Chef Jemichel ~ The Chef-Doctor
by chef jem
Page 4 of 25

India's Citizens Who Question GM Food Safety Could Be Jailed! Indian Food Sovereignty At High Risk!   14 y  
Article in "New Delhi" on a new law proposed by India's "Ministry of Science and Technology" that could jail Indian citizens who question the safety of any GM food!
”Once past the ’gag-me reflex’, this is actually a good sign. It means those promoting Frankenfoods have run out of credible comebacks to criticism of the science falsely-called ’genetic engineering’. They’ve fallen back to the tyrant’s tactic: outlawing dissent.” Gordon S Watson Justice Critic, Party of Citizens Govt Moots Jail For GM Food Critics Dinesh C Sharma New Delhi, February 19, 2010 ”An Indian citizen who questions the safety of any GM food or medicine could be put behind bars for a minimum period of six months under a new law proposed by the ministry.” ”The ...   read more

"A Gradual Degeneration Of Digestive And Excretory Functions" From Eating Microwaved Food!   14 y  
Quotes from five articles warning of the dangers of microwave ovens and especially consuming anything heated in them.
I have been warning people about the dangers of eating microwaved food for well over a decade. It especially astonishes me to see a microwave oven used in a household that is encouraging organic and natural sourced whole foods! The greatest ”contrast” is seeing organic foods microwaved! That makes absolutely no sense in my mind! I’ve put together some quotes from a few key articles and if it can help convince one individual to get rid of that death box then all of this will be well worth my efforts! ”Dr Hans Hertel, a food scientist, along with Dr Bernard Blanc, studied the effec ...   read more

The Present and Future States Of The Small Farm   14 y  
Chef Jem expresses his concerns regarding what appears to be an attack against small farms by the State.
Friends of mine attended a recent ecological farming conference and one of them reported on information shared at that event that may be of interest to anyone concerned about the immediate future of small farms. My friend says the State is (somehow) prohibiting farm apprenticeships and volunteers from working on the farms. I would like to talk with others who are most knowledgeable about this (and who are supporters of the ecological farming movement). Also - I am friends with a small organic farm that was fined about 10 days ago apparently for not participating in the State’s Worker ...   read more

Scientific Evidence For Biodynamic Food   14 y  
Article: "What's Special About Biodynamics".
April 14, 2017 - The ”science” in support of ”Biodynamic Food” also includes the spiritual science at the disposal of Rudolf Steiner who ”believed that the introduction of chemical farming was a major problem. He found that seeds had dramatically less vitality and that land that previously grew the same crops year after year now had to rotate crops in order to avoid problems. Plants which formerly gathered their own nutrients and minerals from the earth now had become dependent on the dead chemical fertilizers for their minerals and as people ate these weak plants they also lost their w ...   read more

Biotechnology Regulatory Authority of India (BRAI)   14 y  
An Appeal to endorse a Position Document on BRAI
From Dr. Shiv Chopra I am currently on a speaking tour in India hosted by SAGE which is the first NGO to object to BRAI. A huge number of other NGOs are joining hands with them to do the same. I too am strongly opposed to it. In fact, it is primarily the subject of my talks here. If accepted, Biotechnology Regulatory Authority of India (BRAI) will become the most offensive authority against the cultivation, trade and consumption of food and agricultural products of one’s choice. It will be unconstitutional and contrary to natural law or, if you like, the will of God. It will be si ...   read more

Wanted Alive: Models of Sustainable Agriculture!   14 y  
A couple articles on urban farming and sustainable food systems plus a paper on Cooperatives and CSAs
”All over the country, local folks are finding ways to tie together goals of community-building, education, economic development, health, and self-reliance through models of sustainable agriculture.” *** Update May 1, 2015 - Sorry it now appears that the above link is no longer connected to the article that had first appeared with it. Maybe I can add another one. In the meanwhile I am posting this comment regarding: ”What does Earth Day have to do with the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans?” Thank you for this post! I’m ...   read more

"Omnivorous Diet Doesn't Have To Be Incompatible With Valuing The Earth, Your Body and Your Sense of Moral Justice!   14 y  
The Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb Show with Jimmy Moore's fascinating interview with Vegetarian Myth: Food, Justice, and Sustainability author Lierre Keith.
”Former 20-Year Vegan Lierre Keith Now Advocates Omnivorism”: Also see my October 15th, ’09 blog:   visit the page

