Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener
Page 270 of 731

Green Cancer Clinic + Health Improvements   15 y  
Scripps Hospital has numbers of clinics and facilities all over San Diego now. This was my first time here. I went to update with DR WILLIAM BUGBEE, my hip revision surgeon. I used the opportunity to empower to empower my health remedies and took photos to Visualize them in the this Hospital settting.
9:04 AM March 13, 09 I was filled with positive emotion yesterday driving up to SCRIPPS ANDERSON OUTPATIENT PAVILLION for my appoinment with DR. WILLIAM BUGBEE, the world class surgeon who did my hip revisions in 2001. I was not aware how many years have gone by since I saw him last. ROGER JANKE spoke at the Pacific Symposium years ago about the shifts that were going on in hospitals. More to write.... I really like DR. WILLIAM BUGBEE. I am in gratitude for the work he did with me. He got me walking again without pain. He stood up for me as an advocate fo ...   read more

ANTHONY's ANGELS! NEW T.V. Show?   15 y  
ANTHONY ZOLEZZI, sustainability Expert and ECO-Advocate inspired KEEP The KEEP Media Star this morning. Our Plant Friend sees a possible new T.V. show on the PLANET GREEN NETWORK.
8:27 AM March 12, 09 KEEP the BEET Media Star, The World’s First Talking Beet Plant was all ears listening to ANNIE ZAHN, lead Ambassador for GREEN OPS at the NATURAL PRODUCT EXPO WEST March 6-9, 2009. Annie was telling KEEP the BEET about the new GREEN OPS Recapture and Reuse Recycling project. KEEP the BEET was giving Annie lots of new suggestions of how she sees GREEN OPS developing. GREEN OPS has its first history making collection sites at a number of WHOLE FOODS MARKET Los Angeles stores. L.A., the City of Angels as originally intended by thos ...   read more

Natural Product Expo West Galleries & Blogs   15 y  
Web Galleries and Plant Your Dream Blogs from the Natural Product Expo West '09
ANNIE KAHN, Lead ambassador GREEN OPS, the new recycling program launched at the highly successful NATURAL PRODUCT EXPO WEST March 6-9 spent time in conversation with KEEP the BEET Media Star, The World’s First Talking Beet Plant. KEEP the BEET was all ears listening to ANNIE about the new Recapture and Reuse project. KEEP the BEET was giving Annie lots of new suggestions of how she sees GREEN OPS developing. GREEN OPS has its first history making collection sites at a number of WHOLE FOODS MARKET Los Angeles stores. L.A., the City of Angels as originall ...   read more

Going to see Dr. Bugbee Tomorrow!   15 y  
Directions for appointment tomorrow with Dr. William Bugbee, please.
1:30 PM March 11, 09 Yikes! I need to rest more today. Heads Up, Goldman. How do I get to Scripps Torrey Pines tomorrow for my appointment with DR. WILLIAM BUGBE??? DIRECTION: 858.554.8612...Evone Fields... 10666 N. Torrey Pines Scripts clinic Anderson outpatient Pavilion... Genessee--left... up Hill.... n Torrey Pines straight up... on left .... first floor desk 1A   visit the page

Keep Your Fingers Crossed!!!!   15 y  
Gee, The EG Mobile was towed into this morning to MKE's FOREIGN AUTO by WESTERN TOWING. I would appreciate this only being about the accelerator.
1:27 PM March 11, 09 Great! The EG Mobile needed a new throttle--$102.00. I was stuck in accelerator mode at 60 PMH. The engine was not damaged. It was stuck in rev mode for a period of time. Grateful the engine is O.K. Learned some deep lessons. 10:40 AM March 10, 09 WHO AM I WRITING TO: I remember a day when I was so laid up on my back that I could not spread my legs apart more than 1/4 inch. DR. BERNARD JENSEN was giving one of his 11 AM Sunday talks in the barn at the old HIDDEN VALLEY HEALTH RANCH. I really wanted to go hear him speak, but by ...   read more

How I am Wired   15 y  
Many deep revelations this early morning, I am capturing some of the Glow.
2:58 AM March 11, 09 It is the early morning following my Annual Initiation into Spring. Each year, it is Winter for me when I journey to the Natural Product Expo West at the Anaheim Convention Center. When I come home, I am in my Spring. I am sure that this is the same initiation that many go there at the Natural Product Expo West, but they may not be conscious of this natural process. When I went up, the Orange Tree outside our Kitchen at the side of the driveway we share with Craig and Nuni and their two children was beginning to bloom. I cut two pieces ...   read more

Eating Pepperoni Primal Sticks   15 y  
Sara was helping JESSE HANSON at the Primal Spirit Foods booth. Sara and KEEP The BEET Media Star hooked up Saturday night at the Marriott.
WEB GALLERY SARA MATTHEWS & JESSE HANSON KEEP the BEET meets PRIMAL SPIRIT FOODS 11:33 AM March 13, 09 Just got off the phone with JESSE HANSON. I met Jesse at the NATURAL PRODUCT EXPO WEST. I was having a great time with SARA MATTHEWS. We were filming with my new camera that does Video. Then Jesse came by. Sara was working with Jesse at the PRIMAL SPIRIT FOODS booth. Jesse was excited to meet KEEP the BEET Media Star The World’s First Talking Beet Plant. Jesse is a gardener. He loves to grow things ...   read more

