Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener
Page 273 of 731

Spellbound, The Green Door, Hollywood April 2, 10:00 PM   15 y  
SPELLBOUND, at THE GREEN DOOR, 10:00 PM, April 2, in Hollywood.
4:19 AM March 31, 09 Up early with thoughts rolling around my head about what are the most important things I need to do with my time now. I want to invest a lot of energy in the house in the next six months. I am pleased with progress made in my career and on my blog. I would go up to see SARA A MATTHEWS and SPELLBOUND at the THE GREEN DOOR in HOLLYWOOD if I were closer to the Los Angeles Area. I am thnking that the closest sister KEEP The BEET Media Star, The World;s First Talking Beet Plant is livng in Orange County. I wonder if she could come up for this ...   read more

How Near Easter?   15 y  
My spirit lifted from sharing a healing moment with Chef Jem.
March 30, 09 2:38 PM Every year around this time, I get into the spirit of the Passover and Easter. It’s an Essene thing to do. I’ve been having a number dark nights of the soul lately. The latest was a series of nightmares last night, that started with being awakened around 1:15 AM when one of my 40ish Housmates here was taking a bath in the basement tub within ear range of my bedroom. It feels like I was up most of the night processing too many experiences from yesterday, some that were impactful. Chef Jem and I sat in the EG Mobile for about an hour after o ...   read more

Tumultuous Night of Nightmares and Sleeplessness   15 y  
Today: Work on Completes of Web Galleries for Feed the Children, OTA, and Venice... All the Same images of THE BEET. Promote the Gatherings we will have here....
8:13 AM March 30, 09 Update for flyer Spring: Tumultuous night of nightmares and processing of suppressed feelings. Ended on a High Note: Some kind of event so real, about the BEET. In the final dream about this event that we had put on, I questioned how well I did, and my world was in shambles. I was exhausted and felt my life is disarray, but in a distance, I heard a little child saying KEEP The BEET and I know I have fulfilled my intent and made new friends. Way, Way too much imput yesterday... and especially after moontime ...   read more

Alice Waters on 60 Minutes--Slow Foods   15 y  
ALICE WATERS on 60 Minutes. Here is the segment Slow Food, organic, local, is what she uses.
March 29, 09 8:25 PM PHIL NOBLE of Sage Mountain Farm was talking up this 60 minute show with ALICE WATERS. Here is the segment: Growing the Slow Food Movement is one of her passions. 85,000 showed up to the Slow Foods event last summer. If you missed Alice Waters on “60 Minutes” last night, you can still watch the piece here.   visit the page

Earth Fair San Diego Progress   15 y  
to do today....!!!!
8:36 AM March 29, 09 Made Progress with CAROLYN CHASE of the SAN DIEGO EARTH FAIR. We have an agreement. She will not eat her KEEP The BEET until after the SAN DIEGO EARTH FAIR, if that is her choice. I am going to deliver her a KEEP The BEET who is going to come visit and give blessing on the San Diego Earth Fair. I am going to make a trip over there. I am exploring having a booth today in the Food Court Prosperity Area. I will get my sponsors involved... ECOUSEABLE... PERF GO GREEN FM Allies...Beet Growers... City Farmers’ Nursery... to help wit ...   read more

Revelatory Dream+ Farmers Market this morning   15 y  
Things to do this morning. FM, call Chris... more...
7:56 AM Sunday March 29, 09 Lots to do today. I need to make a phone call to CHRIS KLEIN at the SAN DIEGO EARTH FAIR office. I went over there last night to pick up a couple bundles of the EARTH TIMES., the newspaper that gives information about the SAN DIEGO EARTH FAIR, April 19. I learned from Chris that there is going to be a porsperity garden in the food court area. This is my cup of tea. I would like to have a booth in that circle of San Diego organizations that are promoting the prosperity garden. I will put in some of my sponsors. I am not feeling in the loop wi ...   read more

Pro Peninsula--Adopt a Turtle Program--sparks my interest   15 y  
Connecting with Pro Peninsula and their outstanding work. They were the sponsors of the PAGAGONIA WILD & SCENIC ENVIRONMENTAL FILM FESTIVAL Thursday eve at the GASLAMP 15.
March 28, 09 9:55 AM At the PRO PENINSULA sponsored PATAGONIA WILD & SCENIC ENVIRONMENTAL FILM FESTIVAL, I met members of the Pro Peninsula staff and found out about their local projects. The project, Adopt a Sea Turtle hit home. I have been writing in recent weeks about Plastic Waste and its impact on sea life. FRANCES KINNEY, Education Coordinator and Administrative assistant was at the Pro Peninsula table. She was very enthusiastic about the PERF GO GREEN trash bags. Their Foundation 21.0 aims to take plastic waste and turn it into new biodegradable plastic ba ...   read more

