Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener
Page 278 of 731

Heading out to Phil's Farm   15 y  
Today Monday, going to SAGE MOUNTAIN FARM to meet the people from SEED OF CHANGE and support PHIL NOBLE as promised.
7:10 AM May 4, 09 Not too much sleep the last few days. I slept about three hours on Friday night. Did a couple blogs during the night. Wanted to get the Web Gallery up from the CULTIVATING FOOD JUSTICE CONFERENCE. SEE them on that Blog. Tired this morning. I promised months ago to support PHIL NOBLE of SAGE MOUNTAIN FARM today. The folks from SEEDS OF CHANGE heirloom organic seed company are coming out to his farm. It is a distance from here. I am going to pull some things from the EG Mobile and head out there. I may stop at BERNARD JENSEN INTERNA ...   read more

Eyes on Chicago 2016: Feed the Olympics Local & Organic   15 y  
Chicago Olympics 2016 will have a local sustainable food system in place said KEEP The BEET Media Star The World's First Talking Beet Plant. She got the idea from LaDONNA REDMOND, Activist, Author of a forthcoming best seller, and Presenter. KEEP The BEET likes that LaDonna is a good Mom. The Two National Food Policy Leaders, LaDONNA REDMOND and KEEP THE BEET met Friday night at the powerful and important CULTIVATING FOOD JUSTICE CONFERENCE at SAN DIEGO CITY COLLEGE, home of one of the sweetest organic gardens in town. The Conference is free and continues all day today with free workshops. Want a Good Date? KEEP The BEET sez come down and see THE GARDEN, the Award winning Movie that tells the story of THE SOUTH CENTRAL FARMERS! The films creens at 6 PM Saturday eve.
6:04 AM May 2, 09 CULTIVATING FOOD JUSTICE DAY in San Diego KEEP The BEET Media Star The World’s First Talking Beet Plant is rooting for the Seed Dream LaDONNA REDMOND expressed last night in her keynote talk at the powerful and important CULTIVATING FOOD JUSTICE CONFERENCE that continues today, Saturday May 2 at San Diego City College. LaDonna envisions a local food system in place that feeds the millions who come to Chicago for the Olympics scheduled for 2016. KEEP The BEET Media Star told LaDONNA that she will be rooting for that Seed Dr ...   read more

Cultivating Food Justice Conference Wrapup 2009   15 y  
RUFINA JUAREZ was the opening presenter at the Friday night kickoff of the two-day Cultivating Food Justice Conference at San Diego City College. She spoke about THE GARDEN-- the story of the South Central Farmers-- that is now an Award Winner Movie The movie will be shown Saturday at the close of the Cultivating Food Justice Conference at 6 PM. Many Workshops all day. LADONNA REDMOND, the keynote, touched all the bases of explaining Food Justice. Very powerful... Be there tomorrow in the early A.M. for this outstanding event put on by San Diego's Food Not Lawns. Free event, worth a million for anyone who wants to be a leader in the green world now emerging. The information about living sustainably on the earth is a key for coming out of our economic down turn.
9:16 AM May 3, 09 Here is a first draft of a Web Gallery for The Second Day of the CULTIVATING FOOD JUSTICE CONFERENCE. First Day Web Gallery: RELATED BLOG in this Wrapup: LaDONNA REDMOND: Local, organic Food for the Olympics in Chicago??? Written Early Saturday Morning May 2, 09 Looking forward to seeing you at the May 13 class here at the ENCHANTED GARDEN INTENTIONAL COMMUNITY. We need you ...   read more

Shine Flu? Intentional?   15 y  
Swine Flu Intentional? SHERRY BEALL Program on KPFK and podcast.
Healthy Planet, Healthy Me! with Sherry Beall Friday’s Show: SWINE FLU NATURE, ACCIDENT, OR INTENTIONAL? with Dr. Viera Scheibner, Author & World Renowned Researcher on Vaccinations & Dr. Len Horowitz, Author & Internationally Recognized Expert on Emerging Diseases & Natural Healing Friday 2pm KPFK-FM May 1.   visit the page

Schedule for Cultivated Food Justice Conference May 1 + May 2   15 y  
Schedule for the CULTIVATING FOOD JUSTICE CONFERENCE May 1 and May at San Diego City College
MAP 163 so to park blve. right on park rt on russ... 1313 Park Blvd. CULTIVATING FOOD JUSTICE SCHEDULE A free conference for everyone! FRIDAY, May 1st 5-6pm Chili and cornbread dinner and music in the City College Quad 6pm Introduction from the Organizers 6:15-7pm The long road to justice—insights from the South Central Farmers Learn more about the South Central Farmers at and preview the award-winning documentary about their s ...   read more

