The plants will reparent us.
We can relearn how to live in harmony with
the Tree of Life in the garden.
Start growing Eden in your backyard,
one plant at a time.
Job’s Prayer is here:
This is about Job and how it all came back.
He was tested.
Do you feel tested?
http: ... read more
Prayer for Healing 18 y
Job's Prayer.
I am in my Job's Return Cycle.
Job’s Prayer
Job´s Prayer
Come my friends,
Let us make no more walls and fences.
Close your eyes. Hold hands.
Let’s make peace through asking,
listening, and affirming
the Enchanted Garden on earth
that exists deep, deep, within us.
May we open our eyes to peace as well,
use gardening tools to uplift each other,
spades to confirm peace
visibly before us.
Come, my friends,
let us taste peace in holy foods
forever; smell peace in wild baby herbs
planted where unloved weeds grow;
hear and feel its ode to joy
from the mouth of earth-like Angels
as we dare to dance wit ... read more
Chopsticks eat up Forests 18 y
Chopsticks? Who would have imagined
that are the cause of using up the forests
in China and Japan. The solution is nere
says Steve Stoeckle of Trees Around the World.
10:38 AM
April 3, 06
Just got a call from Enchanted Garden Member
Steve Stoeckle, the originator of Trees Around the World.
Haven’t heard from him in a long time.
He ran across his EG Club paperwork.
He alerts me to a problem:
China and Japan are using us all their forests
making choipsticks.
Each person uses one pair a day, just about,
he tells me.
They are exporting their waste
they have so much of it.
Steve tells me he is looking for investors
for a new technology to produce cuttlery
out of a grain. It is reusable. The used can
also be recycled and ... read more
Recalibration 18 y
Recalibration...dreams and early morning
thoughts. Some priorities for today.
April 3, 06
9:42 AM
More to do that is humanly possible.
Just finished spending a hour on my desk,
getting down to the dust and seed level.
Used the microfibre, a bit wet, to wipe it down.
How else than clearing your desk
does a person really clear the energy
and prep for the new wave?
I am sure there are many ways,
but clearing my desk is always a powerful
statement. It is like the period at the end of
a sentence,more than a comma.
What was last week about?
Monday I was still up in Orange County.
The Natural Product Expo West had ended
the day before. I ... read more
Raw Ice Cream 18 y
Listening over the virtual fence to Ren and Deratune
talking about ice creams. Here is an idea or two
from Dr. Jensen. This is how the raw day went.
8:19 PM
April 2, 06
Just overheard Ren and Reradune talking
about ice cream cravings. One of the simpliest
ways to satisfy this, although it involves freezing,
is to take the skin off of ripe bananas, fresh them,
and run them through the Champion or other juicer
of that kind.
Many fruits in season can be frozen, such as peaches
and they turn into popicle like treats.
Frozen grapes are a special treat, just wash first
and fresh in bags.
Dr. Jensen use to keep frozen pomegranates in the
freeze where I would stay and do writing. I had
a hard time keeping my hands ... read more
Raw Hot Soup! 18 y
Making a raw hot soup for Joseph the Gardener
from the Optimum Health Institute.
April 2, 2006
3:28 PM
in the history of peace on earth
Joseph the gardener from the Optimum Health Institute
is in the backyard massaging Eva, my niece.
He has been on the raw food program for two months.
He has one more mon th to go.
We had a ball at the Farmers’ Market.
The three of us went.
I just came into the house to blog a bit.
It is a very exciting day.
So what kind of soup do you make
for a person who has been eating raw
raw for two months?
I am going to put on my green apron
that says Eden Foods.
I am going to mash up some ripe avocado’s.
I a ... read more
Great Story! 18 y
This story confirms that if we
set soul inspired intentions
and take action, our dreams will come true.
sometimes in the most amazing and mystifying ways.
your eg
March 30, 2006
6:02 AM
in the history of peace on earth
Here is another story that
I know I will never write
unless I take time now to record.
On site at the Hilton Anaheim, one of my first stops
Wed eve is the Hilton. I am carrying The Seven Love Cures
with me, these laminated poetry plaques that I know
are intended to increase understanding between men and women.
One of my first stops is the HIlton gift shop.
I make some inquiries.
I have already shared energies with the HIlton.
Take a look at last summer’s blogs where
we brought locally grown organic foods i ... read more
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