Healing Broken Fabric of Community   15 y  
Saw the PATAGONIA WILD & SCENIC ENVIRONMENTAL FILM FESTIVAL Thursday night. JULES DERVAES and family were there showing their film HOMEGROWN REVOLUTION. I was moved by the bonds of family life they expressed in the film and among themselves. I am feeling a need for community this morning.
JULES DERVAES, KEEP The BEET Media Star, and me at the PRO PENINSULA PATAGONIA WILD & SCENIC ENVIORONMENAL FILM FESTIVAL March 26 in San Diego. I was deeply moved to meet Jules, the founder of PATH TO FREEDOM, THE ORIGINAL MODERN URBAN HOMESTEAD in Pasadena, Ca. The work he and his family are doing is crucial to the health of the earth and extremely inspired. March 28, 09 9 AM Today is my sister Vivian’s birthday. Happy Birthday Vivian, I am sorry I dd not call you yesterday. I know you do not pick up the phone today on your shabbath. Maybe I can call to ...   read more

Mansanto inspires local, organic farming???   15 y  
MONSANTO, the owner of most of the seeds in the world is now inspiring the greatest back to the land movement in the history of humanity. KEEP The BEET Media Star, The World's First Talking BEET Plant, humbly is grateful to be playing her role in reminding us all of THE SIMPLE JOYS OF GROWING OUR OWN FOOD.
3:46 PM March 27, 09 This Blog Needs more work, in process.... BIO, The International Biotechnology Convention, was held last June in San Diego. I was part of the Press Corps. I went looking for the Monsanto booth. It was listed in the program, but Monsanto had no booth, only a business card. At the booth was an Ag School from Saint Louis, and a new friend to be made. I introduced him to KEEP The BEET Media Star. We all made friends. I was surprised that one of the giveaways at the booth was some organically grown cilantro seed. 11:32 AM March 27, 200 ...   read more

Keep the Beet at Universal Green Eco-Fair????? Aprll 26, 09   15 y  
KEEP The BEET Media Star, The World's First Talking Beet Plant is asking me to explore having her make a celebrity appearance at the UNIVERSAL GREEN ECO-FAIR April 26. Her new ally in the ENCHANTED GARDEN CLUB JULES DERVIIES of PATHWAY TO FREEDOM will have an Exhibit there.
KEEP The BEET Media Star The World’s First Talking Beet Plant made a major new ally last night. JULES DERVAES of THE ORIGINAL MODERN URBAN HOMESTREAD PATH TO FREEDOM. The GO TO beet for Newbies enterng the world of The SIMPLE JOYS OF GROWING YOUR OWN FOOD, Youl KEEP The BEET is asking me to get in touch with JULES and family, his lovely daughters and son. KEEP The BEET Media Star wants to partner up with the Dervaes family and make a celebrity appearance at the upcoming UNIVERSAL GREEN ECO-FAIR April 26,09. KEEP The BEET feel in love with that location last De ...   read more

Most Expensive Items on the Planet   15 y  
Some morning thoughts inspired by looking at Tibesti, a site that features expensive things. Beets? How Valuable are they in the overall picture????
8:21 AM March 27, 09 I do not want to create a run on locally, grown organic beets, but I consider them one of the most Valuable Things to possess right now. Take a look at this great website TIbesti: This page features the most expensive items you can have, including a cradle made out of gold for a mere $7900.00. What can you do with an item like that? It would be good for giving your baby a sense of wealth I imagine. A silver one might be more practical. Sliver eminates the ability to kill off bac ...   read more

White House Organic Garden   15 y  
I wrote about the planting of the Organic Garden at the White House in this Plant Your Blog yesterday.
7:42 AM March 27, 09 I did a Plant Your Dream Blog yesterday about MICHELLE OBAMA helping to plant an organic garden at the White House. Check me on this, but I believe the garden was planted on the Spring Equinox of 2009, last Friday March 20. The story quotes CHARLIE NARDOZZI of the NATIONAL GARDENING ASSOCIATION. Charlie is listed as the author of THE ULTIMATE GARDENER, the new book out last week from HCI the CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL publisher. The Ultimate series is the followup to CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL. New books in that series are being publish ...   read more

Environment Festival tonight   15 y  
Patagonia’s Wild & Scenic Environmental Film Festival at San Diego’s Gaslamp Theater on March 26th from 6PM to 10PM. This is the largest environmental film festival in the nation, you don’t want to miss it!
Event details: Patagonia’s Wild & Scenic Environmental Film Festival at Description Benefiting Pro Peninsula ------------------------.Pro Peninsula is hosting Patagonia’s Wild & Scenic Environmental Film Festival at San Diego’s Gaslamp Theater on March 26th from 6PM to 10PM. This is the largest environmental film festival in the nation, you don’t want to miss it! The Wild & Scenic Environmental Film Festival exhibits educational as well as motivational films from everyday citizens involved in thrilling outdoor adventures, wildlife explorations and heroic accounts of community activi ...   read more