Heroes of Green --Closing Ceremony - 5:30 PM @ NPEW   15 y  
Gala HEROES OF GREEN Closing Ceremony highlight of 09 Natural Product Expo West. Meet about 90 minutes after Teardown-- around 5:30 PM, at the CGA Tree on the strip of Green where the Esteemed United Natural Foods (UNFI) Truck is now parked--near the White Tent by the Marriott. UNFI just delivered its first order of organic foods to the White House. We have much to celebrate!!!! Bring food to share and the Dreams you want to Root! Music by Paris Bingo and others. Inspiration from KEEP the BEET Media Star, The World's First Talking Beet Plant and Your Enchanted Gardener.
March 8, 09 9:49 AM KEEP the BEET Media Star The World’s First Talking Beet Plant invites you to attend the Unoffical-Official Closing Ceremony of the Powerful and Highly Prosperous Natural Product Expo West today March 8, 09 90 minutes after Teardown, approximately 5:30 PM, in front by the CGA TREE on the strip of Green near the White Tent. KEEP the BEET Media Star is asking each person who attends to come prepared to declare how they will be a HERO of GREEN in the next 12 months. Miss Beet is Rooting for us, she sez, so come prepared for evern greater ...   read more

Eco Station Photos--The Launch Begins   15 y  
GREEN OPS Launches new Recycling Campaign at Natural Product Expo West
WEB GALLERY of ALL GREEN OPS PHOTOS MARCH 6 from the NATURAL PRODUCT EXPO WEST LAUNCH: GREEN OPS and PERF GO GREEN MEET: WEB GALLERY: WHAT’s THE PROBLEM??????? THE PLASTIC SEA: ANTHONY ZOLEZZI and his team are coming up with Solutions: March 6, 09 The Launch of the new EC0-station begins at the Natural Product Expo West. Visit The Sampling Station in the Lobby near ...   read more

Sara Snow Booth 3681 2:30- 4:30 Sat March 7, 2009    15 y  
Sara Snow Booth 3681 2:30- 4:30 Sat March 7, 2009
Hi there, Sorry for the late announcement, but we wanted to let you know that Sara Snow, green living lifestyle expert and supporter of Blue Horizon Organic, will be at the Blue Horizon Organic Booth (# 3681) Saturday 2:30-4:30 to discuss the new skillet meals and BITES, and to introduce her new book “Sara Snow’s Fresh Living,” in case that’s a convenient time for you to stop by. Let me know if you plan to stop by the booth then or need any further info. Best, Carolyn   visit the page

Friday Photos at the Natural Product Expo West--Gallery Sponsors?   15 y  
Will upload photos from Friday at the Expo here. I would like to get a few sponsors for this web gallery to help cover the cost of my new camera and the room here at the Super8 Disneyland.
Uploaded Saturday 8:46 AM Saturday March 7, 09 I want to upload my photos here for Friday at the Natural Product Expo West. AMY SUMMER of PITCH INC wants high Resolution photos of ANTHONY ZOLEZZI. Fascinating PDF, highly professional: Some of her clients: Her Web site: Amy is a good model for a campaign for KEEP the BEET Media Star, The World’s First Talking Beet Plant. I had a pretty good day yest ...   read more

Hot Ticket Friday Night--Organic Center Fundraiser   15 y  
Sustainability Expert ANTHONY ZOLEZZI helps fine tune a video presentation by PRINCE CHARLES that will be shown at the ORGANIC Center FUNDRAIDER at the Marriott Friday eve. The event is a hot ticket, a not to be missed event at the '09 Natural Product Expo West.
Uploaded March 6, 09 7:24 AM ORGANIC CENTER PREPARATIONS MEETING, MARCH 6, 09: WEB GALLERY: WWB GALLERY of PHOTOS FROM THE ORGANIC CENTER EVENT: ANOTHY ZOLEZZI, Sustainability Expert and Eco-Entrepreneur master, helps fine tune the ORGANIC CENTER Program with SELEYN DESARUS. Program Director. Looking on in back is STEVE HOFFMAN, Executive Director. (R) MICHELLE P. GOOLSBY Board Chair, Former Executive Vice President Development, Sustai ...   read more

Organic Valley Organic Hero Shines at Fresh Ideas Tent   15 y  
JULIE MORGAN, Retail Promorion Manager for ORGANIC VALLEY Family of Farms won KEEP the BEET Media Star's blessings for the Organic Hero promo. The two ladies, Julie and Miss Beet connected at the Fresh Ideas Tent March 5 at the always popular Natural Product Expo West Opening Day event. and KEEP the BEET Media S
JULIE MORGAN, Retail Promotion Manager for ORGANIC VALLEY Family of Farms was KEEP the BEET Media Star’s Organic Hero of the Day. READ ABOUT the new ORGANIC VALLEY ORGANIC HERO here: Http:// The ”Chain of Organic Heroes” extends from the organic farmers who protect our health and heal our Earth to the organic citizens who partner with farmers and the supply chain through their food choices. As the saying goes, ”It takes a village...” - in this case it takes a supply chain of farmers, processors, distributors, retailers, Organic Ret ...   read more