An Appeal To Oprah To Have Sally   14 y  
Chef Jem adds his support in a letter to Oprah requesting that she expand upon the topic of real food in her show and/or magazine.
This may get posed at Nourishing Our Children: Greetings Oprah! I’m certain that you’ll love having Sally on your show and I will tell the world about that program as soon as I know when it’s to be aired! In case you are undecided then you may like to know that: the good news she’ll share with you and all your viewers will go a very long way toward making a real difference for people! She and the Weston A. Price Foundation are on a mission to save our nourishing traditions that Dr. Pri ...   read more

Diet Identities   14 y  
Matthew Sablove's dis-identifies himself as a Vegetarian along his journey from California to Cambodia.
Although I was eating mostly vegetarian prior to meeting Sally Fallon in ’99 and ”Coming Home” to the Weston A. Price Foundation in 2000 I never called myself a ”Vegetarian”. I refused to identify myself with a particular diet. It may have been a deep knowing that my vegetarian leanings were temporary and that some day soon I would find my way back to healthy animal products. Matthew Sablove’s Blog post: ”Eat Everything” starts out: ”Over seven years I have experimented with many kinds of diet identities. Declaring vegetarian a year out of high school, I assumed a mostly vegan diet fo ...   read more

"Food Now Becomes True Medicine" Within German New Medicine Therapy   14 y  
Quote from Learning on the importance of a healthy diet in German New Medicine Therapy.
January 17, 2018 - How The “New Medicine” (AKA German New Medicine) Was Discovered as told by Ilsedora Laker ”Dr. Hamer’s position had been terminated and he worked furiously day and night to put all the pieces together. On his last weekend there, he came to the conclusion that when a patient survived their cancer, their associated conflict had been resolved. The patients who were unable to resolve their conflict died either because their cancer continued to grow or had progressed to another location. It was quite evident to him at that time that his colleagues could not embrace this ...   read more

Weston Price's "Activator X", Vitamin K2 & Dental Health +!   14 y  
"+" The Father of Wheatgrass! - Dental caries aka cavities can be healed!
October 23, 2020 - Toward True Dental Health - Although this Blog-writer continues to hold a truly nourishing, nutrient-dense traditional-based diet in the highest regards for dental health he also realizes the modern day environments in which most of us live in are not the same as the isolated environments of the traditional peoples that Dr. Price visited throughout his world ”tour” and therefore there may be times when some natural medicinals may be in order. The following is the start for this Blog’s introduction to some of the natural medicinals for dental health. Thyme Oil - ...   read more

State of Wisconsin Shuts Down One Of The Oldest Biodynamic Farms For "Distributing" Raw Milk!   14 y  
"In the last year the State of Wisconsin reinterpreted the laws that originally made these programs legal and now has begun to crack down on such programs in the state."
The following is an ”ACTION ALERT FROM THE BIODYNAMIC ASSOCIATION” The Zinniker Family Farm of Elkhorn, Wisconsin, was established in 1943 and is considered one the oldest biodynamic farms in the United States. The farm has played a key role in the biodynamic movement, hosting field days, workshops, and prep-making events that have introduced hundreds of thousands of farmers and consumers to biodynamic agriculture. This fall, Zinniker Farm was shut down by the State of Wisconsin for distributing raw milk through a cow-share program they had run since the mid-80s. Through the program fa ...   read more

Butter - A Truly Amazing Health Food & Real Food As Medicine   14 y  
Why Americans are consuming More Butter! Some articles in praise of real butter, Why Butter Is Better, Butter as Medicine, plus the most heavenly of all butters!
April 9, 2024 - Got Ghee? - A Very ”Healthy fat”! - ”Healthy fats and exclusion-zone size Abha Sharma, Gerald H Pollack Abstract ”A fourth phase of water, labeled exclusion-zone or ”EZ,” extends from hydrophilic surfaces. ... In cell systems, EZ water interfaces with membranes, macromolecules, and organelles, and its buildup appears to be vital for function. For years thought to build health, fats have gained a negative reputation over the last few decades.... now they have become more accepted. We tested several fats for their capacity to generate EZ water. Large EZs formed ...   read more