Clando Brownlee, Hero of the Green Collar Economy   15 y  
CLANDO BROWNLEE, green hero of the new Green Collar Job Economy.
April 30, 09 1:39 PM I have been writing about CLANDO BROWNLEE, a new Green Hero of mine a couple times this past week. I met Clando at the SDSU Earth Day April 22. He came over for our first BEET KEEPERS, RETURN! ’09 Gathering April 26 here at the ENCHANTED GARDEN INTENTIONAL COMMUNITY. Our next gathering is May 31. Clando just gave me a call. I invite you to visit his blog and click the links to the Videos of VAN JONES who is the new Director of Green Job Developement for President Obama. Clando has a number of ...   read more

Why Grow Your Own Food!   15 y  
Reasons to grow your own food, info from DR. GABRIEL COUSENS. M.D. of the TREE OF LIFE REJUVENATION CENTER.
11;46 AM April 30, 09 Got this email from DR GABRIEL COUSENS, an Essene Ally. Please look over the BEET KEEPERS SITE. I recommend gaining your confidence that you can grow food by doing making friends with KEEP The BEET Media Star, The World’s First Talking Beet Plant. Learn how to keep the ”beet” with Life through KEEP The BEET’s program: One Pot+One Person=You’re A Gardener! Why Grow You Own Food: Urgent Issues to Consider! Gabriel Cousens M.D., states that learning to grow your own food is absolutely ess ...   read more

Upcoming Events @ Enchanted Garden Intentional Community   15 y  
Upcoming Classes here at the Enchanted Garden Intentional Community
The Next BEET KEEPERS, RETURN! ’09 Gathering is 4 PM-7 PM May 31. This is The Last Sunday of the Month Gathering here at the ENCHANTED GARDEN INTENTIONAL COMMUNITY. Large flyer, COME ALIVE! Beginning 7:30-9:30 PM Wed, May 13, and Wednesdays thereafter, KEEP The BEET is hosting COME ALIVE! guided by Leslie, Your Enchanted Gardener. These classes aim to give to the new generation of eco-advaocates the Wisdom Teachings of DR BERNARD JENSEN. Dr. Bernard Jensen understood the connection between soil, food, health, and self expression. Dr ...   read more

Perf Go Green Bags for Silent Auction at V.I.P. Event   15 y  
Perf Go Green Biodegradable bags for silent auction?
There is a silent auction as part of the V.I.P RECEPTION next Wednesday. I would like to have some of the Perf GO Green Biodegradable Bags donated. I see a form here online: I need to confirm with KIM FULMER at PERF GO GREEN that they will be sent out. 19th Annual Very Important Planet Reception and E.A.R.T.H. Awards May 6, 2009 6:00 PM - Buffet & Silent Auction 8:00 PM - Awards Program Our annual VIP Reception is an evening of celebration, acknowledgment an ...   read more

Day of Disappointments   15 y  
Day of Disappointment. Day to Clean Up some things, and prep for Conference tomorrow night and Saturday. Get Hummingbird photos in to Teri, and make a noon deadline.
10:18 AM Whoa! Got to show it down and do some cleanup! My energy is depleted and looking out for more energy. Revising class flyer? Do I have energy for this??? Look around, mess. Many I see are depleted as well. My bddy is not strong. Stress from TT over the phone. 8:42 AM April 30, 09 This is a day of disappointments. Two biggies, both not something I can talk about too openly here. Both seem like pillars. Yesterday was the day of Tiferet, the week of beauty in the day of Yesod, Foundation. My foundation feels shaky. How do I pull this ...   read more

Recession Help Expo   15 y  
Recession Help Expo May 30. email from BART ALLEN BERRY
3:10 PM April 28, 09 Got this from BART BERRY On Apr 28, 2009, at 2:44 PM, PR HereToHelpUs wrote: San Diego ’Recession Help Expo’ Lineup Growing Fast San Diego, California April 29, 2009 -- Free Recession Help Outreach Expo May 30th at San Diego’s Downtown Embarcadero will provide aid, assistance, help and information for the public across a broad range of topics and for every socio-economic level. From qualifying for food stamps and family assistance programs to mortgage help, thrifty living and finding work, The Recession Help Expo at the Holiday Inn On The B ...   read more

Recycling @ Earth Day   15 y  
GREEN HERO Projects advanced through Earth Day activities. PERF GO GREEN, ECOUSABLE filter water bottles enthusiastically received.
MAKADA DREAD, founder of the WORLDBEAT CULTURAL CENTER in BALBOA PARK asked everyone to clean up after the Earth Day Concert using PERF GO GREEN BIODEGRADABLE bags. Available at CVS locally in So Cal, the bag are avaiable around the country. Black trash bags can take up to 800 years to decompose. These bags are made from old plastic bags and biodegrade in two years or less. RECYCLING WRAP UP WEB GALLERY PHOTOS FROM VARIOUS EVENTS OVER THE EARTH DAY WEEK: April 29, 09 I am looking over results for Recycli ...   read more