Organic Initiatives for All Things Organic June 16-18, 09   15 y  
These are the existing Organic Iniatives for the Upcoming ALL THINGS ORGANIC Conference and Expo put on the the ORGANIC TRADE ASSOCIATION. KEEP The BEET Media Star has some Inititives to recommend that include PERF GO GREEN Trash Bags, and the GREENOPS ECO Stations Redemption Program.
March 26, 09 1:45 PM KEEP The BEET Media Star The World’s First Talking Beet Plant has me looking at going to ALL THINGS ORGANIC, June 16-18, 2009 Environmental Initiatives We are committed to reducing our impact on the environment and are taking steps towards being the greenest and cleanest trade show in the industry. A sampling of our efforts include: Purchasing Green Certificates to make All Things Organic™ a carbon-neutral event for the past four years. Working with our trade sh ...   read more

Beet Photo? Which do you like????   15 y  
CHARLIE NARDOZZI to harvest White House Organic Garden! He is the editor of the THE ULTIMATE GARDENER, the Book that Features six Super Ripe Photos by Your Enchantted Gardener "With the right sunlight, scale, and attention, you can grow almost anything. But why not start with some surefire successes? Nardozzi says, “Some of the easiest things to grow include bush beans, summer squashes, leafy greens like Swiss chard and mescluns, and tomatoes.” --Charlie Nardozzi, THE ULTIMATE GARDNER, KEEP The BEET Media Star The World's First Talking Beet Plant sez Beets are one of the easiest to grow. They will grow in a pot for you with the right soil.
h2 1:29 PM March 26, 09 Looking at Veggie E-Cards from th NATIONAL GARDEN ASSOCIATION. Here is one from their e-Card list: 1:29 PM March 26, 09 Looking at Veggie E-Cards from th NATIONAL GARDEN ASSOCIATION. Here is one from their e-Card list:ℑ=149&album=5 This Super Ripe Image is available as one of the Enchanted Garden Intentional COmmunity Greetings Cards available in ’09 as part of our BEET KEEPERS, Return ’09! Project. You can order this Greeting Card on our Marketplace ...   read more

Rooting for the Organic Trade Association   15 y  
The ORGANIC TRADE ASSOCIATION (OTA) had a wonderful reception Friday night at the Recent Natural Product Expo West (NPEW) in early March. It was an evening when the members got together. KEEP The BEET spent time meeting some of the members and taking on various projects to help further Root.
”Organic Ideas are Green Ideas.” Green Ideas grow ’Organically’ by Nature’s intent” --KEEP The BEET Media Star The World’s First Talking Beet Plant 12:17 PM March 26, 09 Hooray! I get to write about one of KEEP The BEEt Media Star’s favorite organizations-- The Organic Trade Association (OTA) The World’s First Talking Beet Plant was a special guest at the recent OTA Reception at the NATURAL PRODUCT EXPO WEST (NPEW) March 5-8 at the ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER. Friday night, the second day of the NPEW KEEP The BEET Media Star had her very own honored table a ...   read more

Earth Fair Children's Parade--Are You Going to be in the Parade????   15 y  
Are you going to be in the Children's Parade at the Earth Fair, April 19, 09
I got a very brief email from CAROLYN CHASE, the director of the San Diego Earth Fair, Sunday, April 19. She wanted to know if I was going to be in the Children’s Parade????? HERE IS THE SIGNUP LINK: ABOUT BEING AN ENTRY: Well KEEP The BEET wants to be the assistant Marshall. I have requested this of CAROLYN In behalf of KEEP The BEET Media Star The FIrst Talking Beet Plant. I also offered Carolyn KEEP the BEET to come and live at her house. Guess what her reply was: ”BEETS at my hous ...   read more

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A History of Peace on Earth from Leslie Goldman & his Higher Self Your Enchanted Gardener. Super Ripe Photos and Enchanted Garden Current Events. more...

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1650 Comments   Last comment 39 d ago

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Created: 19 y   Feb 20 2005


Comments (10 of 1650):
Re: Ann G Schieber… Miyak… 3 y
Re: "Leslie Speaks… YOURE… 3 y
Re: "Leslie Speaks… Chef-… 3 y
Re: My health pict… Chef-… 4 y
Re: Global astrolo… sadha… 5 y
Re: Adding Color t… YOURE… 6 y
Re: Getting Ready … Chef-… 6 y
Re: Hematuria jour… ren 6 y
Re: TTP Action - M… Chef-… 6 y
[video/audio] Re: … YOURE… 6 y
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Recovered Blogs #2436-#2168  17 y  (74)
Heart's Desire  16 y  (33)
Season of the Essenes  17 y  (26)
Plant Parenthood Activity  15 y  (22)
Great Earth Cleanup!  17 y  (17)
Dr. Bernard Jensen- "Keepin…  12 y  (12)
Essene Healing Mysteries  15 y  (7)
Joe The Farmer's Comeback  17 y  (1)

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