Free German New Medicine Presentations!   14 y  
Dr. Hamer's original scientific discoveries on video, "Understanding 'Genetic Diseases' in the context of German New Medicine" and the emotional impact of our interpretations.
September 18, 2017 - ”Our emotions are the result of our interpretations. Our interpretations are based on our life history in conjunction with survival mechanisms. For as long as the illness has a purpose, the body will express it. Identifying and solving the emotional trauma behind all illnesses is crucial and very important step within the healing process.”[1] *** January 17, 2010 - Part one (of 7) of a most excellent German New Medicine presentation by Caroline Markolin, Ph.D. who begins her talk at the very beginning of it all starting in 1979 with Dr. Hamer (who at the time ...   read more

Making Friends While Connecting In Business   14 y  
Chef Jem makes friendly connection with business owner Hani Ilaian.
January 17, 2020 - The High Cost of Business Inefficiency - ”More money is lost to businesses through inefficiency than any other way, and inefficiency is the result of over-complicating life.”[2] - *** January 11, 2010 - My friend Leslie Goldman had first introduced me to Hani Ilaian several months ago and very recently Leslie encouraged me to call Hani regarding the chicken feed that is used for the very delicious chickens that Hani sells in his MidEast Market in San Diego. I spoke with Hani a few days ago. Hani makes it very easy to develop a friendship relationship with h ...   read more

Aajonus Vonderplanitz & Weston A. Price - Salt In The Human Diet.   14 y  
Chef Jemichel begins his due diligence on the true status of salt in a healthy human diet.
The Primal Diet does not include salt. Aajonus regards it as a poison. The Weston A. Price Foundation recommends the use of Celtic Sea salt. This apparent conflict over salt has inspired me to search the scriptures, I mean the (”old testament”) book of: ”Nutrition and Physical Degeneration - A Comparison of Primitive and Modern Diets and Their Effects” By Weston A. Price In Chapter 3 - Isolated and modernized Swiss Price states: ”... Practically all the human requirements of the people in that valley, except a few items like sea salt, have been produced in the valley for centur ...   read more

"Restoring Nutrient-Dense Traditional Foods to the Human Diet Through Education"   14 y  
Chef Jem introduces himself at with an expression of gratitude for what his connection with the Weston A. Price Foundation has given him over the last 10 yrs. and for what is to come!
Posted at the ”Weston A. Price Foundation Members” at I have been a member pretty much since the very start of the foundation. Meeting Sally and visiting with her in the Autumn of 1999 was an absolute gift from the U-n-I-verse unlike I had ever known! In January that year I had left my home in Northern California in search of greater community. I had traveled by station wagon back to San Diego where I had lived several years earlier to reconnect with community developments there. I saw my first copy of Nourishing Traditions in San Diego. By Spring, I believe the U-n-I-verse ...   read more

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News, Notices, Conversations and other Communications Regarding all aspects of the Recovery of The People’s Food Sovereignty in America. more...

Last Activity: 8 mon ago
424 Messages   Last message 11 mon ago
110 Comments   Last comment 8 mon ago

viewed 3,264,180 times
Created: 16 y   Oct 06 2008


Comments (10 of 110):
Re: FDA Budget, Di… Chef-… 12 mon
Re: "Got Coconut O… Chef-… 2 y
Re: FDA & The Pent… Chef-… 4 y
Re: "Brain Tumor" … Chef-… 5 y
Re: Chef Jem Now T… Chef-… 5 y
Re: Got Coconut Oi… kermi… 5 y
Re: Cod Liver Oil … justg… 5 y
Re: Cod Liver Oil … justg… 5 y
Re: Research By: C… kermi… 6 y
Re: Heart Disease … Chef … 7 y
All Comments (110)

Blogs by chef jem (10):
Son of Truth of Self  5 mon  (728)
Raw Milk: The Whole Truth  11 mon  (310)
The ’Creme de la Creme’ by Ch…  3 mon  (104)
Cheeta: Cultivate Healing Env…  22 mon  (65)
My Enchanted Garden Onion  6 mon  (50)
Psyche & Health  24 mon  (43)
The U-n-I-Verse  4 y  (34)
The Whey, The Truth and The L…  5 y  (27)
Evolving Nutritional Awarenes…  7 y  (20)
Original Truth of Self  15 y  (19)

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