GreenOps Tracking Stations Launched!   15 y  
Highly anticipated launching of GREENOPS Recycling Stations takes off at Four LA Whole Foods Markets.
L) to R) Lovely GreenOps Ambassador (I.D. soon!), EDDIE CASTRO, Grocery Team Leader, WHOLE FOODS MARKET, Crescent Drive Store Beverly Hills; MELISSA MCGINNIS of MGP, conceptualizer for the Green Ops Display; and ANNIE KAHN, lead Ambassador. They all touched base at the NATURAL PRODUCT EXPO LAUNCH in early March. HERE IS A WEB GALLERY of PHOTOS of MELISSA MCGINNIS and the BOTTLE GIRLS. Theser were taken at the Natural Product Expo West. WEB GALLERY of ALL GREEN OPS PHOTOS MARCH 6 from the NATURAL PRODUCT EXPO WEST LAUNCH: ...   read more

The End of Styrofoam   15 y  
"The simple fact is that when you drop a Styrofoam cup onto the street, you're causing more damage than you would by dropping a stick of dynamite into the ocean. You set in motion an invasion of thousands of killer plastibots that will cause death and destruction for centuries to come." --CAPTAIN PAUL WATSON EARTHSMART packaging to the Rescue! KEEP The BEET gives thanks to ANTHONY RUSSO creator of packaging made of sugar cane!!!!
CAROLYN KAUFMAN, FOUNDER THE CHILDREN OF TODAY & ”Free To Be ME” with kids at LIVE H20 Long Beach Belmont Shores Summer Solstice Weekend 09. I brought EARTH SMART WARE to LIVE H20 to introduce to Carolyn and the kids. Having Kids make art is a way to call attention to KEEP The BEET Media Sta’s campaign called THE END OF STYROFOAM Uploaded 11:02 AM July 2, 09 JP and CELESTE OF PEACE PIES are introduced to EARTHWARE disposable ware at the HILLCREST FARMERS’ MARKET April 25, 2009. I like this because it can be fed to earthworms and used as potti ...   read more

Be Veg! Go Green!   15 y  
Go Veg! Go Green makes an impact at EARTH FAIR '09, the largest Earth Day event in the USA, if not the world.
April 28, 09 7:33 PM It was a natural fit. KEEP The BEET Media Star The World’s First Talking Beet Plant was heading for the EARTH FAIR ’09 Children’s Parade. I thought I would be hooking up with Grand Marshall’s ED BEGLEY JR, Hollywood Eco-Advocate, and BRIDGETT LUTHER, head of the Department of Conservation. I missed the opening ceremony. I was swept up in the delightful energy of the devotees of SUPREME MASTER CHING HAI. They are very beautiful people inside and out. They came down from all over California to participate in the Children’s Par ...   read more

Farmers' Market SDSU. Let it Be!   15 y  
SDSU FARMERS' MARKET and Campus Organic Garden are two Seed Dreams I am holding
Farmers’ Market signs were all over Monetzuma St every 50 feet for blocks Pre and Post the first SDSU Farmers Market. I want to see this event become a regular experience on campus. The SDSU Farmers Market. IT is a Seed Dream. Let it Be. The SDSU Earth Day was a trial. It was a fabulous success. e3 did a great job at pulling off this SDSU Earth Day. The Farmers’ Market was a part of it. What stands between the SDSU Farmers’ Market being a regular event? e3’s MATT NELSON, helped co-create the first on on Earth Day with lots of help. Aztec Shop ...   read more

Beet Keepers SDSU, Return! '09   15 y  
BEET KEEPERS, Return! ’09 Main Site! 2:57 PM April 28, 09 Did an Empowerment of SDSU Activity on Saturday April 25, 09 This is one of the scenes where I want to Teach. A lovely man, a map maker, took my photo! I had the PERF GO GREEN BAG hanging over the Mixed Recyling Bin, the ECOUSABLE Filter Water Bottle, and the disposable EarthSmart ware. They are all part of my SDSU campaign. I am out of touch with ANTHONY ZOLEZZI right now. I would like to see a GREEN OPS ECO-Station at SDSU. More on that! ...   read more

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A History of Peace on Earth from Leslie Goldman & his Higher Self Your Enchanted Gardener. Super Ripe Photos and Enchanted Garden Current Events. more...

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Created: 19 y   Feb 20 2005


Comments (10 of 1650):
Re: Ann G Schieber… Miyak… 3 y
Re: "Leslie Speaks… YOURE… 3 y
Re: "Leslie Speaks… Chef-… 3 y
Re: My health pict… Chef-… 4 y
Re: Global astrolo… sadha… 5 y
Re: Adding Color t… YOURE… 6 y
Re: Getting Ready … Chef-… 6 y
Re: Hematuria jour… ren 6 y
Re: TTP Action - M… Chef-… 6 y
[video/audio] Re: … YOURE… 6 y
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Blogs by YourEnchantedGardener (8):
Recovered Blogs #2436-#2168  17 y  (74)
Heart's Desire  16 y  (33)
Season of the Essenes  17 y  (26)
Plant Parenthood Activity  15 y  (22)
Great Earth Cleanup!  17 y  (17)
Dr. Bernard Jensen- "Keepin…  12 y  (12)
Essene Healing Mysteries  15 y  (7)
Joe The Farmer's Comeback  17 y  (1)

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