Seed We Need Featured at Organic Benefit Luncheon   15 y  
Keynote Speaker at the ORGANIC FARMING RESEARCH FOUNDATION Organic Benefit Luncheon Friday March 5, 2009, was DAVE CHRISTENSEN of SEED WE NEED. Dave has worked for 36 years to breed Painted Mountain Corn. SEED WE NEED, his project, promotes corn improvement for people in Marginal Lands. The Organic Farming Research Foundation is at BOOTH # at this years Natural Product EXPO WEST '09.
PHOTOS FROM THE LUNCHEON MARCH 6: Uploaded March 6, 09 4:55 AM ”Thirty one years ago I started growing rare lines of cold hardy northern corn for my family’s grain in Montana. Modern corn wouldn’t mature in the mountains where I lived, so I had to work with heirloom Native corns. I learned that about 12 lines of Mandan Indian corn had been saved in the national seed bank, but those lines appear somewhat inbred. I began a search for corn still kept alive by Indian families and descendants ...   read more

Ineeka Teas and Bier Booth #2301   15 y  
KEEP the BEET Media Star, The World's First Talking Beet Plant named INEEKA TEAS, Booth 2301, one of her favorite New Products of the show at The FRESH IDEAS TENT. The teas are grown in the Himalayas and supports 25,000 people in families who live on the farm. Visit in the main hall at Booth # 2301.
”The End of the Rainbow is not only Gold it is Green.” --Quote of the Day from KEEP the BEET Media Star, The World’s First Talking Beet Plant HEART & SOUL at the NPEW-- INEEKA TEAS support more than 25,000 people on Family Farms in the Himalayas. The teas are Biodynamically Grown. Visit at BOOTH 2301. They brought out this new ”BIER” at NPEW ’09. Very High Vibe products and their website is a must see!!! March 6, 09 11:34 PM INEEKA TEAS and a new product they are making, a Bier, as they spelled it, impresse ...   read more

Fun in the Press Room   15 y  
Heading toward the computer, DR. HYLA CASS is having a meeting with her co-author KATHLEEN BARNES. Hyla has lovely energy. I know the book has good energy too.
3:20 Pm March 5, 09 Having fun in the press room. Everything flowing like Clockwork. Oh my God! It is 3:20 PM. I better get to the Fresh Ideas tent. I was headed toward the computer station here in the press room. HYLA CASS M.D. was sitting between me and the computer. She welcomed me with a lovely smile and endearing words. I took a picture and showed it to her. She leaned into me to see the picture. Very lovely female energy. Hyla is in a meeting with KATHLEEN BARNES who helped her with the new edition. The book is 8 WEEK TO VIBRANT HEALTH. ...   read more

Top Gun! Engage Feng Shui   15 y  
Engage, Goldman, Engage!
10:45 AM March 5, 09 [Tommorow Sarah Livia’s Birthday...] Oh my God! The last 30 minutes I have been aware of the clock! Do you remember the scene in TOP CUN when the fighter pilot is taking a spin and then suddenly he has to engage the enemy/goal, etc or crash and burn????? Wow! Wake Up, Goldman, Oh so that is how the Feng Shui fits in... This goes with that... Everything Coheres and fits together. All the worlds come together, Top to Bottom, in and out. Idea into form...then into the marketplace of the Natural Product Expo West. Things need to ...   read more

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A History of Peace on Earth from Leslie Goldman & his Higher Self Your Enchanted Gardener. Super Ripe Photos and Enchanted Garden Current Events. more...

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1650 Comments   Last comment 39 d ago

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Created: 19 y   Feb 20 2005


Comments (10 of 1650):
Re: Ann G Schieber… Miyak… 3 y
Re: "Leslie Speaks… YOURE… 3 y
Re: "Leslie Speaks… Chef-… 3 y
Re: My health pict… Chef-… 4 y
Re: Global astrolo… sadha… 5 y
Re: Adding Color t… YOURE… 6 y
Re: Getting Ready … Chef-… 6 y
Re: Hematuria jour… ren 6 y
Re: TTP Action - M… Chef-… 6 y
[video/audio] Re: … YOURE… 6 y
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Blogs by YourEnchantedGardener (8):
Recovered Blogs #2436-#2168  17 y  (74)
Heart's Desire  16 y  (33)
Season of the Essenes  17 y  (26)
Plant Parenthood Activity  15 y  (22)
Great Earth Cleanup!  17 y  (17)
Dr. Bernard Jensen- "Keepin…  12 y  (12)
Essene Healing Mysteries  15 y  (7)
Joe The Farmer's Comeback  17 y  (1)

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